Home Philosophy Blog Music Bridge Chess Aeon Languages Websites Personal Family Coxes Farm Site-Search Page


The primary purpose of the site is to act as a jumping-off point for various philosophy papers I've written or intend to write, together with providing access to various databases I've been compiling. Follow the Philosophy link for these, but I'm bringing it all together into a Thesis on the topic of Personal Identity.

Most of the new stuff I'm writing is in the form of Notes - items of text of varying length hyperlinked together (and to the various books and academic papers in my possession) by cunning routines of my own devising.

I produce a Quarterly Status Report detailing my plans and activities on my various projects, together with an automated Interim Report that's regenerated almost daily that shows activities since the last quarterly report, and another automated report that shows my current plans.

Sadly, public activity in my music, bridge and chess projects was completely curtailed by the Coronavirus pandemic. However, our Enigma Ensemble is back up and running and Bridge has struggled back to near-normality. Chess, however, has yet fully to emerge from its cocoon, so I'm not playing.

From July 2007 - November 2013 I wrote what might pass for a Blog, though it seems to have been mostly dormant since then. Any such random cogitations are now mostly absorbed by my daily interaction with the Aeon eZine.

I spend quite a bit of time pootling around in a bunch of languages, not that I have any special skill in that department. Mostly using my phone while walking Henry the dog. Ukrainian is the latest, for obvious reasons. We've signed up, but I doubt it'll come to anything.

I've created, and / or look after, various websites other than this one. They come and go.

To show willing, I've provided brief "Family" and "Personal" pages.

I'm supposed to be working on my photos page as a background task; and in a sense I am, though the project has been monopolised by documenting the travails of my house Coxes Farm. I need to document the 'Phase 3' rebuilding work.

Otherwise, the Notes by category can be accessed via the following jump-table. Notes that have been added or changed recently can be found quickly by interrogating the jump-tables for changes in the last seven, fourteen or twenty-eight days. These pages also purport to show those Papers & Books I've read or remarked on during the corresponding periods, though the automatic selection-process seems to be selecting rather too many.

The photo on the right is of me, Julie and Henry in the walled garden of Holkham Hall in September 2021.


© Theo Todman; Sept 2000 - Now Site Map ... Alpha, ... Topic Amendment History This page last updated: 29th April 2022 Website updated: Usually daily