Time recorded reviewing the Aeon papers as a whole from 2019 onwards is recorded against this Paper.
Write-up1 (as at 17/08/2024 10:13:26): Aeon Papers
- The Aeon eZine, described in Aeon: About:-
- Covers a large number of philosophical topics that I’m particularly interested in from a semi-professional point of view.
- It also covers others that are of more general interest, for which I’ve read papers as they crop up but don’t really have much time to comment on.
- Finally, there are others – and particularly videos – which are not as relevant, and which I often ignore.
- In May 2020, Aeon launched a new platform Psyche, described in Psyche: About. I’ve just treated the Psyche videos and papers as for Aeon.
- This Note contains links to Aeon & Psyche papers and videos I've found interesting – or hope to find interesting – from 2019 onwards, together with a few others that I’d not had time to categorise in this Note2 that covers papers published during 2017-2018. It represents an attempt to gain benefit from Aeon without incurring the overheads previously exemplified in the Note just cited. I intend to combine the two Notes into one in due course.
- The items accessed now appear in two lists: those I’ve read, and those I’ve not. The latter list ought to be itself divided in two – those I intend to read and those I don’t. This is because the items arrive too rapidly to be read, at least while I’m in “catch-up” mode, as will always be the case. However, I’ve decided to simply prioritise the items, with the lower-priority items likely to remain languishing at the bottom.
- The priorities are fairly random, and subject to revision. I intend to restrict “priority 1” items to a maximum of 10, though this has a tendency to get out of hand
- Those I’ve read appear first, in reverse date of publication. I’ve tried to add a brief footnote for each.
- For the list of items I’ve not read, the items most recently published appear – within their respective priorities – at the top of the list when accessed. Some of these items were "reminders" sent out at weekends when new material doesn't appear, so can have much earlier publication dates than their sequence in the list might imply.
- The counts of the papers read – and unread by priority – appear in the table above, with hyperlinks to the lists.
- Note that where a date appears, this is the date published, not the date read. Any comments or additional information appear as a footnote, followed by clicking the date. Click on the paper title for the link to the full text on the Aeon website.
- I intend to add links to the PID Notes, where applicable, to which these works are relevant, and to their authors if they appear in my database. Also, if a paper turns out to be important enough for my research, I’ll incorporate it into my database so the hyperlinks to the topic of interest work better and I can add more information.
- The references to “WebRef= nnnn” signify the primary key for a couple of MS Access tables I use to generate this page.
- I have to add a note of warning to myself. These papers are – in most cases – especially in the case of those selected – fascinating and informative. But they also lead on to other papers cited that are likewise fascinating and informative, or important if I am to follow in detail or critique the arguments put forward. There is no end to this process, which may end up as a distraction from constructive work.
- A note on completeness: Prior to August 2023 I recorded – both in this Note and the earlier one cited above – almost everything of the slightest interest that turned up on Aeon or Psyche. Since then – in an effort to focus on my Thesis – I’ve been much more selective, and usually now only select papers or videos that can be classified as ‘Priority 1’. I may catch up later, but I doubt it. Those wanting a full list of papers or videos on Aeon or Psyche should browse or search the sites themselves.
- Some of the papers or videos are republications from other sites of interest. I list them here in the order they came to my attention:-
→ Closer to Truth
→ Neurophilosophy
→ Woit - Not Even Wrong
→ 3Blue1Brown
→ Institute of Arts and Ideas
→ Philosophy Overdose
→ Physics Reimagined
→ YouTube: Then & Now
→ The Royal Institution
→ FT - Five Books
→ Quanta Magazine
- Why is all this worth bothering with?
- Firstly, some items are relevant to my research or other projects and provide a more contemporary or less formal / more exploratory approach than I’ll find in academic papers or books.
- Secondly, there are items on a very wide range of subjects that might be treated in magazines or broadsheets, but which are dealt with in greater depth here.
- So, my intention is to use Aeon for general culture and education, and Newspapers for … news.
- Note: As of end June 2024, I’ve paused importing new Papers from Aeon. I expect to import the more important ones in due course but – in any case – I really need to focus my dog-walking time on reading papers more directly relevant to my Thesis. Currently, I’m just adding potentially ‘interesting items’ to the ‘Items Pending’ list.
Items Pending
Items ReadClick on the Date for further information and (possibly) a commentary, and on the Title for the full paper on Aeon.
- BBC - Dying together: Why a happily married couple decided to stop living: 29/06/20243
- Aeon: Glaser - Me versus myself: 28/06/20244
- Aeon: Gerits - The route to progress: 27/06/20245
- Aeon: Hedebrant & Herlitz - In more prosperous societies, are men and women more similar?: 25/06/20246
- Aeon: Alma - The problem of erring animals: 24/06/20247
- Aeon: Kelly & Westra - Moral progress is annoying: 21/06/20248
- Aeon: Kakkar & Brady - How a ‘dominance’ mindset encourages leaders to put others at risk: 20/06/20249
- Aeon: Krznaric - The disruption nexus: 20/06/202410
- Aeon: Zinn - You have multiple ‘social identities’ – here’s how to manage them: 19/06/202411
- Aeon: Desmond & Haslam - What is intelligent life?: 17/06/202412
- BBC - Ghosh - Are animals conscious?: 16/06/202413
- Aeon: del Campo - Eulogy for silence: 14/06/202414
- Aeon: Van Aken - Chaos and cause: 13/06/202415
- Aeon: Petersen - Do plants have minds?: 11/06/202416
- Aeon: Frick - Economics 101: 07/06/202417
- Aeon: Wheatley - There is nothing new about gender fluidity and nonconformity: 04/06/202418
- Aeon: Mithen - This is what a Neanderthal conversation would have sounded like: 03/06/202419
- Aeon: Luckhurst - Tomorrow people: 03/06/202420
- Aeon: Polk - Peregrinations of grief: 31/05/202421
- Aeon: O'Dwyer - Chastising little brother: 30/05/202422
- Aeon: Desmond - Dominion: 27/05/202423
- Aeon: Baggott - Quantum dialectics: 23/05/202424
- Aeon: Rank - What we gain by recognising the role of chance in life: 23/05/202425
- Aeon: Schütz - You are your body: here’s how to feel more at home in it: 22/05/202426
- Aeon: Huston - How babies’ and children’s temperament varies around the world: 21/05/202427
- Aeon: Pinsker - On Jewish revenge: 17/05/202428
- Aeon: Wallingford - Building embryos: 16/05/202429
- Aeon: Davis - Acid media: 10/05/202430
- Aeon: Dworkin - Last hours of an organ donor: 09/05/202431
- Aeon: Lähde - Decoupling: 07/05/202432
- Aeon: Love - You can want things you don’t like and like things you don’t want: 07/05/202433
- Aeon: Alkema & Boks - The shadows cast by childhood abuse and neglect are not the same: 06/05/202434
- Aeon: Wisher - Why make art in the dark?: 06/05/202435
- Aeon: Velasco & Loev - How ‘feelings about thinking’ help us navigate our world: 02/05/202436
- Aeon: Bhagabati - India and indigeneity: 02/05/202437
- Aeon: Frank - Alien life is no joke: 30/04/202438
- Aeon: Love - Is it better to live in ‘clock time’ or ‘event time’?: 30/04/202439
- Aeon: Kaye - Reimagining balance: 29/04/202440
- Aeon: Fisher - What would Thucydides say?: 26/04/202441
- Aeon: Video - Cracking chirality: The mystery of mirror molecules: 24/04/202442
- Robson - ‘Like a film in my mind’: hyperphantasia and the quest to understand vivid imaginations: 20/04/202443
- Lenharo - Do insects have an inner life? Animal consciousness needs a rethink: 19/04/202444
- Aeon: Video - Laura Mersini-Houghton - A quantum multiverse: 18/04/202445
- Aeon: Abdessamad - My elusive pain: 16/04/202446
- Aeon: Castro - How to make a map of smell: 12/04/202447
- Aeon: Loughlin - Conscientious unbelievers: 11/04/202448
- Aeon: Cheek - Many of us have the wrong idea about poverty and toughness: 11/04/202449
- Aeon: Lewis - Rather than fearing getting old, here’s how to embrace it: 10/04/202450
- Aeon: Ham - Censoring offensive language threatens our freedom to think: 08/04/202451
- Aeon: Mishra - The divided self: does where I live make me who I am?: 04/04/202452
- Aeon: Forbes - How to think about time: 27/03/202453
- Aeon: Yaden - William James was right about our strange inner experiences: 27/03/202454
- Aeon: Love - What is it like to remember all the faces you’ve ever seen?: 26/03/202455
- Aeon: Video - Powernapper’s Paradise: 25/03/202456
- Aeon: Woodward - Terrifying vistas of reality: 25/03/202457
- Aeon: Simoneau-Gilbert & Birch - The dangers of AI farming: 22/03/202458
- Aeon: Bellitto - The medieval notion that shows why even experts should be humble: 22/03/202459
- Aeon: Farris - A man beyond categories: 21/03/202460
- Aeon: Video - The bees that can learn like humans: 20/03/202461
- Aeon: Mumford - Legacy of the Scythians: 19/03/202462
- Aeon: McDonald - The magic of the mundane: 15/03/202463
- Aeon: Sartwell - What my mother’s sticky notes show about the nature of the self: 14/03/202464
- Aeon: Stavrinaki - Prehistory in the atomic age: 12/03/202465
- Aeon: Schneider - Who bears the risk?: 11/03/202466
- Aeon: Polansky - The battles over beginnings: 08/03/202467
- Aeon: Cohn-Gordon - Cathedrals of convention: 04/03/202468
- Aeon: Video - Adeus aos Livros: 01/03/202469
- Aeon: Costandi - Rethinking the homunculus: 01/03/202470
- Aeon: Dalal - Inventing Hindu supremacy: 27/02/202471
- Aeon: Waltner-Toews - Kinship: 23/02/202472
- Aeon: Love - Rubber hand illusions shed new light on our bodily sense of self: 22/02/202473
- Aeon: Reames - Ancient Greek antilogic is the craft of suspending judgment: 20/02/202474
- Aeon: Saul - Beyond dogwhistles – racists have a new rhetorical trick: 15/02/202475
- Aeon: Evans - There was no Jesus: 15/02/202476
- Aeon: Lazar - Frontier AI ethics: 13/02/202477
- Aeon: O'Dwyer - The cruelty of crypto: 06/02/202478
- Aeon: Love - Innovative three-year-olds expose the limits of AI chatbots: 05/02/202479
- Aeon: Temkin - The mythos of leadership: 01/02/202480
- Aeon: Reed - Why so many plagiarists are in denial about what they did wrong: 01/02/202481
- Aeon: Video - The gory history of barber-surgeons: 31/01/202482
- Aeon: Video - Plato: Gorgias: 29/01/202483
- Aeon: Banks - What awaits us?: 29/01/202484
- Aeon: Szegőfi - Beware climate populism: 25/01/202485
- Aeon: Worsnip - What is incoherence?: 23/01/202486
- Aeon: Prum - Artists of our own lives: 19/01/202487
- Aeon: Berry - An animal myself: 18/01/202488
- Aeon: Video - Go incredibly fast: 18/01/202489
- Aeon: McElvenny - Our language, our world: 15/01/202490
- Aeon: Blagrove - The reason we dream might be to bring us closer together: 11/01/202491
- Aeon: Titelbaum - How to think like a Bayesian: 10/01/202492
- Aeon: Olson - Capturing the cosmos: 08/01/202493
- Aeon: Englert - We’ll meet again: 02/01/202494
- Aeon: Orvell & Lebrón-Cruz - Essentialism is insidious – but it might also be helpful: 14/12/202395
- Aeon: Lupyan - What colour do you see?: 12/12/202396
- Aeon: Yu, Liao & Kruger - What does switching from paper to screens mean for how we read?: 11/12/202397
- Aeon: Guerrini - The rights of the dead: 07/12/202398
- Aeon: Egid - Forging philosophy: 05/12/202399
- Aeon: Knight - The two Chomskys: 04/12/2023100
- Aeon: Video - How AI learns to see without eyes: 29/11/2023101
- Aeon: Sepielli - Ethics has no foundation: 24/11/2023102
- Aeon: Video - Dying for beginners: 23/11/2023103
- Aeon: Love - How to embrace being a lark or an owl: 22/11/2023104
- Aeon: de Bres - Both one and yet distinct: 21/11/2023105
- Aeon: Goff - Purposeful universe: 16/11/2023106
- Aeon: Williamson - The patterns of reality: 14/11/2023107
- Aeon: Kipnis - The haunting of modern China: 10/11/2023108
- Aeon: Lyons - Whither Philosophy?: 02/11/2023109
- Aeon: Video - Why Henry VIII's codpiece is so monumental: 30/10/2023110
- Aeon: Love - Digging for answers in a cave filled with Neanderthal skeletons: 26/10/2023111
- Aeon: Haerle - If thinking is rational, what makes overthinking irrational?: 24/10/2023112
- Aeon: Ball - The final ethical frontier: 24/10/2023113
- Aeon: Video - Ancient demons with Irving Finkel: 23/10/2023114
- Aeon: Cleary - Déjà vu: 23/10/2023115
- Aeon: Callcut - Wrestling with relativism: 20/10/2023116
- Aeon: Huang - The exam that broke society: 19/10/2023117
- Aeon: Video - The room: 19/10/2023118
- Aeon: Bradak - Panspermia: 17/10/2023119
- Aeon: Merson - Recognise free will is an illusion and reap the emotional benefits: 12/10/2023120
- Aeon: Video - Under G-d: 12/10/2023121
- Aeon: Levy - How to drink less alcohol: 11/10/2023122
- Aeon: Doyle - Physician, invade thyself: 10/10/2023123
- Aeon: Ori - Adapting to the neurotypical world is not the same as conforming: 09/10/2023124
- Aeon: Green - Uncertain contact: 06/10/2023125
- Aeon: Video - Holy Cowboys: 04/10/2023126
- Aeon: King & Rudy - The ends of knowledge: 29/09/2023127
- Aeon: Video - What science tells us about the afterlife: 28/09/2023128
- Dennett - Five Favorite Books: 25/09/2023129
- Aeon: Video - The Physics of Music: 21/09/2023130
- Aeon: Video - Chinoiserie: 20/09/2023131
- Aeon: Love - When the human tendency to detect patterns goes too far: 19/09/2023132
- Aeon: Video - 73 cows: 15/09/2023133
- Aeon: Video - Math's famous map problem: the four colour theorem: 11/09/2023134
- Aeon: Aldhouse-Green - The secret life of Druids: 25/08/2023135
- Aeon: Gable - Efforts to expand the lifespan ignore what it’s like to get old: 24/08/2023136
- Aeon: Video - Kowloon Walled City: 23/08/2023137
- Aeon: Lähde - The polycrisis: 17/08/2023138
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:1 The Gladiators: 16/08/2023139
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:2 The Builder: 16/08/2023140
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:3 The Beastmaster: 16/08/2023141
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:4 The Gladiatrix: 16/08/2023142
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:5 The Martyr: 16/08/2023143
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:6 The Scientist: 16/08/2023144
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:7 The Commodus: 16/08/2023145
- BBC - Colosseum - 1:8 The Pagan: 16/08/2023146
- Aeon: Black - The dinosaurs didn’t rule: 14/08/2023147
- Aeon: Video - A journey to Viking Iceland with Kári Gíslason: 10/08/2023148
- Aeon: Video - Pupil Diversity: 09/08/2023149
- Aeon: Video - Changeling: 07/08/2023150
- Aeon: Mestyan - The Arab Kingdom: 07/08/2023151
- Aeon: Fernandes - The great libraries of Rome: 04/08/2023152
- Aeon: Video - Deirdre Barrett on dreams: 31/07/2023153
- Aeon: Love - How to connect with your future self: 26/07/2023154
- Aeon: Rampton - Miracles not magic: 20/07/2023155
- Aeon: Gray - It’s not only political conservatives who worry about moral purity: 13/07/2023156
- Aeon: Video - The return of the takhi: 13/07/2023157
- Aeon: Hassett - How to grow a human: 10/07/2023158
- Aeon: Alexander & Bunschoten - Crème de la crème: 07/07/2023159
- Aeon: Shapiro - Evolution without accidents: 06/07/2023160
- Aeon: Video - Takrar: 06/07/2023161
- Aeon: Video - Are we living in a quantum sandwich?: 05/07/2023162
- Aeon: Middleton - The horrors of Pompeii: 04/07/2023163
- Aeon: Video - 4124.GreyKey: 03/07/2023164
- Aeon: Price & Wharton - Untangling entanglement: 29/06/2023165
- Aeon: Evans - The myth of mirrored twins: 27/06/2023166
- Aeon: Jordan - Warfare as mercy and love: 23/06/2023167
- Aeon: Jarrett - Five ways to take control of your dreams: 20/06/2023168
- Aeon: Rao - Here’s to blue foods: 19/06/2023169
- Aeon: Video - Some Kind of Intimacy: 19/06/2023170
- Aeon: Andersen - All possible worlds: 15/06/2023171
- Aeon: Sheldon - The three reasons why it’s good for you to believe in free will: 15/06/2023172
- Aeon: Video - Could we have babies in space?: 14/06/2023173
- Aeon: Video - A journey at the dawn of photography: 12/06/2023174
- Aeon: Video - Gecko grip: 08/06/2023175
- Aeon: Huston - There’s a growing case for renaming ‘personality disorders’: 06/06/2023176
- Aeon: Video - The science of cuteness: 01/06/2023177
- Aeon: Salmon - A philosophy of secrets: 26/05/2023178
- Aeon: Video - Ancient wine drinking: 25/05/2023179
- Aeon: Video - Eliminative Materialism: 22/05/2023180
- Aeon: Hart - The myth of machine consciousness makes Narcissus of us all: 22/05/2023181
- Aeon: Walker & Cronin - Time is an object: 19/05/2023182
- Aeon: Sartwell - The post-linguistic turn: 16/05/2023183
- YouTube: The Sad Story of the Smartest Man Who Ever Lived: 13/05/2023184
- Aeon: Video - Our ark: 11/05/2023185
- Aeon: Mizrahi - Why not scientism?: 11/05/2023186
- Aeon: Video - Ndagukunda déjà (I Love You, Already): 08/05/2023187
- Aeon: Video - Shakespear's First Folio: 04/05/2023188
- Aeon: Srinivasan & Pearson - The free dogs of India: 04/05/2023189
- Aeon: Päs - All is One: 28/04/2023190
- Aeon: Video - Three ways to think about free will: 26/04/2023191
- Aeon: Video - Five graphs that changed the world: 20/04/2023192
- Aeon: Borkenhagen - Octopus time: 20/04/2023193
- Aeon: Noreña - Guide to a foreign past: 18/04/2023194
- Aeon: Platts-Mills - Animal, vegetable, mineral: 14/04/2023195
- Aeon: Vazard - Perplexed? Embrace it! Confusion is a symptom of learning: 12/04/2023196
- Aeon: Martinho-Truswell - How like the kiwi we are: 11/04/2023197
- Aeon: Video - The art of two-way art: 06/04/2023198
- Aeon: McGuigan - Meaning beyond definition: 03/04/2023199
- The Guardian: McGivney - ‘Bees are sentient’: inside the stunning brains of nature’s hardest workers: 02/04/2023200
- Aeon: Video - Carl Sagan on Eratosthenes: 30/03/2023201
- Aeon: Video - Everything is a remix: AI and image generation: 27/03/2023202
- Aeon: Malesic - Our big problem is not misinformation; it’s knowingness: 27/03/2023203
- Aeon: Broks - Are coincidences real?: 24/03/2023204
- Aeon: Cassen - Hidden in translation – Jewish resistance to Spanish empire: 21/03/2023205
- Aeon: Hoeg - Aphantasia can be a gift to philosophers and critics like me: 20/03/2023206
- Aeon: Barash - Stuck with the soul: 20/03/2023207
- Aeon: Saraceni - The problem with English: 16/03/2023208
- Aeon: Star - How the ancient philosophers imagined the end of the world: 15/03/2023209
- Aeon: Webb - Cosmic vision: 10/03/2023210
- Aeon: Pierce - Where went the wolf?: 09/03/2023211
- Aeon: Jabbari - After the mother tongues: 07/03/2023212
- Aeon: Machek - What’s a life worth living? For the ancients, it depends: 06/03/2023213
- Aeon: Video - How do we know what's real?: 02/03/2023214
- Aeon: Video - The Parthenon Marbles: 28/02/2023215
- Aeon: Misgar - Wielding death: 24/02/2023216
- Aeon: Andrews & Birch - What has feelings?: 23/02/2023217
- Aeon: Leong & Chee - How to nap: 22/02/2023218
- Aeon: Torres - The ethics of human extinction: 20/02/2023219
- Aeon: Lencz & Carmi - Selected before birth: 17/02/2023220
- Aeon: Video - How to outsmart the prisoner's dilemma: 16/02/2023221
- Aeon: Agadjanian - If racial identity can be fluid, who changes their race?: 14/02/2023222
- Aeon: Godfrey-Smith - If not vegan, then what?: 10/02/2023223
- Aeon: Video - A brief history of vampires: 09/02/2023224
- Aeon: Podany - What the tablets say: 09/02/2023225
- Aeon: Video - Man on the chair: 08/02/2023226
- Aeon: Video - The panspermia theory: 07/02/2023227
- Aeon: Video - My Dudus: 31/01/2023228
- Aeon: Grant - My blackness: 27/01/2023229
- Aeon: Video - Barry Loewer on causation: 24/01/2023230
- Aeon: Baggini - Goodbye Pixel: 24/01/2023231
- Aeon: Video - Ethical dilemma: whose life is more valuable?: 19/01/2023232
- Aeon: Mireault - Born that way: 17/01/2023233
- Aeon: Nicholson & Haywood - There’s no planet B: 16/01/2023234
- Aeon: Taiwo - It never existed: 13/01/2023235
- Aeon: Video - Connecting the human body to the outside world: 09/01/2023236
- Aeon: Raff - Finding the First Americans: 22/12/2022237
- Aeon: Terzian & Corbalán - Do you have a duty to tell people they’re wrong about carrots?: 21/12/2022238
- Aeon: Hershovitz - How to do philosophy with kids: 21/12/2022239
- Aeon: Simon - If animals are persons, should they bear criminal responsibility?: 21/12/2022240
- Aeon: Video - Creating a wormhole in a quantum computer: 19/12/2022241
- Aeon: Cain - The immortalists have got it wrong – here’s why we need death: 14/12/2022242
- Aeon: Wilkinson - The pharaoh’s trumpet: 08/12/2022243
- Aeon: Case - Where God dwelt: 02/12/2022244
- Aeon: Wyatt & Ulatowski - How to think about truth: 30/11/2022245
- Aeon: Video - The Rosetta stone and what it actually says: 29/11/2022246
- Aeon: Uzan - Moral mathematics: 28/11/2022247
- Aeon: Video - Why did Consciousness evolve: 28/11/2022248
- Aeon: Fernandes - Wanderlust of the ancients: 24/11/2022249
- Aeon: Liggins - This essay isn’t true: 17/11/2022250
- Aeon: Video - Ed Yong - The hidden world of animal senses: 15/11/2022251
- Aeon: Andrew - How to find great films to watch: 09/11/2022252
- Aeon: King - Human exceptionalism imposes horrible costs on other animals: 01/11/2022253
- Aeon: Video - The legacy of Sappho: 01/11/2022254
- Aeon: Video - Proportional verdicts: 25/10/2022255
- Aeon: Goldberg & Gavaler - A dinosaur is a story: 21/10/2022256
- Aeon: Video - Five years after the war: 18/10/2022257
- Aeon: Brakke - The imperative betrayal: 18/10/2022258
- Aeon: Video - A C Grayling: Why not nothing?: 13/10/2022259
- Aeon: Schneider - An unholy alliance: 13/10/2022260
- Aeon: Butterworth - A basic sense of numbers is shared by countless creatures: 12/10/2022261
- Aeon: Video - The Boltzmann brain paradox: 06/10/2022262
- Aeon: Humphrey - Seeing and somethingness: 03/10/2022263
- YouTube: Teleporters: The Death Machines You Don't Want: 02/10/2022264
- Aeon: Dugatkin - Fortune favours the shrewd: 30/09/2022265
- Aeon: Young - Time doesn’t flow like a river. So why do we feel swept along?: 21/09/2022266
- Aeon: Video - They: 19/09/2022267
- Aeon: Marino - Happy the person: 16/09/2022268
- YouTube: Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem: 08/09/2022269
- Aeon: Video - What was the first transit map?: 08/09/2022270
- Aeon: Curry - Why academia should embrace ‘Grandma’s metaphysics’: 08/09/2022271
- Aeon: Owen - What luck in war reveals about the role of chance in life: 07/09/2022272
- Aeon: Video - If you love this planet: 01/09/2022273
- Aeon: Video - Einstein's twin paradox: 30/08/2022274
- Aeon: Ball - What on earth is a xenobot?: 30/08/2022275
- Aeon: Lockhart - What sex-difference science misses about the messy reality of sex: 17/08/2022276
- Aeon: Lichtenberg - Abolish life sentences: 12/08/2022277
- Aeon: Gulliver - Semiotics of dogs: 04/08/2022278
- Aeon: Goff - Why religion without belief can still make perfect sense: 01/08/2022279
- Aeon: Video - Can we create the perfect farm?: 28/07/2022280
- Aeon: Video - The modern invention of white antique marble: 26/07/2022281
- Aeon: Video - Don't go tellin' your momma: 20/07/2022282
- Aeon: Padavic-Callaghan - Imaginary numbers are real: 14/07/2022283
- Aeon: Atran - The will to fight: 11/07/2022284
- Aeon: Neumeyer - The discontent of Russia: 05/07/2022285
- Aeon: Popkin - Our trip to Antioch: 01/07/2022286
- Aeon: Video - How do you know you're not dreaming?: 30/06/2022287
- Aeon: Torwali - The polyglots of Dardistan: 24/06/2022288
- Aeon: Quaglia - Connected-up-brains: 23/06/2022289
- Aeon: Video - What does dying really feel like?: 23/06/2022290
- Aeon: Salgarella - Cracking the Cretan code: 17/06/2022291
- Aeon: Gruber - Don’t be stoic: Roman Stoicism’s origins show its perniciousness: 15/06/2022292
- Aeon: Petersen - Can algorithms speak? And should their opinions be protected?: 07/06/2022293
- Aeon: Peña-Guzmán - The dreams of animals: 07/06/2022294
- Aeon: Video - The incredible life of Maria Sibylla Merian: 30/05/2022295
- Aeon: Video - Thalia Wheatley: social neuroscience: 26/05/2022296
- Aeon: Keil - How to revive your sense of wonder: 18/05/2022297
- Aeon: Schwenkler - What does it take for someone to become a ‘different person’?: 17/05/2022298
- Aeon: Video - Godel's Incompleteness Theorem: 16/05/2022299
- Aeon: Andersen - Quantum Wittgenstein: 12/05/2022300
- Aeon: Baggini - How to think about free will: 11/05/2022301
- Aeon: Video - The great silence: 11/05/2022302
- Aeon: Video - Bacon and God's wrath: 10/05/2022303
- Aeon: Sebo - Against human exceptionalism: 05/05/2022304
- Aeon: Video - What is movement: 03/05/2022305
- Aeon: Video - The AI historian: 02/05/2022306
- Aeon: Video - The spiritual exercises: 02/05/2022307
- Aeon: Video - Stray in Kars: 28/04/2022308
- Aeon: van der Lugt - Look on the dark side: 26/04/2022309
- Aeon: Video - Sister: 26/04/2022310
- Aeon: Greve - AI’s first philosopher: 21/04/2022311
- Aeon: Video - You've never been completely honest: 21/04/2022312
- Aeon: Video - The great malaise: 18/04/2022313
- Aeon: Video - Who decides what art means?: 14/04/2022314
- Aeon: Smyth - Nature does not care: 12/04/2022315
- Aeon: Video - Composite: 11/04/2022316
- Aeon: Video - Abductees: 06/04/2022317
- Aeon: Video - Tengri: 05/04/2022318
- Aeon: Video - Phenomena: magnetism: 31/03/2022319
- Aeon: Video - The Japanese sword as the soul of the samurai: 24/03/2022320
- Aeon: Video - The first Tuesday in November: 22/03/2022321
- Aeon: Video - A is for autism: 21/03/2022322
- Aeon: Kang - The problem with ‘han’ 한 恨: 18/03/2022323
- Aeon: Derbew - Blackness in antiquity: 17/03/2022324
- Aeon: Ribeiro - Ancestral dreams: 15/03/2022325
- Aeon: Video - How does a quantum computer work?: 14/03/2022326
- Aeon: Blankinship - Tales of two jackals: 11/03/2022327
- Aeon: Video - Virtual ancient Rome: walking from the Colosseum to the Forum: 10/03/2022328
- Aeon: Video - The Black cop: a victim, a villain and a hero: 07/03/2022329
- Aeon: Video - The infamous overpopulation bet: 03/03/2022330
- Aeon: Nathan - Knowing your true age requires more than a swab and calendar: 02/03/2022331
- Aeon: Doyle - Affirming transgender people’s identities is more than politeness: 01/03/2022332
- Aeon: Francione - We must not own animals: 01/03/2022333
- Aeon: Video - The many disguises of Australian walking sticks: 28/02/2022334
- Aeon: Video - The happiest guy in the world: 24/02/2022335
- Aeon: Video - The Bombay highway code: 21/02/2022336
- Aeon: Video - Bertrand's Paradox: 15/02/2022337
- Aeon: Video - Jeff Tollaksen - quantum mechanics experiments: 10/02/2022338
- Aeon: Tyldesley - Nefertiti’s bust: 08/02/2022339
- Aeon: Video - The chimney swift: 07/02/2022340
- Aeon: Falk - The philosopher’s zombie: 04/02/2022341
- Aeon: Video - Forever: 03/02/2022342
- Aeon: Video - The invention of trousers: 01/02/2022343
- YouTube: Why Teleportation Isn't Total Science Fiction: 28/01/2022344
- Aeon: Zangwill - Why you should eat meat: 24/01/2022345
- Aeon: Montas - Great books are still great: 21/01/2022346
- Aeon: Barash - Be they friend or foe, animals share our blood and our planet: 19/01/2022347
- Aeon: Kahn-Harris - The pleasure in not understanding a language can be awesome: 19/01/2022348
- Aeon: Video - Zen koans: 17/01/2022349
- Aeon: Jones - Becoming a centaur: 14/01/2022350
- Aeon: Video - Inka khipu: 13/01/2022351
- Aeon: Video - Unsafe passage: 11/01/2022352
- Aeon: Video - Powers of ten, updated: 04/01/2022353
- Aeon: Video - How to ride a pterosaur: 23/12/2021354
- Aeon: Video - Karl Friston: Embodied cognition: 16/12/2021355
- Aeon: Video - In a lion: 14/12/2021356
- Aeon: Video - Simulating star-destroying black holes: 13/12/2021357
- Aeon: Monti - A stable sense of self is rooted in the lungs, heart and gut: 06/12/2021358
- Aeon: Video - The power of diverse thinking: 06/12/2021359
- Aeon: Video - Vertigo AI: 29/11/2021360
- Aeon: Video - Planktonium: 23/11/2021361
- Aeon: Pigliucci - Musonius Rufus: Roman Stoic, and avant-garde feminist?: 17/11/2021362
- Aeon: Shakespeare - We are all frail: 16/11/2021363
- Aeon: Video - When Vikings lived in North America: 09/11/2021364
- Aeon: Video - Bug Farm: 02/11/2021365
- Aeon: Mallette - How 12th-century Genoese merchants invented the idea of risk: 02/11/2021366
- Aeon: Pierce - The posthuman dog: 01/11/2021367
- Aeon: Video - Street angel: 28/10/2021368
- Aeon: Video - The development of mindreading: 25/10/2021369
- Aeon: Video - Five Stories: 13/10/2021370
- Aeon: Video - The Rashomon effect: 11/10/2021371
- Aeon: Video - Moths in slow motion: 07/10/2021372
- Aeon: Video - The elephant's song: 04/10/2021373
- Aeon: Video - Fifty per cent: 28/09/2021374
- Aeon: Video - The impossible map: 27/09/2021375
- Aeon: Fleming - A theory of my own mind: 23/09/2021376
- Aeon: Gonzalez-Crussi - Shaggy and strong, or shorn and sharp? Hair’s evolving symbolism: 22/09/2021377
- Aeon: Video - Alison Gopnik: Cognition, care and spirituality: 20/09/2021378
- Aeon: Monso - What animals think of death: 14/09/2021379
- Aeon: Video - Serial parallels: 13/09/2021380
- Aeon: Video - The Standard Model: 09/09/2021381
- Aeon: Taylor - Jefferson’s university: 03/09/2021382
- Aeon: Agren - An idea with bite: 02/09/2021383
- Aeon: Video - Hisako Koyama, the woman who stared at the sun: 17/08/2021384
- Aeon: Video - Hacking enlightenment: 16/08/2021385
- Aeon: Video - When can you trust the statistics?: 12/08/2021386
- Aeon: Video - Between strangers: 11/08/2021387
- Aeon: Video - Kids game: 10/08/2021388
- Aeon: Video - Kabuki: The classic theatre of Japan: 09/08/2021389
- Aeon: Wirzbicki - Ralph Waldo Emerson would really hate your Twitter feed: 09/08/2021390
- Aeon: Golob - Why some of the smartest people can be so very stupid: 04/08/2021391
- Aeon: Middleton - Poseidon’s wrath: 02/08/2021392
- Aeon: Video - Cosmology in the dark: 29/07/2021393
- Aeon: Sebo & Schukraft - Don’t farm bugs: 27/07/2021394
- Aeon: Video - The great wave by Hokusai: 27/07/2021395
- Aeon: Video - Aerial sheep herding in Yokneam: 26/07/2021396
- Aeon: Video - Plato's Atlantis: 19/07/2021397
- Aeon: Video - Is life meaningless? And other absurd questions: 15/07/2021398
- Aeon: Tillson - Imagine you could insert knowledge into your mind: should you?: 14/07/2021399
- Aeon: Shushan - Near-death experiences have long inspired afterlife beliefs: 12/07/2021400
- Aeon: Video - Nero: the man behind the myth: 08/07/2021401
- Aeon: Video - Not the same river. Not the same man.: 07/07/2021402
- Aeon: Video - Rotifiers: charmingly bizarre and often ignored: 06/07/2021403
- Aeon: Reeves - Lies and honest mistakes: 05/07/2021404
- Aeon: Video - How an infinite hotel ran out of room: 01/07/2021405
- Aeon: Coffman - The Margaret Mead problem: 01/07/2021406
- Aeon: Video - By the river: 30/06/2021407
- Aeon: Video - Charting animal cognition: 28/06/2021408
- Aeon: Reiff - How important is white fear?: 28/06/2021409
- Aeon: Zadra - What dream characters reveal about the astonishing dreaming brain: 28/06/2021410
- Aeon: Mackay - The whitewashing of Rome: 25/06/2021411
- Aeon: Video - Organism: 22/06/2021412
- Aeon: Video - Out of mind: 21/06/2021413
- Aeon: Video - The Mozart effect: 17/06/2021414
- Aeon: Video - Sounds for Mazin: 16/06/2021415
- Aeon: Video - Thai country living: 15/06/2021416
- Aeon: Video - A brief history of the devil: 10/06/2021417
- Aeon: Video - Degrees of uncertaincy: 03/06/2021418
- Aeon: Video - The seeker: 02/06/2021419
- Aeon: Video - Hum chitra banate hai (We make images): 26/05/2021420
- Aeon: Video - The undying hydra: 25/05/2021421
- Aeon: Video - Lee Smolin: space and time: 23/05/2021422
- Aeon: Video - The lion man: 20/05/2021423
- Aeon: Video - Why do we, like, hesitate when we, um, speak?: 10/05/2021424
- Aeon: Video - Phrenology: the weirdest pseudoscience of them all?: 06/05/2021425
- Aeon: Video - Samurai rules for peace and war: 04/05/2021426
- Aeon: Video - Colette: 03/05/2021427
- Aeon: Video - Light and microscopy: 29/04/2021428
- Aeon: Grubbs - If you think you’ve got a porn addiction, you probably haven’t: 28/04/2021429
- Aeon: Video - This is Bate Bola: 28/04/2021430
- Aeon: Video - The secret language of trees: 20/04/2021431
- Aeon: Dermendzhiyska - The misinformation virus: 16/04/2021432
- Aeon: Scheidel - The road from Rome: 15/04/2021433
- Aeon: Video - Should computers run the world?: 07/04/2021434
- Aeon: Challenger - The joy of being animal: 06/04/2021435
- Aeon: Zeman - When the mind is dark, making art is a thrilling way to see: 06/04/2021436
- Aeon: Green - After slavery: 30/03/2021437
- Aeon: Ferreira - The cosmic chasm: 26/03/2021438
- Aeon: Video - Rooms: 25/03/2021439
- Aeon: Video - Via dolorosa: 24/03/2021440
- Aeon: Video - Michael Rakowitz: haunting the West: 23/03/2021441
- Aeon: Video - Unfold the maths of origami: 22/03/2021442
- Aeon: Jaekl - Am I my connectome?: 19/03/2021443
- Aeon: Moynihan - Thanks for all the fish: 18/03/2021444
- Aeon: Video - The lost sound: 18/03/2021445
- Aeon: Herbert - A window into 18th-century Queer London, tender yet defiant: 17/03/2021 (Amanda E. Herbert) (WebRef=10489, Unread, Priority=0)
- Aeon: Video - The death of Julius Caesar: 15/03/2021446
- Aeon: Gallagher - How to learn a language (and stick at it): 10/03/2021447
- Aeon: Levy - Final thoughts: 08/03/2021448
- Aeon: Video - A brief history of melancholy: 04/03/2021449
- Aeon: Video - The Sutton Hoo helmet: 02/03/2021450
- Aeon: Godfrey-Smith - Philosophers and other animals: 25/02/2021451
- Aeon: Video - Sabine Hossenfelder: Searching for beauty in mathematics: 25/02/2021452
- Aeon: Video - A small antelope horn: 23/02/2021453
- Aeon: Video - How Big Tech betrayed us: 18/02/2021454
- Aeon: Video - Kachalka: 17/02/2021455
- Aeon: West - Pause. Reflect. Think: 11/02/2021456
- Aeon: Puchner - How a secret European language ‘made a rabbit’ and survived: 10/02/2021457
- Aeon: Sunar - I have no mind’s eye - let me try to describe it for you: 10/02/2021458
- Aeon: Video - Who decides how long a second is?: 08/02/2021459
- Aeon: Video - Nyctophobia: 02/02/2021460
- Aeon: Video - Quantum fluctuations: 01/02/2021461
- Aeon: Tasioulas - All in one: 29/01/2021462
- Aeon: Wright - How to be a genius: 26/01/2021463
- Aeon: Freamon - Gulf slave society: 22/01/2021464
- Aeon: Video - The wolf dividing Norway: 21/01/2021465
- Aeon: Frevert - The history of humiliation points to the future of human dignity: 20/01/2021466
- Aeon: Video - The evolution of cynicism: 19/01/2021467
- Aeon: Video - Kidnapper ants: 14/01/2021468
- Aeon: Sykes - Sheanderthal: 12/01/2021469
- Aeon: Video - Fukuzawa Yukichi in Europe: 05/01/2021470
- Aeon: Video - In dog years: 24/12/2020471
- Aeon: Romeo & Tewksbury - Plato in Sicily: 21/12/2020472
- Aeon: Video - My name is Anik: 14/12/2020473
- Aeon: Limburg - Am I disabled?: 10/12/2020474
- Aeon: Video - Why are we so attached to our things?: 07/12/2020475
- Aeon: Video - The sound of gravity: 03/12/2020476
- Aeon: Video - Daily life in Egypt: ancient and modern: 01/12/2020477
- Aeon: Video - Don't think twice: 26/11/2020478
- Aeon: Klein - The rise of the bystander as a complicit historical actor: 11/11/2020479
- Aeon: Muecke - What Aboriginal people know about the pathways of knowledge: 11/11/2020480
- Aeon: Video - The five-minute museum: 09/11/2020481
- Aeon: Video - Roger Penrose: Why did the universe begin?: 05/11/2020482
- Aeon: Video - Palenque: 04/11/2020483
- Aeon: Video - Visitors: 29/10/2020484
- Aeon: Simpson - When is it ethical to vote for ‘the lesser of two evils’?: 28/10/2020485
- Aeon: Video - De artificiali perspectiva, or anamorphosis: 27/10/2020486
- Aeon: Watts - Fiddling while Rome converts: 27/10/2020487
- Aeon: Video - The greatest Briton?: 22/10/2020488
- Aeon: Levin & Dennett - Cognition all the way down: 13/10/2020489
- Aeon: Ogden - Being eaten: 08/10/2020490
- Aeon: Video - Newton's three-body problem: 29/09/2020491
- Aeon: Nadler - When to break a rule: 29/09/2020492
- Aeon: Hansen - Vikings in America: 22/09/2020493
- Aeon: Dahl - Young children use reason, not gut feelings, to decide moral issues: 16/09/2020494
- Aeon: Video - Is our attention for sale?: 15/09/2020495
- Aeon: Elliot - Origin story: 08/09/2020496
- Aeon: Hazrat - A history of punctuation: 03/09/2020497
- Aeon: Video - Mary's Room: 03/09/2020498
- Aeon: Flack & Mitchell - Uncertain times: 21/08/2020499
- Aeon: Dresser - How to not fear your death: 19/08/2020500
- Aeon: Woolard - Philosophy can explain what kind of achievement it is to give birth: 18/08/2020501
- Aeon: Video - The Fayum portraits: 17/08/2020502
- Aeon: Duckworth - Catastrophes and calms: 13/08/2020503
- Aeon: Copeland - DNA testing is easy. It can also turn your family upside down: 12/08/2020504
- Aeon: McMaster - What rude jibes about Caesar tell us about sex in ancient Rome: 12/08/2020505
- Aeon: Weidman - Do humans really have a killer instinct or is that just manly fancy?: 11/08/2020506
- Aeon: Video - Susan Greenfield on neuronal assemblies: 11/08/2020507
- Aeon: Townsend - How Aztecs told history: 10/08/2020508
- Aeon: Video - Plato's alegory of the cave: 10/08/2020509
- Aeon: Little & Backus - Confidence tricks: 07/08/2020510
- Aeon: Press - Mummies among us: 06/08/2020511
- Aeon: Video - Solos: 06/08/2020512
- Aeon: Edison - True musical virtuosos are minimalists who put roll before rock: 05/08/2020513
- Aeon: Video - The meaning of a monument: 04/08/2020514
- Aeon: Dingemanse - The space between our heads: 04/08/2020515
- Aeon: Video - Oppy: The life of a rover: 03/08/2020516
- Aeon: Stonebridge - The plague novel you need to read is by Bachmann, not Camus: 03/08/2020517
- Aeon: Mack - Big space: 31/07/2020518
- Aeon: Video - All inclusive: 30/07/2020519
- Aeon: Jarrett - How to read more books: 29/07/2020520
- Aeon: MacLeod - In an unstable economy, I found freedom and security in sex work: 29/07/2020521
- Aeon: Herz - Introverts are excluded unfairly in an extraverts’ world: 29/07/2020522
- Aeon: Fine - Sexual dinosaurs: 28/07/2020523
- Aeon: Video - Time-based currency by Robert Owen: 28/07/2020524
- Aeon: Video - In the wake: 27/07/2020525
- Aeon: Zucca - Much ado about uncertainty: how Shakespeare navigates doubt: 27/07/2020526
- Aeon: Cooperrider - Hand to mouth: 24/07/2020527
- Aeon: Ghosh - Counting China: 23/07/2020528
- Aeon: Temkin - How to interpret historical analogies: 22/07/2020529
- Aeon: Platts-Mills - On Matthew’s mind: 17/07/2020530
- Aeon: Owen - The inward gaze: 16/07/2020531
- Aeon: Davis - Let’s avoid talk of ‘chemical imbalance’: it’s people in distress: 14/07/2020532
- Aeon: Daut - The king of Haiti’s dream: 14/07/2020533
- Aeon: Davies - Here be black holes: 13/07/2020534
- Aeon: De Cruz - The necessity of awe: 10/07/2020535
- Aeon: Kim - From vice to crime: 09/07/2020536
- Aeon: Video - Peter and Ben: 09/07/2020537
- Aeon: Hughes - How to choose a bottle of wine: 08/07/2020538
- Aeon: Summers - Why won’t the sin wash away? When thinking ethically goes awry: 08/07/2020539
- Aeon: Video - The paradox of the ravens: 06/07/2020540
- Aeon: Black - Unboxing mental health: 06/07/2020541
- Aeon: Woodruff - The face of the fish: 03/07/2020542
- Aeon: Kachru - Ashoka’s moral empire: 02/07/2020543
- Aeon: Video - How we build perception from the inside out: 30/06/2020544
- Aeon: Orent - Stealth infections: 30/06/2020545
- Aeon: Agostini & Thrope - This is not the end. Apocalyptic comfort from ancient Iran: 30/06/2020546
- Aeon: Video - Making music from brainwaves and heartbeats: 26/06/2020547
- Aeon: Skibba - Does dark matter exist?: 25/06/2020548
- Aeon: Frankish - Our greatest invention was the invention of invention itself: 24/06/2020549
- Aeon: Dresser - Peak ellipsis: 23/06/2020550
- Aeon: Video - The fist of modernity: 23/06/2020551
- Aeon: Vince - Ancient yet cosmopolitan: 18/06/2020552
- Aeon: Bowles - Learning Nahuatl, the flower song, and the poetics of life: 16/06/2020553
- Aeon: Video - The secret history of the Moon: 16/06/2020554
- Aeon: Sha - Neuroscience has much to learn from Hume’s philosophy of emotions: 15/06/2020555
- Aeon: Studebaker - The ungoverned globe: 15/06/2020556
- Aeon: Dyzenhaus - Lawyer for the strongman: 12/06/2020557
- Aeon: Melechi - Beware of lateral thinking: 11/06/2020558
- Aeon: Foulkes - Ever taken pleasure in another’s pain? That’s ‘everyday sadism’: 10/06/2020559
- Aeon: Apperly - Gentileschi. Let us not allow sexual violence to define the artist: 10/06/2020560
- Aeon: Happe - Autistic people shouldn’t have to use ‘camouflage’ to fit in: 09/06/2020561
- Aeon: Ellis - From chaos to free will: 09/06/2020562
- Aeon: Vinocour - Criminally insane: 08/06/2020563
- Aeon: Horn - The history of the incubator makes a sideshow of mothering: 03/06/2020564
- Aeon: Hui - In praise of aphorisms: 01/06/2020565
- Aeon: Williams - The fight for ‘Anglo-Saxon’: 29/05/2020566
- Aeon: Wilson - The trolley problem problem: 28/05/2020567
- Aeon: Rees - The good scientist: 26/05/2020568
- Aeon: Russell - Vice dressed as virtue: 22/05/2020569
- Aeon: Nuttall - On gibberish: 21/05/2020570
- Aeon: Liu - Tea and capitalism: 19/05/2020571
- Aeon: Leppin - As the Ancient Greeks knew, frankness is an essential virtue: 18/05/2020572
- Aeon: Eden - Cigarette! Exquisite fiend, ephemeral friend, how I miss you: 18/05/2020573
- Aeon: Frohlich - Frames of consciousness: 18/05/2020574
- Aeon: Stinson - Algorithms associating appearance and criminality have a dark past: 15/05/2020575
- Aeon: Stegenga - Gentle medicine could radically transform medical practice: 13/05/2020576
- Aeon: Rees - Are there laws of history?: 12/05/2020577
- Aeon: Video - Detachment, objectivity, imagination: a critique: 08/05/2020578
- Aeon: Ferracioli - For a child, being carefree is intrinsic to a well-lived life: 08/05/2020579
- Aeon: Manion - Female husbands: 07/05/2020580
- Aeon: Ward - Sooner or later we all face death. Will a sense of meaning help us?: 06/05/2020581
- Aeon: Baggott - How science fails: 05/05/2020582
- Aeon: Video - Leonard Susskind - Why do we search for symmetry?: 01/05/2020583
- Aeon: Ellis - Philosophy cannot resolve the question ‘How should we live?’: 01/05/2020584
- Aeon: Video - Three ways to smell cancer: 29/04/2020585
- Aeon: Martinho-Truswell - We need highly formal rituals in order to make life more democratic: 29/04/2020586
- Aeon: Camporesi - It didn’t have to be this way: 27/04/2020587
- Aeon: Lopez-Cantero - Your love story is a narrative that gets written in tandem: 27/04/2020588
- Aeon: Video - Do I see what you see?: 22/04/2020589
- Aeon: Schoenfield - Why do you believe what you do? Run some diagnostics on it: 22/04/2020590
- Aeon: Krakauer - At the limits of thought: 20/04/2020591
- Aeon: Schechter - What we can learn about respect and identity from ‘plurals’: 20/04/2020592
- Aeon: Video - Test subjects: 17/04/2020593
- Aeon: Broks - Unholy anorexia: 16/04/2020594
- Aeon: Jones & Paris - How dystopian narratives can incite real-world radicalism: 15/04/2020595
- Aeon: Heneghan - Is there a limit to optimism when it comes to climate change?: 13/04/2020596
- Aeon: Levy-Eichel - I was homeschooled for eight years: here’s what I recommend: 10/04/2020597
- Aeon: Video - Ball - Understanding quantum entanglement: 10/04/2020598
- Aeon: Contera - Engines of life: 09/04/2020599
- Aeon: Nguyen - Time alone (chosen or not) can be a chance to hit the reset button: 08/04/2020600
- Aeon: Wellmon - The scholar’s vocation: 07/04/2020601
- Aeon: Bond - We are wayfinders: 06/04/2020602
- Aeon: Gordin - Identifying Einstein: 02/04/2020603
- Aeon: Video - 9at38: 01/04/2020604
- Aeon: Isaacs - Chemobrain is real. Here’s what to expect after cancer treatment: 01/04/2020605
- Aeon: Barwich - It’s hard to fool a nose: 30/03/2020606
- Aeon: Wojtowicz - If all our actions are shaped by luck, are we still agents?: 25/03/2020607
- Aeon: Video - Soft awareness: 25/03/2020608
- Aeon: Harlitz-Kern - To see the antisemitism of medieval bestiaries, look for the owl: 24/03/2020609
- Aeon: Parks & Manzotti - You are the world: 23/03/2020610
- Aeon: Video - Do you have imposter syndrome: 20/03/2020611
- Aeon: Ho - No patient is an island: 19/03/2020612
- Aeon: Dubal - Against humanity: 18/03/2020613
- Aeon: Mishra - Talent, you’re born with. Creativity, you can grow yourself: 18/03/2020614
- Aeon: Video - The solar do-nothing machine: 18/03/2020615
- Aeon: Rolston - Don’t take life so seriously: Montaigne’s lessons on the inner life: 17/03/2020616
- Imperial - Impact of NPIs to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand: 17/03/2020617
- Aeon: David - Patient, know thyself: how insight helps to treat psychosis: 16/03/2020618
- Aeon: Video - The researcher's article: 13/03/2020619
- Aeon: Hanna - Whose limb is it anyway? On the ethics of body-part disposal: 13/03/2020620
- Aeon: Hochman - Is ‘race’ modern?: 12/03/2020621
- Aeon: Mauch - Slow hope: 11/03/2020622
- Aeon: Cottingham - What is the soul if not a better version of ourselves?: 11/03/2020623
- Aeon: Jaarsma - Choose your own birth: 10/03/2020624
- Aeon: Gutmann - Testosterone is widely, and sometimes wildly, misunderstood: 10/03/2020625
- Aeon: Wu - Hypocognition is a censorship tool that mutes what we can feel: 09/03/2020626
- Aeon: Vandergheynst & Vonèche Cardia - Why lifelong learning is the international passport to success: 06/03/2020627
- Aeon: Morus - Supermensch: 05/03/2020628
- Aeon: Frances - The lure of ‘cool’ brain research is stifling psychotherapy: 04/03/2020629
- Aeon: Dashan - It is not you, but existence itself, that is fundamentally unsound: 02/03/2020630
- Aeon: Andrews & Monso - Rats are us: 02/03/2020631
- Aeon: Video - What is déjà vu?: 02/03/2020632
- Aeon: Video - Walk: 28/02/2020633
- Aeon: Video - Musical traumas: 27/02/2020634
- Aeon: Gertz - Nihilism: 27/02/2020635
- Aeon: Wayland-Smith - This ragged claw: 26/02/2020636
- Aeon: Robinson - Would you rather have a fish or know how to fish?: 26/02/2020637
- Aeon: Asma - Ancient animistic beliefs live on in our intimacy with tech: 25/02/2020638
- Aeon: Video - Chunyun: 25/02/2020639
- Aeon: Longworth - The ethics of speech acts: 25/02/2020640
- Aeon: Heneghan - A place of silence: 24/02/2020641
- Aeon: Video - A Jew walks into a bar: 21/02/2020642
- Aeon: Tracy - Find something morally sickening? Take a ginger pill: 21/02/2020643
- Aeon: Evans - Perennial philosophy: 19/02/2020644
- Aeon: Green - A psychiatric diagnosis can be more than an unkind ‘label’: 18/02/2020645
- Aeon: Greenberg - This mortal coil: 12/02/2020646
- Aeon: Video - The hairy Nobel: 10/02/2020647
- Aeon: Kaufman - Neither person nor cadaver: 06/02/2020648
- Aeon: Video - The viral origins of the placenta: 04/02/2020649
- Aeon: Madison - Investigating Homo floresiensis and the myth of the ebu gogo: 03/02/2020650
- Aeon: Klein - The politics of logic: 03/02/2020651
- Aeon: Video - Norman, norman: 31/01/2020652
- Aeon: Video - The mushroom hunters: 30/01/2020653
- Aeon: Maskivker - Given how little effect you can have, is it rational to vote?: 29/01/2020654
- Aeon: Trivellato - The rumour about the Jews: 28/01/2020655
- Aeon: Thomas - Before, now, and next: 23/01/2020656
- Aeon: Green - Africa, in its fullness: 16/01/2020657
- Aeon: Sebo - All we owe to animals: 15/01/2020658
- Aeon: Paik - Robogamis are the real heirs of terminators and transformers: 10/01/2020659
- Aeon: Video - Wolf pack: 09/01/2020660
- Aeon: Lenz - The adversarial culture in philosophy does not serve the truth: 08/01/2020661
- Aeon: Sommer - Reasons not to scoff at ghosts, visions and near-death experiences: 06/01/2020662
- Aeon: Video - Spinoza's 'Ethics' - what do you mean by 'God': 20/12/2019663
- Aeon: Isaac - Is artificial-womb technology a tool for women’s liberation?: 18/12/2019664
- Aeon: Video - Polyphonic Mozart: 17/12/2019665
- Aeon: Pigliucci - Consciousness is real: 16/12/2019666
- Aeon: Gross - How pottering about in the garden creates a time warp: 13/12/2019667
- Aeon: Lane - Rules or citizens?: 12/12/2019668
- Aeon: Lyons - Philosopher of the human: 10/12/2019669
- Aeon: Video - Mary Beard: women and power: 09/12/2019670
- Aeon: Egan - Is there anything especially expert about being a philosopher?: 06/12/2019671
- Aeon: Video - Julian Barbour: what is time?: 06/12/2019672
- Aeon: Video - The driver is red: 05/12/2019673
- Aeon: Labaree - Pluck versus luck: 04/12/2019674
- Aeon: Pogosyan - Why learning a new language is like an illicit love affair: 04/12/2019675
- Aeon: Sayare - Consider the axolotl: our great hope of regeneration?: 27/11/2019676
- Aeon: Hekman - Canine exceptionalism: 25/11/2019677
- Aeon: Video - Finkel - Cuneiform writing with Irving Finkel: 22/11/2019678
- Aeon: Jarrett - Trigger warnings don’t help people cope with distressing material: 22/11/2019679
- Aeon: McLeish - Science + religion: 21/11/2019680
- Aeon: Pyne - The planet is burning: 20/11/2019681
- Aeon: Stone - Thinking about one’s birth is as uncanny as thinking of death: 20/11/2019682
- Aeon: Matthews - What is to be done about the problem of creepy men?: 15/11/2019683
- Aeon: Video - Walter Lippmann - public opinion and propaganda: 14/11/2019684
- Aeon: Hall - Classics for the people: 13/11/2019685
- Aeon: Irish - The self in dementia is not lost, and can be reached with care: 13/11/2019686
- Aeon: Video - I came from the unknown to sing: 11/11/2019687
- Aeon: Degroot - Little Ice Age lessons: 11/11/2019688
- Aeon: Video - Do you think science can understand everything?: 08/11/2019689
- Aeon: Vernon - Divine transports: 07/11/2019690
- Aeon: Vallgarda - Keeping secrets: 06/11/2019691
- Aeon: Video - Donald Hoffman - The Case Against Reality: 05/11/2019692
- Aeon: Baillie - We all know that we will die, so why do we struggle to believe it?: 04/11/2019693
- Aeon: Demuth - Turn and live with animals: 29/10/2019694
- Aeon: Ward - Mistaken: 28/10/2019695
- Aeon: Video - Raymond Tallis - What is Extended Mind: 25/10/2019696
- Aeon: Sebens - What’s everything made of?: 24/10/2019697
- Aeon: Morell - What do mirror tests test?: 23/10/2019698
- Aeon: Video - Turns out that, even when Einstein was wrong, he was kind of right: 22/10/2019699
- Aeon: McAndrew - Houses of horror: 21/10/2019700
- Aeon: Video - Neurosymphony: 18/10/2019701
- Aeon: Burton - To make laziness work for you, put some effort into it: 11/10/2019702
- Aeon: Van der Horst - The Bible’s first critic: 09/10/2019703
- Aeon: Baggott - But is it science?: 07/10/2019704
- Aeon: Stark - My autism journey: how I learned to stop trying to fit in: 02/10/2019705
- Aeon: Frankish - The consciousness illusion: 26/09/2019706
- Aeon: Video - The Infamous Windmill Problem: 20/09/2019707
- Aeon: Rouighi - Race on the mind: 18/09/2019708
- Aeon: Spiegelhalter - Citizens need to know numbers: 16/09/2019709
- Aeon: Pariseau - How a scientific attempt to demystify Buddhist meditation yielded astounding results: 16/09/2019710
- Aeon: McLeish - Science is deeply imaginative: 13/09/2019711
- Aeon: Eagleman - Why time seems to fly as you get older: 13/09/2019712
- Aeon: Costandi - Against neurodiversity: 12/09/2019713
- Aeon: Mynott - Birds are ‘winged words’: 10/09/2019714
- Aeon: Video - Crannog: 09/09/2019715
- Aeon: Stern - The way words mean: 03/09/2019716
- Aeon: Video - Andy Clark - Virtual immortality: 19/08/2019717
- Aeon: Video - ‘You wanna get rid of me?’ When the time comes to move mom into assisted living: 18/07/2019718
- Aeon: Jaekl - Human magnetism: 18/07/2019719
- Aeon: Victoria - Zen terror: 10/07/2019720
- Aeon: Pigliucci - Richard Feynman was wrong about beauty and truth in science: 28/06/2019721
- Aeon: Lachmann & Walker - Life ≠ alive: 24/06/2019722
- Aeon: Video - Hoplites! Greeks at war: 23/05/2019723
- Aeon: Marino - Eating someone: 08/05/2019724
- Aeon: Video - The Vinland Mystery: 06/05/2019725
- Aeon: Pettinen - Will we ever know the difference between a wolf and a dog?: 29/04/2019726
- Aeon: Video - The beauty of gefilte fish: 19/04/2019727
- Aeon: Video - Devenir: 15/04/2019728
- Aeon: Lande - Do you compute?: 11/04/2019729
- Aeon: Video - How ISPs violate the laws of mathematics: 18/03/2019730
- Aeon: Pitock - Here’s to naps and snoozes: 12/03/2019731
- Aeon: Video - Rediscovering Ancient Greek music: 12/03/2019732
- Aeon: Alter - How translation obscured the music and wordplay of the Bible: 27/02/2019733
- Aeon: Isbell - How seeing snakes in the grass helped primates to evolve: 05/02/2019734
- Aeon: Svoboda - The broad, ragged cut: 03/12/2018735
- Aeon: Mitchell - Wired that way: genes do shape behaviours but it’s complicated: 30/11/2018736
- Aeon: Chittka & Wilson - Bee-brained: 27/11/2018737
- Aeon: Baggott - What Einstein meant by ‘God does not play dice’: 21/11/2018738
- Aeon: Avigad - Principia: 24/09/2018739
- Aeon: Barash - Anthropic arrogance: 18/09/2018740
- Aeon: Video - Mobilize: 14/09/2018741
- Aeon: Brewer - Slavery-entangled philosophy: 12/09/2018742
- Aeon: Baggini - Hume the humane: 15/08/2018743
- Aeon: D'Angour - Can we know what music sounded like in Ancient Greece?: 08/08/2018744
- Aeon: Law - Do you see a duck or a rabbit: just what is aspect perception?: 31/07/2018745
- Aeon: Aronson & Duportail - The quantified heart: 12/07/2018746
- Aeon: Purcell - Life on the slippery Earth: 03/07/2018747
- Aeon: Callcut - What are we?: 11/06/2018748
- Aeon: Hall - Why read Aristotle today?: 29/05/2018749
- Aeon: Rachlin - Teleological behaviourism or what it means to imagine a lion: 25/05/2018750
- Aeon: Pierre - Die like a dog: 15/05/2018751
- Aeon: Whitmarsh - Black Achilles: 09/05/2018752
- Aeon: Kasmirli - What we say vs what we mean: what is conversational implicature?: 20/04/2018753
- Aeon: Pessoa - Robot cognition requires machines that both think and feel: 13/04/2018754
- Aeon: Nguyen - Escape the echo chamber: 09/04/2018755
- Aeon: Smithsimon - How to see race: 26/03/2018756
- Aeon: Temkin - What’s the best option?: 13/03/2018757
- Aeon: Robinson - Thus spake Albert: 12/03/2018758
- Aeon: Han - The copy is the original: 08/03/2018759
- Aeon: Olberding - The outsider: 06/03/2018760
- Aeon: Russell - Philosophical intuition: just what is ‘a priori’ justification?: 02/03/2018761
- Aeon: Rees - Animal agents: 26/02/2018762
- Aeon: Video - Why dogs have floppy ears: 23/02/2018763
- Aeon: Bier - The tech bias: why Silicon Valley needs social theory: 14/02/2018764
- Aeon: Video - The ladybug love-in: 13/02/2018765
- Aeon: Goff - Is the Universe a conscious mind?: 08/02/2018766
- Aeon: Metzinger - Are you sleepwalking now?: 22/01/2018767
- Aeon: Video - All what is somehow useful: 12/01/2018768
- Aeon: de Zavala - Why collective narcissists are so politically volatile: 12/01/2018769
- Aeon: Rowland - We are multitudes: 11/01/2018770
- Aeon: Evans - The autism paradox: 08/01/2018771
- Aeon: Ruggles - The minds of plants: 12/12/2017772
- Aeon: Video - Are university admissions biased?: 08/12/2017773
- Aeon: Video - Confucian ancestor worship: 12/10/2017774
- Aeon: Video - Lan Yan: 08/09/2017775
- Aeon: Video - Birth of a bee: 31/07/2017776
- Aeon: Video - Nuttag - Homeland: 27/07/2017777
- Aeon: Video - George Saunders: on story: 25/07/2017778
- Aeon: Smith - For centuries European aristocrats proudly claimed foreign ancestry: 05/06/2017779
- Aeon: Video - People in order: age: 28/04/2017780
- Aeon: Video - Animated life: Pangea, Wegener and the continental drift: 24/04/2017781
- Aeon: Goff - Panpsychism is crazy, but it’s also most probably true: 01/03/2017782
- Aeon: Aamodt - On shared false memories: 15/02/2017783
- Aeon: Lemonick - Living in the now: 13/02/2017784
- Aeon: Video - The 'evil god challenge': 07/02/2017785
- Aeon: Colombo - Why children ask ‘Why?’ and what makes a good explanation: 01/02/2017786
- Aeon: Video - Sartre vs Camus: 27/01/2017787
- Aeon: Video - Seeing the invisible: van Leeuwenhoek's first glimpses of the microbial world: 23/01/2017788
- Aeon: Okoro - This is your morning: 19/01/2017789
- Aeon: Video - Territory: 10/01/2017790
- Aeon: Delistraty - Drugs du jour: 04/01/2017791
- Aeon: Video - Teaching Philosophy to Children: 15/12/2016792
- Aeon: Martinho-Truswell - The minds of other animals: 08/12/2016793
- Aeon: Video - Smith - Aristotle was wrong and so are we: there are far more than five senses: 01/11/2016794
- Aeon: Taylor - The examined life: 06/10/2016795
- YouTube: The Trouble with Transporters: 30/09/2016796
- Aeon: Brennan - The right to vote should be restricted to those with knowledge: 29/09/2016797
- Aeon: Video - Further - Seth Shostak: 23/09/2016798
- Aeon: Young & Priest - It is and it isn’t: 22/09/2016799
- Aeon: Video - Hopper's Nighthawks: look through the window: 13/09/2016800
- Aeon: Video - Slingshots of the oceanic: 12/09/2016801
- Aeon: Francione & Charlton - The case against pets: 08/09/2016802
- Aeon: Video - Powers of ten: 19/08/2016803
- Aeon: Spinney - The twin boom: 18/08/2016804
- Aeon: Potts - Charisma is a mysterious and dangerous gift: 03/08/2016805
- Aeon: Video - Triangle of power: 21/07/2016806
- Aeon: Devji - Against Muslim unity: 12/07/2016807
- Aeon: Video - The ray-cat solution: 11/07/2016808
- Aeon: Frankish - The mind isn’t locked in the brain but extends far beyond it: 07/07/2016809
- Aeon: Video - Onbashira Matsuri, Japan: 24/06/2016810
- Aeon: Stallard - The outsiders: 01/06/2016811
- Aeon: Root-Gutteridge - The songs of the wolves: 25/05/2016812
- Aeon: Bari - What do clothes say?: 19/05/2016813
- Aeon: Video - Letting you go: 16/05/2016814
- Aeon: Tesfaye - What amnesiacs tell us about memory: Q&A with Brenda Milner: 16/05/2016815
- Aeon: Video - The story of zero: getting something from nothing: 06/05/2016816
- Aeon: McGowan - Silicon phoenix: 02/05/2016817
- Aeon: Video - The need for a new bioethics: 02/05/2016818
- Aeon: Tracy - A science without time: 25/04/2016819
- Aeon: Ojiaku - Is everybody a racist?: 21/03/2016820
- Aeon: Charney - A fake of art: 05/02/2016821
- Aeon: George - How looting in Iraq unearthed the treasures of Gilgamesh: 05/02/2016822
- Aeon: Requarth - Our chemical Eden: 11/01/2016823
- Aeon: Law - Belief in supernatural beings is totally natural – and false: 15/12/2015824
- Aeon: Barash - Paradigms lost: 27/10/2015825
- Aeon: Video - The Feynman Series - Beauty: 23/10/2015826
- Aeon: Video - What really happens when we talk: 12/10/2015827
- Aeon: Video - Dabbawalla: 01/10/2015828
- Aeon: Video - The Big Bang: 09/09/2015829
- Aeon: Malchik - The end of walking: 20/08/2015830
- Aeon: Video - Kempelen's chess-playing automaton: 03/08/2015831
- Aeon: Frisch - Why things happen: 23/06/2015832
- Aeon: Video - The truffle hunters: 02/06/2015833
- Aeon: Video - The death of Socrates: 12/05/2015834
- Aeon: Video - Daniel Levitin on information overload: 07/04/2015835
- Aeon: Video - Unravel: 02/04/2015836
- Aeon: Video - Epigenome - the symphony in your cells: 24/03/2015837
- Aeon: Video - The odd tale of the clever octopus: 20/03/2015838
- Aeon: Cassam - Bad thinkers: 13/03/2015839
- Aeon: Flora - How luck works: 06/03/2015840
- Aeon: Toner - Slaves or wage slaves: 05/02/2015841
- Aeon: Video - The animal that wouldn't die: 16/01/2015842
- Aeon: Video - The German who came to tea: 23/12/2014843
- Aeon: Clary - Talk like an Egyptian: 12/12/2014844
- Aeon: Video - Creo: 04/12/2014845
- Aeon: Evans - Real talk: 04/12/2014846
- Aeon: Hanlon - The golden quarter: 03/12/2014847
- Aeon: Video - X-Ray Man: 14/11/2014848
- Aeon: Smith - The essence of evil: 24/10/2014849
- Aeon: Video - My favorite picture of you: 08/10/2014850
- Aeon: Talbot - The good death: 25/09/2014851
- Aeon: Video - Internet archive: 28/08/2014852
- Aeon: Graziano - The first smile: 13/08/2014853
- Aeon: Video - Danielle: 16/07/2014854
- Aeon: Video - Why do I study physics?: 02/05/2014855
- Aeon: Video - Devil in the room: 04/04/2014856
- Aeon: Francis - Is this life real?: 21/01/2014857
- Aeon: Flyn - Last supper: 24/12/2013858
- Aeon: Keim - I, cockroach: 19/11/2013859
- Aeon: Gregg - Keep smiling: 05/11/2013860
- Aeon: Gray - The play deficit: 18/09/2013861
- Aeon: Rowlands - A right to believe?: 20/05/2013862
- Aeon: Kohn - The Neanderthal mind: 15/05/2013863
- Aeon: Gamble - The end of sleep?: 10/04/2013864
- Aeon: Blum - The white man Jesus: 08/04/2013865
- Aeon: Vernon - What is love?: 13/02/2013866
- Aeon: Davis - Trickster and tricked: 18/01/2013867
- Aeon: Kohn - Us and them: 10/01/2013868
- Aeon: Vedral - What life wants: 27/11/2012869
- Aeon: Hanlon - World next door: 06/11/2012870
Items Not Yet Read
- Priority: 1
- Priority: 2
- Aeon: Video - Visualising Spacetime: 26/06/2024 (WebRef=14162, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Imagining spacetime as a visible grid is an extraordinary journey into the unseen
- Aeon: Salmon - Paper trails: 25/06/2024 (Peter Salmon) (PID Note: Narrative Identity872) (WebRef=14164, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Husserl’s well-tended archive has given him a rich afterlife, while Nietzsche’s was distorted by his axe-grinding sister
- Aeon: Chen - What I learned from sharing my private self with an AI journal: 24/06/2024 (Angela Chen) (PID Note: Self873) (WebRef=14165, Unread, Priority=2)
→ ‘Quantified self’ apps analyse our physical and behavioural data. Now, AI journals want to access our emotional lives too
- Aeon: Zerna - A love for thinking brings benefits way beyond school and work: 18/06/2024 (Josephine Zerna) (PID Note: Thought874) (WebRef=14172, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Having a passion for mental effort – a trait that’s distinct from being intelligent – has some wide-ranging upsides
- Aeon: Highfield - His radiant formula: 18/06/2024 (Roger Highfield) (WebRef=14173, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Stephen Hawking’s greatest legacy – a simple little equation now 50 years old – revealed a shocking aspect of black holes
- Aeon: Video - Michelangelo: The Last Decades: 17/06/2024 (PID Note: Narrative Identity875) (WebRef=14167, Unread, Priority=2)
→ What Michelangelo’s late-in-life works reveal about his genius – and his humanness
- Aeon: Video - Boudica: a Norfolk story: 13/06/2024 (PID Note: Narrative Identity876) (WebRef=14118, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Archeological discoveries animate the life of the warrior queen who took on Rome
- Aeon: Video - Flood of Memory: 12/06/2024 (PID Note: Narrative Identity877) (WebRef=14120, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Preserving memories of a Japanese internment camp, and the land where it stood
- Aeon: Love - Why small annoyances can harm us more than big disruptions: 11/06/2024 (Shayla Love & Igor Weinberg) (PID Note: Psychopathology878) (WebRef=14121, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A largely forgotten psychological concept helps explain the insidiousness of minor problems – and what to do about it
- Aeon: Dimaggio & Igor - Popular views of narcissism are distorted and too pessimistic: 10/06/2024 (Giancarlo Dimaggio) (PID Note: Psychopathology879) (WebRef=14123, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As therapists, we’ve treated people with narcissistic personality disorder. We have a more hopeful story to tell about them
- Aeon: Little - Performance-enhancing vices: 06/06/2024 (Sabrina Little) (PID Note: Forensic Property880) (WebRef=14125, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Selfishness channels ambition, envy drives competition, pride aids the win. Does it take a bad person to be a good athlete?
- Aeon: Video - The Hutterites: 31/05/2024 (PID Note: Narrative Identity881) (WebRef=14093, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For Hutterites, ‘love thy neighbour’ is both gospel and practical necessity
- Aeon: Video - Dragons: a history: 30/05/2024 (WebRef=14095, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Why be dragons? How massive, reptilian beasts entered our collective imagination
- Aeon: Fisher - How to do mental time travel: 29/05/2024 (Richard Fisher) (PID Note: Time Travel882) (WebRef=14097, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Feeling overwhelmed by the present moment? Find a connection to the longer view and a wiser perspective on what matters
- Aeon: Peacock - Her blazing world: 28/05/2024 (Francesca Peacock) (PID Note: Narrative Identity883) (WebRef=14098, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Margaret Cavendish’s boldness and bravery set 17th-century society alight, but is she a feminist poster-girl for our times?
- Aeon: Dixon - What makes ‘toxic positivity’ different from a healthy attitude: 27/05/2024 (Lucas Dixon) (PID Note: Psychology884) (WebRef=14099, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Influencers and self-help gurus are preaching a form of positive psychology that risks doing more harm than good
- Aeon: Yilmam - The last great stigma: 24/05/2024 (Pernille Yilmam) (PID Note: Psychopathology885) (WebRef=14061, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Workers with mental illness experience discrimination that would be unthinkable for other health issues. Can this change?
- Aeon: Video - Plunge into a black hole: 20/05/2024 (PID Note: Matter886) (WebRef=14059, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The abyss at the edge of human understanding – a voyage into a black hole
- Aeon: Segal - Philosophical reflection often begins with a disruptive mood: 25/04/2024 (Steven Segal) (PID Note: Metaphilosophy887) (WebRef=13904, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For many of our greatest philosophers, it was their moods, from wonder to estrangement to anxiety, that first inspired them
- Aeon: Huston - What to do when racing thoughts keep you up at night: 24/04/2024 (Matt Huston) (PID Note: Sleep888) (WebRef=13907, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Any attempts to escape your mind or make yourself sleep are likely to backfire. Try these expert tips instead
- Aeon: Buchleitner - Return of the descendants: 23/04/2024 (Jessica Buchleitner) (PID Note: Narrative Identity889) (WebRef=13909, Unread, Priority=2)
→ I migrated to my ancestral homeland in a search for identity. It proved to be a humbling experience in (un)belonging
- Aeon: Kriss - To understand borderline personality, imagine having no history: 23/04/2024 (Alexander Kriss) (PID Note: Psychopathology890) (WebRef=13908, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For people with an unfairly stigmatised mental health condition, and the rest of us, it’s vital to connect past with present
- Aeon: Alpert - How to appreciate what you have: 17/04/2024 (Avram Alpert) (PID Note: Narrative Identity891) (WebRef=13853, Unread, Priority=2)
→ To better face an imperfect world, try a deeper reflection on the things, people and legacies that make your life possible
- Aeon: Orlandi - Fiction has a special power to give us insight into our flaws: 16/04/2024 (Martina Orlandi) (PID Note: Fiction892) (WebRef=13854, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Losing yourself in a book, film or show provides a useful mirror for character – one that is hard to access in real life
- Aeon: Stanley - A monk showed me that spirituality needs more space in medicine: 15/04/2024 (Michael P.H. Stanley) (PID Note: Religion893) (WebRef=13856, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As a doctor, I’ve seen how brain diseases can become entwined with spiritual pain. Who is responsible for addressing it?
- Aeon: West - Philosophy is an art: 15/04/2024 (Peter West) (PID Note: Metaphilosophy894) (WebRef=13857, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For Margaret Macdonald, philosophical theories are akin to stories, meant to enlarge certain aspects of human life
- Aeon: Video - Bygone visions of cosmic neighbours: 11/04/2024 (PID Note: Transhumanism895) (WebRef=13816, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The history of astronomy is a history of conjuring intelligent life where it isn’t
- Aeon: Kang - Why America fell for guns: 09/04/2024 (Megan Kang) (PID Note: Narrative Identity896) (WebRef=13803, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The US today has extraordinary levels of gun ownership. But to see this as a venerable tradition is to misread history
- Aeon: Merritt - The southern gap: 02/04/2024 (Keri Leigh Merritt) (PID Note: Race897) (WebRef=13807, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In the American South, an oligarchy of planters enriched itself through slavery. Pervasive underdevelopment is their legacy
- Aeon: Love - Why so many of us see our loved ones after they have died: 02/04/2024 (Shayla Love) (PID Note: Death898) (WebRef=13806, Unread, Priority=2)
→ These experiences – which are more of an illusion than a hallucination – can be a healthy part of the grieving process
- Aeon: Norton - Our tools shape our selves: 01/04/2024 (Bryan Norton) (PID Note: Self899) (WebRef=13808, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For Bernard Stiegler, a visionary philosopher of our digital age, technics is the defining feature of human experience
- Aeon: Video - Good Chemistry: 22/02/2024900
- Aeon: Westin - Indexing the information age: 22/02/2024 (Monica Westin) (PID Note: Computers901) (WebRef=13604, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Over a weekend in 1995, a small group gathered in Ohio to unleash the power of the internet by making it navigable
- Aeon: McManus - Liberal socialism now: 20/02/2024 (Matthew McManus) (WebRef=13606, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As the crisis of democracy deepens, we must return to liberalism’s revolutionary and egalitarian roots
- Aeon: Video - Stille: 19/02/2024 (PID Note: Buddhism902) (WebRef=13600, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A Zen Buddhist priest voices the deep matters he usually ponders in silence
- Aeon: Wojtowicz & Archer - The moral risks of fandom: 19/02/2024 (Jake Wojtowicz & Alfred Archer) (WebRef=13607, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Players, coaches and team owners sometimes do terrible things. What, if anything, should their fans do about that?
- Aeon: Whitfield - Ant geopolitics: 16/02/2024 (John Whitfield) (PID Note: Animals903) (WebRef=13609, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Over the past four centuries quadrillions of ants have created a strange and turbulent global society that shadows our own
- Aeon: Bergès - Against power: 12/02/2024 (Sandrine Berges) (WebRef=13574, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As a republican, Sophie de Grouchy argued that sympathy, not domination, must be the glue that holds society together
- Aeon: Genta - Metaphors make the world: 08/02/2024 (Benjamin Santos Genta) (PID Note: Language of Thought904) (WebRef=13571, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Woven into the fabric of language, metaphors shape how we understand reality. What happens when we try using new ones?
- Aeon: Keen - Personal and political shaming is running hot, yet it doesn’t work: 08/02/2024 (David Keen) (PID Note: Forensic Property905) (WebRef=13570, Unread, Priority=2)
→ When passions run high so does the urge to shame wrongdoers. But if the goal is to change, shamers should think twice
- Aeon: Jarrett - Is it better to have friends who are like you or different from you?: 06/02/2024 (Christian Jarrett) (PID Note: Narrative Identity906) (WebRef=13572, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Studies of longterm friends offer surprising insights as to whether friends who are more or less alike tend to endure
- Aeon: Harding - On knowing who he was: 26/01/2024 (Christopher Harding) (PID Note: Religion907) (WebRef=13495, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Alan Watts, for all his faults, was a wildly imaginative and provocative thinker who reimagined religion in a secular age
- Aeon: Video - Testimony of Ana: 25/01/2024 (PID Note: Religion908) (WebRef=13496, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Witch hunts persist as a horrifying, deadly reality in pockets of rural India
- Aeon: Gnaulati - Why it takes humour to sustain a long-term relationship: 16/01/2024 (Enrico Gnaulati) (PID Note: Psychology909) (WebRef=13443, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Maintaining a long and happy relationship requires a specific skillset. Learning to laugh at yourself and together is key
- Aeon: Thier - How to hate: 12/01/2024 (Tyler Thier) (PID Note: Forensic Property910) (WebRef=13446, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The manifesto was always a hotheaded call to arms. Then it got a slick, digital makeover in the cause of coldblooded hate
- Aeon: Zarakol - The Asian world order: 09/01/2024 (Ayse Zarakol) (WebRef=13448, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Before modern Europe existed there was a grand, interconnected political world, rich in scientific and artistic exchange
- Aeon: Daston & Harrison - The missing conversation: 05/01/2024 (Lorraine Daston & Peter Harrison) (WebRef=13419, Unread, Priority=2)
→ To the detriment of the public, scientists and historians don’t engage with one another. They must begin a new dialogue
- Aeon: Nargis - The day the Taliban banned women like me from working: 21/12/2023 (Nargis) (WebRef=13400, Unread, Priority=2)
→ With my daughters’ education cancelled, I thought the regime had done its worst. Then a new message came from my office
- Aeon: Kinsella - The subtle art of elevation: 21/12/2023 (Karl Kinsella) (WebRef=13401, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Architectural drawing speaks of mathematical precision, but its roots lie in the theological exegesis of a prophetic book
- Aeon: Kruglanski - How to embrace uncertainty: 20/12/2023 (Arie Kruglanski) (WebRef=13402, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Fearing the unknown is only human. But positive thinking can reduce your unease and help you see welcome opportunities ahead
- Aeon: Burton - Of memes and magick: 14/12/2023 (Tara Isabella Burton) (WebRef=13377, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Bending a mysterious world to your will was the goal of esoteric practices. Now it’s the unashamed aim of the tech titans
- Aeon: Cavanagh - How to support kids to be brave: 13/12/2023 (Sarah Rose Cavanagh) (WebRef=13378, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The desire to protect kids from uncomfortable situations is natural. But they need your help to grow into the unknown
- Aeon: Owen - Five timeless lessons for life from the Athenian tragedies: 12/12/2023 (Andy Owen) (WebRef=13379, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In a world filled with grief-fuelled rage, cultivating a tragic mindset can help you to live with grace and dignity
- Aeon: Video - How to be an atheist in medieval Europe: 07/12/2023 (PID Note: Religion911) (WebRef=13352, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Hear from blasphemes, sceptics and free-thinkers in this ‘tour of medieval unbelief’
- Aeon: Alfatzis - The skyhook solution: 30/11/2023 (Angelos Alfatzis) (WebRef=13355, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Space junk surrounds Earth, posing a dangerous threat. But there is a way to turn the debris into opportunity
- Aeon: To - Battling implicit bias: 27/11/2023 (Jeffrey To) (PID Note: Race912) (WebRef=13357, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Training is a cheap solution to a hard problem. It is the systems that allow for biased behaviour that need to change
- Aeon: Scott - Cashless sucks: 23/11/2023 (Brett Scott) (WebRef=13250, Unread, Priority=2)
→ It’s not in the interests of the ordinary person but it’s not a conspiracy either. A cashless society is a system run amok
- Aeon: Video - Scott Aaronson: What is mathematical truth?: 20/11/2023 (Robert Lawrence Kuhn & Scott Aaronson) (WebRef=13247, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Why mathematical truths exist with or without minds to consider them
- Aeon: Video - Backflip: 09/11/2023 (PID Note: Computers913) (WebRef=13241, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Struggling to learn how to do a backflip, Nikita takes on an unusual training regimen
- Aeon: Eisen - Language is medicine: 07/11/2023 (Erika X. Eisen) (PID Note: Language of Thought914) (WebRef=13243, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For First Nations people, health is not a matter of mechanical fitness of the body, but of language, identity and belonging
- Aeon: Love - Same-sex sexual behaviour in mammals evolved to keep the peace: 07/11/2023 (Shayla Love) (PID Note: Evolution915) (WebRef=13242, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Although these new findings can’t tell us much about human sexuality, they could help to solve an evolutionary paradox
- Aeon: Hassan & Dabbagh - Secularism in Iran: 06/11/2023 (Patrick Hassan & Hossein Dabbagh) (PID Note: Religion916) (WebRef=13244, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Postcolonial intellectuals and Iran’s rulers agree that secularism is just Western imperialism in disguise. They are wrong
- Aeon: Video - Cell Worlds: 26/10/2023 (PID Note: Life917) (WebRef=13161, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Explore a bioluminescent world of cellular life via cutting-edge microscopy
- Aeon: Love - How to beat maths anxiety: 25/10/2023918
- Aeon: Harbin - To fear well is virtuous and more important than being brave: 19/10/2023 (Ami Harbin) (WebRef=13069, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Fear is not the enemy, but a real and legitimate emotion. To truly support another in their fear, let them give it a voice
- Aeon: Rock-Singer - Praying in shoes: 16/10/2023 (Aaron Rock-Singer) (WebRef=13075, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The Sunni movement of Salafism was born at the beginning of the 20th century, with the goal of modelling life on the 7th
- Aeon: Jarrett - To improve your life, consider changing your personality: 16/10/2023 (Christian Jarrett) (WebRef=13074, Unread, Priority=2)
→ New research supports the idea that intentionally developing certain traits is not only possible, but comes with benefits
- Aeon: Video - William Blake's printing process: 11/10/2023 (WebRef=13045, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From spark of inspiration to final press – how William Blake built a book of poetry
- Aeon: Love - Why do so many people think they are in a bullshit job?: 10/10/2023 (Shayla Love) (WebRef=13047, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Researchers continue to debate whether some jobs are inherently useless – but all agree it’s harmful to see your job this way
- Aeon: Komporozos-Athanasiou - Finance as alchemy: 09/10/2023 (Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou) (WebRef=13030, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Finance fraud is not a deviation from an essentially rational system but a window onto the reality-distortion of markets
- Aeon: McNamee - Settler colonialism: 05/10/2023 (Lachlan McNamee) (PID Note: Race919) (WebRef=13018, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Displacing and destroying peoples by colonisation is not just a historical Western evil but a global and contemporary one
- Aeon: May - What can we learn from those who have a moral change of heart?: 05/10/2023 (Joshua May) (PID Note: Race920) (WebRef=13016, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Stories of sharp adjustments in moral perspective show the potential of unusual experiences to open people’s minds
- Aeon: Love - Psychedelics could give a mind’s eye to those who’ve never had one: 03/10/2023 (Shayla Love) (PID Note: Psychopathology921) (WebRef=13020, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Case reports suggest psychedelics might reverse aphantasia (a lack of mental imagery), but is that necessarily a good thing?
- Aeon: Love - Facing a tedious to-do list? This trick could make it easier: 26/09/2023 (Shayla Love) (WebRef=12997, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The ‘easy addendum effect’: how careful timing of your easier tasks could help you feel better at the end of the day
- Aeon: Hallarman - To the tune of dystonia: 26/09/2023 (Lynn Hallarman) (PID Note: Psychopathology922) (WebRef=12998, Unread, Priority=2)
→ One day, my hand stopped speaking to my brain. As a doctor and flute player, I had to understand this strange affliction
- Aeon: Hilmar - Deservingness: 25/09/2023 (Till Hilmar) (WebRef=13000, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In post-communist eastern and central Europe, history is intensely personal and economics is saturated with moral feeling
- Aeon: Tracy - You can be a materialist and find meaning in the universe: 25/09/2023 (Jessica Tracy) (WebRef=12999, Unread, Priority=2)
→ My hard-nosed materialism led me to an existential crisis, but then I realised the difference between science and scientism
- Aeon: Hejduk - Vergil’s secret message: 21/09/2023 (Julia Hejduk) (WebRef=12967, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Long derided as mere coincidences, acrostics in ancient poetry are finally being taken seriously – with astonishing results
- Aeon: Ricker - Blindness transformed my social world, and I changed with it: 18/09/2023 (Jeffry Ricker) (WebRef=12970, Unread, Priority=2)
→ One of the biggest challenges in becoming blind late in life has been overcoming sighted people’s negative assumptions
- Aeon: Re - Freedom at work: 18/09/2023 (Tyler Re) (PID Note: Kant923) (WebRef=12971, Unread, Priority=2)
→ There is always a demand for more jobs. But what makes a job good? For that, Immanuel Kant has an answer
- Aeon: Wong - Fighting kung fu: 15/09/2023 (Stephanie Wong) (PID Note: Race924) (WebRef=12974, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From chopsocky films to disco earworms, Asian caricatures have proliferated since the 1970s. Can Hollywood kick the habit?
- Aeon: Egginton - Quantum poetics: 14/09/2023 (William Egginton) (PID Note: Quantum Mechanics925) (WebRef=12976, Unread, Priority=2)
→ How Borges and Heisenberg converged on the notion that language both enables and interferes with our grasp of reality
- Aeon: Jakle - How to calm your nightmares: 13/09/2023 (Katy Jakle) (PID Note: Psychopathology926) (WebRef=12977, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Whether bad dreams stir you awake occasionally or routinely, these pre- and post-nightmare strategies can help alleviate them
- Aeon: Love - Will studying a new language interfere with any others you speak?: 11/09/2023 (Shayla Love) (PID Note: Language of Thought927) (WebRef=12979, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Multilinguals say it feels as though learning another language interferes with old ones. New research put this to the test
- Aeon: Geipel & Keysar - Do you think more clearly when reading or when listening?: 14/08/2023 (Janet Geipel & Boaz Keysar) (WebRef=12850, Unread, Priority=2)
→ How we take in information has a remarkably significant effect on how intuitive or analytical we are in thinking about it
- Aeon: Ward - Who was Duns Scotus?: 03/08/2023 (Thomas M. Ward) (WebRef=12839, Unread, Priority=2)
→ His name is now the byword for a fool, yet his proof for the existence of God was the most rigorous of the medieval period
- Aeon: Peijnenburg & Verhaegh - Analytic women: 01/08/2023 (Jeanne Peijnenburg & Sander Verhaegh) (WebRef=12838, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Twin forces marginalised the women of early analytic philosophy. Correct those mistakes, and the next generation benefits
- Aeon: McGrath - Chatbots remind us that natural conversation is artificial too: 31/07/2023 (Larry S. McGrath) (PID Note: Intelligence928) (WebRef=12837, Unread, Priority=2)
→ People fret about the authenticity of AI chatbots but precisely the same issues confront everyday exchanges between humans
- Aeon: Video - My AI lover: 28/07/2023 (PID Note: Intelligence929) (WebRef=12825, Unread, Priority=2)
→ ‘Why can’t you be real?’ The emotionally fraught business of falling for an AI
- Aeon: Helle - Poet of impermanence: 28/07/2023 (Sophus Helle) (WebRef=12826, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Enheduana is the first known named author. Her poems of strife and upheaval resonate in our own unstable times
- Aeon: Stroud - The Indian pragmatist: 27/07/2023 (Scott R. Stroud) (PID Note: Race930) (WebRef=12828, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Ambedkar was not only a politician, but a profound thinker whose philosophy of democracy challenged the caste system
- Aeon: Love - Can a perfectionist personality put you at risk of migraines?: 25/07/2023 (Shayla Love) (WebRef=12831, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The hunt for a ‘migraine personality’ dates back over a hundred years and still it goes on. Why is the idea so alluring?
- Aeon: Kompf - A commitment is different from a goal – here’s why that matters: 20/07/2023 (Justin Kompf) (WebRef=12810, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Whatever your aims in life, the words you use matter. Here’s an important distinction that will help you stay on track
- Aeon: Video - The jury theorem: 20/07/2023931
- Aeon: Doucette - How to relax your own rules: 19/07/2023 (Danielle Doucette) (WebRef=12816, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Are you so strict with yourself that it’s become a burden? Gain freedom and flexibility with these therapeutic techniques
- Aeon: Video - The busboy: 19/07/2023 (WebRef=12815, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The busboy who comforted Robert F Kennedy as he lay dying shares his story
- Aeon: Ogasawara - Earthly delights: 18/07/2023 (Leanne Ogasawara) (WebRef=12818, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Noticing first one then many parrots, peacocks, owls and more birds in Old Master paintings taught me to truly see the world
- Aeon: Love - What happens to the brain during consciousness-ending meditation?: 18/07/2023 (Shayla Love) (PID Note: Buddhism932) (WebRef=12817, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Psychologists are studying a form of meditation known as ‘nirodha-samāpatti’ that reportedly ceases all mental function
- Aeon: Moran - Morality aside, there’s another good reason to love your enemies: 17/07/2023 (Alexander Paul Moran) (WebRef=12819, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Wishing your antagonists well can be seen as a moral obligation or a misguided ideal. But it might serve your interests
- Aeon: Ganeri - Solace and saudade: 17/07/2023 (Jonardon Ganeri) (WebRef=12820, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In the face of an inscrutable, indifferent universe, Pessoa suggests we cultivate a certain longing for the elusive horizon
- Aeon: Video - What Would a Fair Society Look Like?: 17/07/2023 (WebRef=12809, Unread, Priority=2)
→ To build a fair society, we must first be able to envision it. John Rawls can help
- Aeon: Miller - Masts like a forest: 14/07/2023 (Ian M. Miller) (WebRef=12792, Unread, Priority=2)
→ How the trees of China – fir, camphor, ironwood and nanmu – were used to build an empire that lasted for centuries
- Aeon: Love - You can feel nostalgia for things that you haven’t yet lost: 11/07/2023 (Shayla Love) (WebRef=12797, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Nostalgia is a longing for the past, but psychologists are coming to realise it can focus on the future too
- Aeon: Moeck - Why it might not help – and could hurt – to brace for the worst: 10/07/2023 (Ella Moeck) (WebRef=12798, Unread, Priority=2)
→ When awaiting a potentially stressful update or event, do you assume it won’t go your way? There may be better options
- Aeon: Huston - What to do when your urge for reassurance has gone too far: 06/07/2023 (Matt Huston) (WebRef=12776, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The need for constant reassurance can show up like a persistent itch. Follow these steps for a more lasting peace of mind
- Aeon: Williams - Remember Richard Price!: 03/07/2023 (Huw Williams) (WebRef=12786, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Demonised by the political establishment for his radical, dissenting views, this 18th-century Welsh polymath deserves better
- Aeon: Boyd - The violence of suicide reverberates in, and through, us all: 03/07/2023 (Kyle Boyd) (PID Note: Psychopathology933) (WebRef=12785, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A psychodynamic perspective on suicide can help us all reckon more honestly with the interconnectedness of psychic pain
- Aeon: Coleman - A gospel of enjoyment: 30/06/2023 (Charly Coleman) (WebRef=12763, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The French idea of the good life doesn’t always make rational economic sense. So much the worse for traditional economics
- Aeon: Video - Examined Life: Judith Butler and Sunaura Taylor: 28/06/2023 (PID Note: Body934) (WebRef=12767, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The body politics – a philosophical stroll with Judith Butler and Sunaura Taylor
- Aeon: Love - How ‘stirrings of the heart’ shape your experience of time: 27/06/2023 (Shayla Love) (PID Note: Time935) (WebRef=12768, Unread, Priority=2)
→ New research is showing the embodied nature of time perception and how it can fluctuate in tune with the heart’s beats
- Aeon: Lamb - Be what you hope for: 26/06/2023 (Michael Lamb) (WebRef=12771, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In the face of global challenges, Augustine offers a way between the despair of pessimism and the presumption of optimism
- Aeon: Brummelman & Ziemer - Teaching self-confidence can backfire and perpetuate inequality: 26/06/2023 (Eddie Brummelman & Eddie Ziemer) (PID Note: Narrative Identity936) (WebRef=12770, Unread, Priority=2)
→ It’s true that self-confidence is beneficial, but the way in which it’s often taught is misguided and can be harmful
- Aeon: Pikoos - Body dysmorphic disorder is common, yet widely misunderstood: 22/06/2023 (Toni Pikoos) (PID Note: Psychopathology937) (WebRef=12749, Unread, Priority=2)
→ What strikes someone with BDD as a glaring physical problem actually calls for a psychological solution
- Aeon: Video - Freedom swimmer: 22/06/2023 (WebRef=12752, Unread, Priority=2)
→ One story, in a sea of millions, of swimming from China to freedom in Hong Kong
- Aeon: Rucker - How to start having more fun: 21/06/2023 (Mike Rucker) (WebRef=12754, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Fun isn’t frivolous – it’s vital for your wellbeing. Here’s a step-by-step plan to bring more pleasure into your busy life
- Aeon: Video - Recreating Donatello's sculpture: 21/06/2023 (WebRef=12753, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From a pencil sketch to cherubs dancing in stone – recreating a Donatello work
- Aeon: Mezzenzana - Amazonian childcare: 20/06/2023 (Francesca Mezzenzana) (WebRef=12756, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In the eyes of the Runa people, Western kids grow up indulged, over-mothered and incapable of facing outward to the world
- Aeon: Bradatan - Learning to be a loser: a philosopher’s case for doing nothing: 19/06/2023 (Costica Bradatan) (WebRef=12757, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For Emil Cioran, a life devoid of action, practical ambitions and busyness is a life in which room has been made for meaning
- Aeon: Benjamin - The diaries of Kafka: 16/06/2023 (Ross Benjamin) (PID Note: Psychopathology938) (WebRef=12730, Unread, Priority=2)
→ By day an insurance official, by night he was an incessant, insomniacal scribe of the space between waking and dreaming
- Aeon: Video - Burrnesha: 15/06/2023 (PID Note: Narrative Identity939) (WebRef=12731, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The ‘sworn virgins’ of Albania who trade femininity for freedom
- Aeon: Kramer - How to listen to, and enjoy, classical music: 14/06/2023 (Lawrence Kramer) (WebRef=12734, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Whether you’re a newbie or an aficionado, these ways to navigate and approach the genre will enrich your experience
- Aeon: Luis - Asians in early America: 13/06/2023 (Diego Javier Luis) (WebRef=12736, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Asian sailors came to the west coast of America in 1587. Within a century they were settled in colonies from Mexico to Peru
- Aeon: Love - Why is there such a thing as ‘true love’ but not ‘true grump’?: 13/06/2023 (Shayla Love) (WebRef=12735, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Whether you’re a newbie or an aficionado, these ways to navigate and approach the genre will enrich your experience
- Aeon: Nickerson & Specker - Many refugees carry a distinct type of trauma: ‘moral injury’: 12/06/2023 (Angela Nickerson & Philippa Specker) (WebRef=12737, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Trauma is usually fear-based, but refugees are also burdened by witnessing moral violations and their own ethical dilemmas
- Aeon: Ayaya & Kitanaka - Tōjisha-kenkyū: 12/06/2023 (Satsuki Ayaya & Junko Kitanaka) (PID Note: Psychopathology940) (WebRef=12738, Unread, Priority=2)
→ This radical movement makes space for people with mental health and other challenges to study (and celebrate) themselves
- Aeon: Murray - All those naked Greeks…: 09/06/2023 (Sarah Murray) (WebRef=12713, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Men in ancient Greek art exercise, fight battles, pursue lovers and mourn lost friends, all without their pants on. Why?
- Aeon: Video - The people will always be there: 09/06/2023 (WebRef=12712, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Explore the rugged beauty of Nine Mile Canyon, the world’s longest art gallery
- Aeon: Buchanan - Deep warming: 08/06/2023 (Mark Buchanan) (WebRef=12715, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Even if we ‘solve’ global warming, we face an older, slower problem. Waste heat could radically alter Earth’s future
- Aeon: Neumeyer - The life of Wanda Półtawska: 06/06/2023 (Joy Neumeyer) (PID Note: Abortion941) (WebRef=12719, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Her closeness to Pope John Paul furnished him with anti-abortion ideals, fuelled by her survival of the Ravensbrück camp
- Aeon: Video - How John Keats writes a poem: 05/06/2023 (WebRef=12710, Unread, Priority=2)
→ What makes John Keats’s ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ so enduringly powerful?
- Aeon: Westin - Ingenious librarians: 05/06/2023 (Monica Westin) (WebRef=12721, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A group of 1970s campus librarians foresaw our world of distributed knowledge and research, and designed search tools for it
- Aeon: Sanklecha - Reason is a powerful tool, but it pays to know its limits: 05/06/2023 (Pranay Sanklecha) (WebRef=12720, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As a philosophy student, I was bewitched by the power of reason – but my life is freer since I escaped from its spell
- Aeon: Wilkinson-Ryan - Don’t let them fool you: 02/06/2023 (Tess Wilkinson-Ryan) (WebRef=12698, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The fear of being duped is ubiquitous, but excessive scepticism makes it harder to trust one another and cooperate
- Aeon: Tutt - Matrimony and the market: 01/06/2023 (Daniel Tutt) (WebRef=12701, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The sexual revolution promised new norms of intimacy based on egalitarianism. So far, only the rich have cashed in
- Aeon: Smithyman - How to handle rejection: 31/05/2023 (Thomas Smithyman) (WebRef=12703, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Whether personal or professional, the sting of rejection awaits us all. These strategies can help you heal and move on
- Aeon: Lowe - A fake-meat burger, a sex doll and a thought experiment: 30/05/2023 (Rebecca Lowe) (PID Note: Animal Rights942) (WebRef=12704, Unread, Priority=2)
→ How is enjoying a burger, even if it’s one made of fake meat, different from enjoying a female, even if she’s a sex doll?
- Aeon: Langer - Models of antiquity: 30/05/2023 (Francesca Langer) (WebRef=12705, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Radicals in the Age of Revolution saw the classical world as a common inheritance that could aid their fight for liberty
- Aeon: Laneri - Why ancient Mesopotamians buried their dead beneath the floor: 29/05/2023 (Nicola Laneri) (PID Note: Death943) (WebRef=12707, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In an age before photos or audio recordings, people found other ways to stay sensorially connected to their deceased
- Aeon: Hampton - The sonnet machine: 25/05/2023 (Timothy Hampton) (WebRef=12687, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A sonnet contains an emotional drama of illusion and deception, crisis and resolution, crafted to make us think and feel
- Aeon: Video - David Goldblatt in Johannesburg: 24/05/2023 (PID Note: Race944) (WebRef=12688, Unread, Priority=2)
→ David Goldblatt captured the contradictions of apartheid in stark black and white
- Aeon: Spiegel - How to know if hypnosis is for you: 24/05/2023 (Eric Spiegel) (PID Note: Psychopathology945) (WebRef=12689, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Even experts can be confused about clinical hypnosis. So here’s all you need to help decide if you might benefit from it
- Aeon: Hennessey - Facts don’t change minds: a case for the virtues of propaganda: 23/05/2023 (Anna Hennessey) (WebRef=12690, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A better understanding of propaganda and how to use it as an educational tool could advance the world in a positive way
- Aeon: Chao - How to mourn a forest: 23/05/2023 (Sophie Chao) (WebRef=12691, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The Marind people of West Papua deploy mourning not only to grieve their animal and plant kin but as political resistance
- Aeon: Trägårdh - The Swedish theory of love: 18/05/2023 (Lars Tragardh) (WebRef=12669, Unread, Priority=2)
→ All countries must balance the freedom of individuals with the demands of the community. Sweden’s solution is unique
- Aeon: Video - Water worlds: 18/05/2023 (WebRef=12667, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In the search for life, might alien ocean worlds be a better bet than Earth-like planets?
- Aeon: Video - Eleonora Stump on the problem of evil: 17/05/2023 (Robert Lawrence Kuhn & Eleonore Stump) (PID Note: Religion946) (WebRef=12670, Unread, Priority=2)
→ How a devout Catholic philosopher approaches the problem of evil
- Aeon: Linden - To master the art of close looking, learn to hold time still: 17/05/2023 (Grace Linden) (WebRef=12668, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Visual literacy is a skillset that’s rarely taught, but it begins with learning how to look – and how to hold time still
- Aeon: Troyer - I thought I knew everything about death. Then grief struck me: 16/05/2023 (John Troyer) (PID Note: Death947) (WebRef=12672, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Even though I grew up in Death World, and still live there, it couldn’t prepare me for being my family’s sole survivor
- Aeon: Locke - Reckoning with compassion: 15/05/2023 (Jessica Locke) (PID Note: Buddhism948) (WebRef=12676, Unread, Priority=2)
→ After an abuse scandal destroyed my Buddhist community, I had to reconsider what it means to live an ethically attuned life
- Aeon: Byron & O'Regan - What is it about musical hooks that makes them so catchy?: 15/05/2023 (Tim Byron & Jadey O'Regan) (WebRef=12675, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From hummable riffs to striking lyrics, the catchiest hooks tell us something about the limits of human attention and memory
- Aeon: Roache - The joy of sulk: 12/05/2023 (Rebecca Roache) (WebRef=12650, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Full of implicit rules and paradoxes, sulking is a marvellous example of intense communication without clear declaration
- Aeon: Svetieva & ten Brinke - Be honest: little white lies are more harmful than you think: 10/05/2023 (Elena Svetieva & Leanne ten Brinke) (WebRef=12652, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Even well-intentioned white lies can foster disconnection and distrust – openness and honesty really are the best policy
- Aeon: Goodman - How to overcome social anxiety: 10/05/2023 (Fallon Goodman) (PID Note: Psychopathology949) (WebRef=12655, Unread, Priority=2)
→ When even everyday social situations make you feel self-conscious and afraid, it’s time to try these well-tested techniques
- Aeon: Video - Sensory overload: 10/05/2023 (PID Note: Psychopathology950) (WebRef=12649, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Enter the sensory world of an overstimulated Autistic mind
- Aeon: Hsieh - The surprising way to tackle prejudice in the real world: 09/05/2023 (Wing Hsieh) (PID Note: Race951) (WebRef=12656, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The good news is there are many effective anti-prejudice interventions, but the most promising remains relatively unknown
- Aeon: Vartan - I’m childfree by choice. Should I feel guilty about ending my line?: 08/05/2023 (Starre Vartan) (PID Note: Genetics952) (WebRef=12659, Unread, Priority=2)
→ My uterus is not my ancestors’ vessel for future progeny. What’s the impact of my choice on my family’s genetic lineage?
- Aeon: Alderson-Day - A thickness in the air: 05/05/2023 (Ben Alderson-Day) (WebRef=12632, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The spooky sensation that someone or something else is right there haunts us all. But what does this felt presence mean?
- Aeon: Niemi, Graham & Doris - What the ‘fundamental attribution error’ misses about blame: 03/05/2023 (Laura Niemi, Jesse Graham & John M. Doris) (PID Note: Forensic Property953) (WebRef=12634, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Classic research says we overlook situational factors in explaining people’s misdeeds. But the reality is more complex
- Aeon: Usher - Self-satisfaction: 02/05/2023 (M.D. Usher) (PID Note: Self954) (WebRef=12638, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The ancient Cynics taught that masturbation is about more than pleasure: it suggests how to live simply and autonomously
- Aeon: Gbur - Why the concept of invisibility so captivates the imagination: 02/05/2023 (Greg Gbur) (WebRef=12637, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From ancient fables to the latest science theory, invisibility represents some of humankind’s deepest fears and desires
- Aeon: Simon - A new paganism: 01/05/2023 (Ed Simon) (WebRef=12641, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Now is the time to revitalise our relationship with nature and immerse ourselves in the little wonders of the universe
- Aeon: Video - How to design architecture for wildlife: 01/05/2023 (PID Note: Animal Rights955) (WebRef=12639, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Modern architecture should embrace – not ignore or repel – the nonhuman world
- Aeon: Bunting - More radical and practical than Stoicism – discover Shugendō: 01/05/2023 (Tim Bunting) (WebRef=12640, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Modern architecture should embrace – not ignore or repel – the nonhuman world
- Aeon: Moscoso - Disorient yourself: 27/04/2023 (Javier Moscoso) (WebRef=12619, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Now associated with childhood fun, the swing has a near-universal history of ritual transgression and transformation
- Aeon: Ditzel - How to feel less lonely as you get older: 26/04/2023 (Carrie Ditzel) (WebRef=12621, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Work and family life are no longer so busy and life can suddenly seem empty. Here are some good ways to stay connected
- Aeon: Leyland - Reading books is not just a pleasure: it helps our minds to heal: 26/04/2023 (Peter Leyland) (PID Note: Psychopathology956) (WebRef=12618, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Through my own struggles and in teaching bibliotherapy to students, I know that books can help to heal minds and hearts
- Aeon: Rees - In praise of irritation: 25/04/2023 (Will Rees) (WebRef=12623, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Unlike anger, irritation has neither glamour nor radicalism on its side. Yet it might just be the mood we need right now
- Aeon: Perez - The Quechua idea ‘pacha’ urges us beyond narrow self-concern: 25/04/2023 (Jorge Sanchez Perez) (PID Note: Narrative Identity957) (WebRef=12622, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The Quechua term ‘pacha’ embodies an Andean worldview that sees everything as related, transcending narrow self-interest
- Aeon: Berntsen - Earlier memories are relatively spared in dementia. Why?: 24/04/2023 (Dorthe Berntsen) (PID Note: Memory958) (WebRef=12625, Unread, Priority=2)
→ People with Alzheimer’s have richer memories of late childhood and early adulthood and this could help therapeutic care
- Aeon: Video - Time travel in Britain's lost rainforests: 24/04/2023 (WebRef=12624, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In an ancient English rainforest, John creates charcoal and cultivates growth
- Aeon: Daston - The virtue of discretion: 21/04/2023 (Lorraine Daston) (WebRef=12604, Unread, Priority=2)
→ When the rules break down, you must judge what to do on your own. Discretion is necessary for navigating the muddle of life
- Aeon: Smith - How to wander: 19/04/2023 (Jordan Fisher Smith) (PID Note: Narrative Identity959) (WebRef=12608, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Whether in a city or the wilderness, near or far, there’s joy to be had in a journey where the destination doesn’t matter
- Aeon: Video - Still life: 18/04/2023 (PID Note: Consciousness960) (WebRef=12609, Unread, Priority=2)
→ An enigmatic ‘story of consciousness’ told through 19th-century engravings
- Aeon: Sha & Harshman - Uncertainty isn’t a human flaw, it’s a feature of the world: 18/04/2023 (Richard C. Sha & Nathan Harshman) (PID Note: Quantum Mechanics961) (WebRef=12610, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Ain't no time for women: 17/04/2023 (WebRef=12612, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Join the spirited debate at a women’s hair salon before a pivotal election in Tunisia
- Aeon: Grietzer - Patterns of the lifeworld: 17/04/2023 (Peli Grietzer) (PID Note: Intelligence962) (WebRef=12614, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Machine learning theory is shedding new light on how to think about the mysterious and ineffable nature of art
- Aeon: Video - How Hubble images are made: 13/04/2023 (WebRef=12586, Unread, Priority=2)
→ What are you really seeing when you see magnificent images of space?
- Aeon: Lagerlund & Roudaut - Machina mundi: 13/04/2023963
- Aeon: Video - Faraway: 12/04/2023 (PID Note: Narrative Identity964) (WebRef=12584, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Young, gay and Arab, Omar navigates the seasons of his life in Montreal
- Aeon: Alexander - How to be a hands-on citizen: 12/04/2023 (Jon Alexander) (WebRef=12589, Unread, Priority=2)
→ You can be so much more than a well-informed consumer: it is in your (and our) power to change society from the ground up
- Aeon: Keegin - A life of splendid uselessness is a life well lived: 11/04/2023 (Joseph M. Keegin) (PID Note: Narrative Identity965) (WebRef=12591, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Aristotle's ergon - Listen, I've got this all figured out: 11/04/2023966
- Aeon: Video - A history of the world according to Getty Images: 10/04/2023 (WebRef=12593, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Who owns history? How remarkable historical footage is hidden and monetised
- Aeon: Chang - The empty basket: 10/04/2023 (Ha-Joon Chang) (WebRef=12595, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Economics is the language of power and affects us all. What can we do to improve its impoverished menu of ideas?
- Aeon: Nunn - Memories within myth: 06/04/2023 (Patrick Nunn) (PID Note: Memory967) (WebRef=12572, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The stories of oral societies, passed from generation to generation, are more than they seem. They are scientific records
- Aeon: Creasy - For Nietzsche, nihilism goes deeper than ‘life is pointless’: 05/04/2023968
- Aeon: Trotta - How to handle paranoid thoughts: 05/04/2023 (Antonella Trotta) (PID Note: Psychopathology969) (WebRef=12573, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Feel like you’re being watched, judged or talked about? These exercises will help you assess the situation and calm your mind
- Aeon: Thomas - Aristotle on making babies: 04/04/2023970
- Aeon: Omoge - In the architecture of the mind, where lies human imagination?: 04/04/2023 (Michael Omoge) (PID Note: Mind971) (WebRef=12575, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Dark Goya: 03/04/2023 (WebRef=12577, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Tracing Goya’s ‘dark’ journey from Spanish court painter to macabre visionary
- Aeon: Kurtkoti - The therapeutic power in learning to make a film together: 03/04/2023 (Varun Kurtkoti) (WebRef=12578, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Sebag-Montefiore - Honey, I sold the kids: 31/03/2023 (Clarissa Sebag-Montefiore) (WebRef=12553, Unread, Priority=2)
→ We have laws to protect children from factory work. Why aren’t they protected from parents who monetise their lives online?
- Aeon: Carlisle & Mazaroli - The return of silvopasture: 30/03/2023 (Liz Carlisle & Nikki Mazaroli) (PID Note: Animal Rights972) (WebRef=12556, Unread, Priority=2)
→ This ancient practice, nurturing animals and trees in an ecological system, fights climate change and restores the land
- Aeon: Wade & Cornish - How to forgive yourself: 29/03/2023 (Nathaniel Wade & Marilyn Cornish) (WebRef=12557, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Finding it hard to move past a hurtful mistake? With these steps toward repair and renewal, you can do and feel better
- Aeon: Smith - Mental health is not an individual matter, but a political one: 29/03/2023 (Matthew Smith) (PID Note: Psychopathology973) (WebRef=12555, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Nyctophobia: 29/03/2023 (PID Note: Cartesian Ego974) (WebRef=12552, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Using his body as a canvas, Jean-François recalls getting lost in unreality
- Aeon: Dhar - Body neutrality gives me the freedom not to love my body: 28/03/2023 (Payal Dhar) (PID Note: Body975) (WebRef=12559, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Romm - The sage and his foibles: 28/03/2023976
- Aeon: Moland - Lydia Maria Child, abolitionist: 27/03/2023 (Lydia Moland) (PID Note: Race977) (WebRef=12563, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Taking up arms against slavery, the famous novelist foreshadowed the vexed role of the white woman activist today
- Aeon: Video - Party poster: 23/03/2023 (WebRef=12538, Unread, Priority=2)
→ ‘Without a poster, you don’t exist!’ – on the curious political banners of Mumbai
- Aeon: Fisher & Steele - Unschooling: 23/03/2023 (Naomi Fisher & Heidi Steele) (PID Note: Psychopathology978) (WebRef=12545, Unread, Priority=2)
→ It takes nerve to go against the grain and take your child out of school. But, for some, that’s when learning really starts
- Aeon: Video - All the world's a stage: 22/03/2023 (WebRef=12541, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Sail through Shakespeare’s melancholic soliloquy on life’s seven stages
- Aeon: Austin - How to live like an Epicurean: 22/03/2023 (Emily Austin) (WebRef=12535, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Forget shallow hedonism. Follow this philosophy for wondrous, unexpected joys and resilience against inevitable misfortune
- Aeon: Ratcliffe - What it means for something to ‘sink in’ emotionally: 22/03/2023 (Matthew Ratcliffe) (WebRef=12544, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Orford - Milk, pity and power: 17/03/2023 (Margie Orford) (WebRef=12523, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Since antiquity, artists have depicted a perverse scene of a daughter breastfeeding her aged father. What does it mean?
- Aeon: Video - The Hereford map: 16/03/2023 (WebRef=12524, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The famed medieval map that stretched beyond Earth to heaven, history and myth
- Aeon: Lapka & Kung - Wish you had more self-control? You should hear the downsides: 14/03/2023 (Samantha Lapka & Franki Kung) (WebRef=12528, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: David - At the Kremlin in 1943: 13/03/2023 (Kathryn David) (PID Note: Religion979) (WebRef=12531, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Stalin presented Orthodox leaders with a proposal: the Soviet state that had destroyed their Church would bring it back
- Aeon: Nicolini - Should assisted death be available for intractable mental illness?: 13/03/2023 (Marie Nicolini) (WebRef=12530, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Low-Scott - How to be a better loser: 08/03/2023 (Blakely Low-Scott) (WebRef=12516, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As a competitor, you can’t avoid the hurt of losing. But you can learn ways to bounce back stronger and more motivated
- Aeon: Windt - Personal transformation can start with a whisper, not a bang: 08/03/2023 (Jennifer Windt) (PID Note: Narrative Identity980) (WebRef=12514, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Accounts of a nuclear whistleblower: 07/03/2023 (WebRef=12517, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Meet the man who uncovered the scandal of nuclear testing in South Australia
- Aeon: Masland & Peeples - People with BPD need compassion yet even clinicians stigmatise them: 07/03/2023 (Sara Rose Masland & Hannah E.A. Peeples) (PID Note: Psychopathology981) (WebRef=12518, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - The panopticon: 06/03/2023 (WebRef=12520, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Jeremy Bentham was consumed by creating a perfect prison. Here’s the result
- Aeon: Penaluna - Masham and me: 03/03/2023 (Regan Penaluna) (PID Note: Locke982) (WebRef=12508, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Were it not for her friendship with John Locke, the radical feminist gems of philosopher Damaris Masham might be unknown
- Aeon: Venkataraman - Lessons from the foragers: 02/03/2023983
- Aeon: Wright - There’s a reason some of us find it easier to change than others: 01/03/2023 (Amanda J. Wright) (PID Note: Personality984) (WebRef=12510, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Stilgoe - Give the drummer some: 28/02/2023 (Jack Stilgoe) (PID Note: Intelligence985) (WebRef=12504, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As AI drum machines embrace humanising imperfections, what does this mean for ‘real’ drummers and the soul of music?
- Aeon: Markey - Practise ‘intuitive eating’ and feel a lot happier about food: 28/02/2023 (Charlotte H. Markey) (WebRef=12503, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Harvey - Medieval babycare: 27/02/2023 (Catherine Harvey) (WebRef=12507, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From mansplaining about breastfeeding to debates on developmental toys, medieval parenting was full of familiar dilemmas
- Aeon: Video - The fate of the wild: 27/02/2023 (PID Note: Animals986) (WebRef=12505, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Laura fights to protect the magnificence of wild horses running free
- Aeon: Berryman - Your consciousness has been completely transformed. Now what?: 27/02/2023 (Kevin Berryman) (PID Note: Consciousness987) (WebRef=12506, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Devgun - Why psychological research on child sex offenders is important: 22/02/2023 (Meetali Devgun) (PID Note: Psychopathology988) (WebRef=12494, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - The sights of space: a voyage to spectacular alien worlds: 21/02/2023 (WebRef=12485, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Burning ice, metal clouds, gemstone rain – tour the strangest known exoplanets
- Aeon: Barnes - The space between us: 21/02/2023 (James Barnes) (PID Note: Psychopathology989) (WebRef=12487, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In order to understand and heal mental distress, we must see our minds as existing in relationships, not inside our heads
- Aeon: Video - Still the one: 20/02/2023 (PID Note: Narrative Identity990) (WebRef=12488, Unread, Priority=2)
→ ‘I didn’t fall in love with a couple of body pieces’ – on marriage and transition
- Aeon: Rogers - Stuck in a loop of worrying thoughts? Here’s how to stop it: 20/02/2023 (Megan L. Rogers) (PID Note: Psychopathology991) (WebRef=12489, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Slepian - Secrets hurt their holders: 16/02/2023 (Michael Slepian) (WebRef=12475, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Holding back the truth can take a huge toll on your relationships and your mental health. Why? And is there a better way?
- Aeon: de Bloom & Kosenkranius - How to craft a harmonious life: 15/02/2023 (Jessica de Bloom & Merly Kosenkranius) (WebRef=12476, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Forget the ideal of work/life balance – your needs and interests are much richer than that, and your life can be too
- Aeon: Bretl - Adolescence is a ‘use it or lose it’ time for moral development: 13/02/2023 (Brandon Bretl) (WebRef=12474, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Nowell - Children of the Ice Age: 13/02/2023 (April Nowell) (PID Note: Evolution992) (WebRef=12482, Unread, Priority=2)
→ With the help of new archaeological approaches, our picture of young lives in the Palaeolithic is now marvellously vivid
- Aeon: Vallier - Defining social trust is a first step toward nurturing it: 08/02/2023 (Kevin Vallier) (WebRef=12468, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Ellard - How to appreciate buildings: 08/02/2023 (Colin Ellard) (WebRef=12458, Unread, Priority=2)
→ It’s easy to become blasé about the built world. Tune in more deeply and architectural adventures await around each corner
- Aeon: Zaretsky - What if my lessons in existentialism were in bad faith?: 07/02/2023 (Robert D. Zaretsky) (WebRef=12460, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Zimmerman - A game is not a game without a special kind of conflict: 06/02/2023 (Eric Zimmerman) (WebRef=12463, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Lupyan & Clark - Super-cooperators: 06/02/2023 (Gary Lupyan & Andy Clark) (PID Note: Transhumanism993) (WebRef=12464, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Clear and direct telepathic communication is unlikely to be developed. But brain-to-brain links still hold great promise
- Aeon: Thomas - Hitozukuri: 03/02/2023 (Jolyon Baraka Thomas) (PID Note: Religion994) (WebRef=12447, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Japan’s Cold War education policy used religion to ‘make’ the ideal humans needed by its nascent economy. Did it work?
- Aeon: Stadolnik - We’ve always been distracted: 02/02/2023 (Joe Stadolnik) (WebRef=12450, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Worried that technology is ‘breaking your brain’? Fears about attention spans and focus are as old as writing itself
- Aeon: Davidman - How to know if you want to be a parent: 01/02/2023 (Ann Davidman) (WebRef=12451, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Set aside everyone else’s preconceptions. Then try doing these counterintuitive exercises to understand your own desires
- Aeon: Perkins-McVey - What can Kant tell us about the perils and promise of booze?: 01/02/2023 (Matthew Perkins-McVey) (PID Note: Kant995) (WebRef=12449, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Ranaee - Known unknowables: 31/01/2023 (Mahdi Ranaee) (WebRef=12454, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The ancient Sceptics used doubt as a way of investigating the world. Later thinkers undermined even that possibility
- Aeon: Paluck & Gantman - The details of the situation shape whether a sexual assault occurs: 31/01/2023 (Betsy Levy Paluck & Ana Gantman) (WebRef=12453, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: McConnell - The Rift: 30/01/2023 (Tristan McConnell) (PID Note: Evolution996) (WebRef=12456, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Splitting the African continent, it is the only place where our human story can be read continuously from the very start
- Aeon: Chaney - Worried you’re not normal? Don’t be – there’s no such thing: 30/01/2023 (Sarah Chaney) (WebRef=12455, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Hendrick - Learning styles don’t exist: 26/01/2023 (Carl Hendrick) (WebRef=12437, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A teaching approach that is based on students’ preferences sounds laudable. But this misunderstands how learning happens
- Aeon: Video - The doll: 26/01/2023 (PID Note: Narrative Identity997) (WebRef=12435, Unread, Priority=2)
→ At 14, Asal is excited about her engagement. Her relatives all have their own opinions
- Aeon: McLamore - Disarming transphobia: 25/01/2023 (Quinnehtukqut McLamore) (PID Note: Narrative Identity998) (WebRef=12432, Unread, Priority=2)
→ ‘Rapid-onset gender dysphoria’ is a popular weapon in the anti-trans arsenal. It is nothing but unscientific bunk
- Aeon: Scott - How to get to know all (the parts) of you: 25/01/2023 (Derek Scott) (PID Note: Narrative Identity999) (WebRef=12426, Unread, Priority=2)
→ An emerging form of psychotherapy offers some surprising ways to think about who you are and work towards self-acceptance
- Aeon: Levy - Why AI surveillance at work leads to perverse outcomes: 25/01/2023 (Karen Levy) (PID Note: Computers1000) (WebRef=12436, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Christensen - How war destroys the childhood sense-scape we call ‘home’: 24/01/2023 (Julia F. Christensen) (PID Note: Narrative Identity1001) (WebRef=12428, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Everything is going to be fine: 23/01/2023 (WebRef=12430, Unread, Priority=2)
→ What’s the healthiest way to handle a creeping feeling that the world is ending?
- Aeon: Buckareff - The brewer, the yeast, and the boundaries of human agency: 23/01/2023 (Andrei A. Buckareff) (PID Note: Causality1002) (WebRef=12431, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Draycott - The other Cleopatra: 20/01/2023 (Jane Draycott) (WebRef=12404, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Daughter of Cleopatra and Mark Antony, she became the influential queen of a mysterious, abundant North African kingdom
- Aeon: Casewell - Forgotten existentialist: 19/01/2023 (Deborah Casewell) (WebRef=12407, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Sartre gets much of the credit for existentialism. Karl Jaspers not only preceded him, but offered a way out of despair
- Aeon: Hooper - How to make the most of university: 18/01/2023 (Nic Hooper) (WebRef=12396, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Learning psychological flexibility is the key to coping with difficult times and to pursuing what really matters to you
- Aeon: Video - London mudlark: 17/01/2023 (WebRef=12397, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From Roman pots to glass eyes, the shore of the river Thames teems with surprises
- Aeon: Brennen & Magnussen - Here’s the truth about how to spot when someone is lying: 16/01/2023 (Tim Brennen & Svein Magnussen) (WebRef=12401, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Linda: 16/01/2023 (WebRef=12400, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Pondering the peculiar one-sided intimacy of the client-therapist relationship
- Aeon: Hanusiak - Enter the conductrice: 12/01/2023 (Xenia Hanusiak) (WebRef=12388, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Le Forestier - It’s a fraught choice: come out, or conceal yourself?: 11/01/2023 (Joel Le Forestier) (PID Note: Narrative Identity1003) (WebRef=12387, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Mason, Demertzi & Ramaekers - If you want psychedelic healing, your ego may need to die: 10/01/2023 (Natasha Mason , Athena Demertzi & Johannes G. Ramaekers) (PID Note: Cartesian Ego1004) (WebRef=12380, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Second shot: 10/01/2023 (PID Note: Narrative Identity1005) (WebRef=12379, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Thirty years after one teenager shot another, is it time to forgive?
- Aeon: Svoboda - Family passages: 09/01/2023 (Elizabeth Svoboda) (WebRef=12384, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Each new generation learns from its elders. But familial voices now compete for influence with a chorus of urgent others
- Aeon: Boon - Learn the art of journaling and archive your life: 09/01/2023 (Sarah Boon) (WebRef=12383, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Backhurst - Philosophy’s blindspot: 06/01/2023 (David Backhurst) (WebRef=12361, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Education has long been ignored by contemporary philosophers. That is a myopic view that must change
- Aeon: Eichner - Women at the barricades: 05/01/2023 (Carolyn Eichner) (WebRef=12364, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The transgressions of working-class women formed the revolutionary heart of the 1871 Paris Commune
- Aeon: Video - Chemical somnia: 03/01/2023 (WebRef=12367, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A square inch in a Petri dish becomes a grand stage for chemical transformations
- Aeon: Boddice - The politics of pain: 03/01/2023 (Rob Boddice) (WebRef=12368, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Medical science can only tell us so much. To understand pain, we need the cultural tools of history, philosophy and art
- Aeon: Shine - To grasp how serotonin works on the brain, look to the gut: 03/01/2023 (James M. Shine) (WebRef=12363, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Alliger - Kafka warned us: surveillance turns the watched into watchers: 20/12/2022 (George Alliger) (WebRef=12348, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Wulf - The first Romantics: 20/12/2022 (Andrea Wulf) (WebRef=12349, Unread, Priority=2)
→ How a close group of brilliant friends, in a tiny German university town, laid the foundations of modern consciousness
- Aeon: Riggle - Beauty is not an ornament to the good life, it is at its heart: 19/12/2022 (Nick Riggle) (WebRef=12351, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Alpert - Many wisdoms: 16/12/2022 (Avram Alpert) (WebRef=12328, Unread, Priority=2)
→ There are no transcendent insights that rise above human difference. Yet wisdom exists if we look in the right places
- Aeon: Video - How to get better at video games (according to babies): 15/12/2022 (PID Note: Transhumanism1006) (WebRef=12329, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Teaching an AI to beat video games still takes human imagination
- Aeon: Video - Goal: 14/12/2022 (WebRef=12327, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Bent out of shape by the surreal corporate dance towards success
- Aeon: Video - Believing is seeing: 13/12/2022 (PID Note: Transhumanism1007) (WebRef=12334, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Social contagions can cause genuine illness, and TikTok may be a superspreader
- Aeon: Bradatan - The herd in the head: 13/12/2022 (Costica Bradatan) (WebRef=12336, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Warren - Home and the birdsong: 12/12/2022 (Michael J. Warren) (WebRef=12338, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In the dark, sylvan villages of medieval England, people named places after the birds that filled the night with music
- Aeon: Video - Violator: 12/12/2022 (PID Note: Psychopathology1008) (WebRef=12337, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From violent criminal to loving parent – a son’s story of his father’s transformation
- Aeon: Cawley - How to become wise: 09/12/2022 (Kevin Cawley) (WebRef=12319, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Practice is at the heart of Korean philosophy. In order to lead a good life, hone your daily rituals of self-cultivation
- Aeon: Video - The great abandonment: 08/12/2022 (WebRef=12320, Unread, Priority=2)
→ How the world’s harshest lockdown hit India’s millions of migrant workers
- Aeon: Syfret - How to be a happy nihilist: 07/12/2022 (Wendy Syfret) (WebRef=12311, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Exhausted by the modern pressure to squeeze meaning out of every moment? Here’s a radical way to reset your priorities
- Aeon: Liberman - In Viking sagas, the ‘truth’ is a tangle of history and fiction: 07/12/2022 (Anatoly Liberman) (WebRef=12310, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Cook & Over - Why do we make snap judgments based on facial appearance?: 07/12/2022 (Richard Cook & Harriet Over) (WebRef=12321, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Morden - Thriving on Mars: 06/12/2022 (Simon Morden) (PID Note: Transhumanism1009) (WebRef=12314, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Dust storms, long distances and freezing temperatures make living on Mars magnificently challenging. How will we do it?
- Aeon: Gadsby & Nanay - Is ‘feeling fat’ really a manifestation of underlying sadness?: 05/12/2022 (Stephen Gadsby & Bence Nanay) (PID Note: Psychopathology1010) (WebRef=12316, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - The temple of knowledge: 05/12/2022 (WebRef=12315, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Ronald grew up in a New York City library. It was as strange and wondrous as it sounds
- Aeon: James - Geopolitics is for losers: 01/12/2022 (Harold James) (WebRef=12305, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The concept of geopolitics comes from German and Russian attempts to explain defeat and reverse loss of influence
- Aeon: Magnus - They’re playing our song! The philosophical puzzle of cover songs: 30/11/2022 (P.D. Magnus) (WebRef=12309, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Alfano & Astola - A sense of humour – even a dark one – is a moral virtue: 29/11/2022 (Mark Alfano & Mandi Astola) (WebRef=12301, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Valmisa - We are interwoven beings: 25/11/2022 (Mercedes Valmisa) (PID Note: Society1011) (WebRef=12286, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A dragon needs the clouds and the wind in order to fly. What happens when we too relinquish individualistic reasoning?
- Aeon: Video - Bernard Williams and Bryan Magee on Descartes: 24/11/2022 (Bryan Magee & Bernard Williams) (PID Note: Descartes1012) (WebRef=12287, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Bernard Williams on Descartes’s audacious endeavour to prove knowledge is possible
- Aeon: Evans - Was Colin Wilson a fascist?: 22/11/2022 (Jules Evans) (WebRef=12281, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For thousands of fans, he made philosophy thrillingly relevant. Yet there is a deep unsavoury undercurrent to his worldview
- Aeon: Suri - What happens if we make the Mona Lisa more symmetrical?: 22/11/2022 (Manil Suri) (WebRef=12280, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Fabiani - La cucina povera delivers the fare we need to sustain us now: 21/11/2022 (Louise Fabiani) (WebRef=12283, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - The love and death of Yosef and Zilli: 21/11/2022 (PID Note: Death1013) (WebRef=12282, Unread, Priority=2)
→ When his elderly parents make a suicide pact, Doron struggles to accept their choice
- Aeon: Judson - Our Earth, shaped by life: 18/11/2022 (Olivia Judson) (PID Note: Evolution1014) (WebRef=12272, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Darwin was the first to see that all lifeforms, from worms to corals, transform the planet. What does that mean for us?
- Aeon: Video - Obon: 17/11/2022 (PID Note: Narrative Identity1015) (WebRef=12273, Unread, Priority=2)
→ What Akiko saw at the centre of the Hiroshima blast, and the indelible mark it left
- Aeon: Marino - I made professor before Ritalin. Now I can’t work without it: 16/11/2022 (Gordon Marino) (PID Note: Psychopathology1016) (WebRef=12274, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Mangels - Quitting animal foods needn’t be a hardship. Relish your new diet and make it stick with this nutritionist’s approach: 16/11/2022 (Reed Mangels) (PID Note: Animal Rights1017) (WebRef=12265, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Quitting animal foods needn’t be a hardship. Relish your new diet and make it stick with this nutritionist’s approach
- Aeon: Garson - The helpful delusion: 14/11/2022 (Justin Garson) (PID Note: Psychopathology1018) (WebRef=12271, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Dine - Cogitating black holes: 13/11/2022 (Michael Dine) (WebRef=12268, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The Universe cannot always be understood through observation. Instead, physicists explore by devising thought experiments
- Aeon: Marder - Trenches in Chernobyl: 11/11/2022 (Michael Marder) (WebRef=12260, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Disturbing and inhaling radioactive dust, in their haste Russian soldiers unburied the wrecked, undead Earth itself
- Aeon: Gjesdal - Why did Ibsen put ‘philosophers in skirts’ up on the stage?: 09/11/2022 (Kristin Gjesdal) (WebRef=12252, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Quattrone - Jesuits in the boardroom: 04/11/2022 (Paolo Quattrone) (WebRef=12239, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As corporations struggle to survive in a more uncertain world, they should look to the success of the Society of Jesus
- Aeon: Video - Using the Astronomicum Caesareum book: 03/11/2022 (WebRef=12240, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As corporations struggle to survive in a more uncertain world, they should look to the success of the Society of Jesus
- Aeon: Kecmanovic - How to deal with regret: 02/11/2022 (Jelena Kecmanovic) (WebRef=12232, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In a world of choices, it’s impossible to avoid regret. Unpleasant as it is, you can make it bearable, even inspirational
- Aeon: Pyne - Our children will need to find the beauty in our burnt planet: 02/11/2022 (Stephen J. Pyne) (WebRef=12241, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Molinari, Petrolini & Huemer - There is an unseen smuggling operation between fiction and reality: 02/11/2022 (Daniele Molinari, Valentina Petrolini & Wolfgang Huemer) (PID Note: Fiction1019) (WebRef=12231, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Cochrane - Attuned to the aesthetic: 01/11/2022 (Tom Cochrane) (WebRef=12235, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The ultimate value of the world can be discovered if you are sensitive to what is beautiful
- Aeon: Kovan - The lethal act: 31/10/2022 (Martin Kovan) (PID Note: Buddhism1020) (WebRef=12237, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The Buddha taught not to kill, yet his followers have at times disobeyed him. Can murderers still be Buddhists?
- Aeon: Video - The science of symmetry: 31/10/2022 (PID Note: Animals1021) (WebRef=12236, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Symmetry rules life on Earth – but it comes with many fascinating exceptions
- Aeon: Muecke - The generous philosopher: 28/10/20221022
- Aeon: Video - Moths and beetles in slow motion flight: 27/10/2022 (PID Note: Animals1023) (WebRef=12224, Unread, Priority=2)
→ There’s no one way for an insect to fly, but they’re all amazing in close up and slo-mo
- Aeon: Simoniti - What does art do?: 27/10/2022 (Vid Simoniti) (WebRef=12226, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Good art, laced with irony, ambiguity and suspense, is not obviously political. That’s what makes it politically interesting
- Aeon: Kastely - Can political persuasion be something more than manipulation?: 26/10/2022 (James Kastely) (WebRef=12216, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Butler - The Devil you don’t know: the Satan of the 19th century: 26/10/2022 (Erik Butler) (WebRef=12225, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - World of tomorrow: 26/10/2022 (PID Note: Transhumanism1024) (WebRef=12222, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Stick figures meet existential angst in this acclaimed, darkly comedic short
- Aeon: Melamed - Medieval but not Christian: 25/10/2022 (Yitzhak Y. Melamed) (WebRef=12220, Unread, Priority=2)
→ It’s shocking that histories of medieval philosophy celebrate only Christian thinkers, ignoring Islamic and Jewish thought
- Aeon: Highfield - A singular scientist: 20/10/2022 (Roger Highfield) (WebRef=12180, Unread, Priority=2)
→ James Lovelock was a visionary whose greatest ideas were made possible by his unshakeable independence
- Aeon: Shah - A few simple steps could empower the world’s largest minority: 19/10/2022 (Paras Shah) (PID Note: Narrative Identity1025) (WebRef=12170, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Sobchuk - Are successful authors creative geniuses or literary labourers?: 19/10/2022 (Oleg Sobchuk) (WebRef=12179, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Roache - How to change your self-limiting beliefs: 19/10/2022 (Rebecca Roache) (WebRef=12171, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Let Descartes, Kant and other philosophers help you view the world through a more positive filter and you’ll bloom
- Aeon: Stiefel & Reimer - Tomorrow’s corals: 17/10/2022 (Klaus M. Stiefel & James D. Reimer) (WebRef=12176, Unread, Priority=2)
→ A warming planet and acid oceans will radically transform marine ecosystems. How will our beloved reefs survive?
- Aeon: Silk - Telescopes on the Moon: 14/10/2022 (Joseph Silk) (WebRef=12163, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Our future in space relies on settling the Moon and using it as a base to probe the deepest questions in the cosmos
- Aeon: Vaswani-Bye - How to support a loved one through psychosis: 12/10/2022 (Akansha Vaswani-Bye) (PID Note: Psychopathology1026) (WebRef=12162, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Navigating disruptions in shared reality can be distressing. The way forward isn’t intuitive but is powerfully effective
- Aeon: Løvschal - Mutual entrapment: 11/10/2022 (Mette Lovschal) (WebRef=12154, Unread, Priority=2)
→ As Neolithic people transformed prehistoric forests, they stumbled into an ecological trap. Domestication goes both ways
- Aeon: Feigel - Leave them alone: 07/10/2022 (Lara Feigel) (WebRef=12148, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Parenting advice from D H Lawrence: don’t smother your children with love. They are more sagacious than you think
- Aeon: Beckert & Bosma - Ever more land and labour: 06/10/2022 (Sven Beckert & Ulbe Bosma) (PID Note: Race1027) (WebRef=12151, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Centuries of capitalism saw the global countryside ruthlessly converted into cheap commodities. But at what cost?
- Aeon: Video - Dream city: more, better, sooner: 05/10/2022 (WebRef=12147, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Jarrett - How to enjoy running: 05/10/2022 (Christian Jarrett) (WebRef=12118, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Going for a jog doesn’t have to be a chore – these mental techniques will make it something you actually look forward to
- Aeon: Cox - Blue-eyed Buddhist: 04/10/2022 (Laurence Cox) (PID Note: Race1028) (WebRef=12120, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The story of a working-class radical from Ireland who became a celebrated monk and challenged the British Empire in Asia
- Aeon: Sideris - To benefit from wonder, make sure you’ve got the genuine kind: 04/10/2022 (Lisa Sideris) (WebRef=12119, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Brilliant noise: 03/10/2022 (WebRef=12121, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Raw solar-storm footage is the punk-rock antidote to sleek James Webb imagery
- Aeon: Crossman - The utopian machine: 29/09/2022 (Susanna Crossman) (WebRef=12126, Unread, Priority=2)
→ For children like me, growing up in an utopian community, life was a bewildering chaos of freedom and indoctrination
- Aeon: Video - Wrought: 29/09/2022 (WebRef=12124, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Dazzling timelapse shows how microbes spoil our food – and sometimes enrich it
- Aeon: Waugh - Asking one simple question can entirely change how you feel: 28/09/2022 (Christian Waugh) (WebRef=12125, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Robers - A radical approach can change behaviour in and out of the classroom: 28/09/2022 (Alexandria C. Robers) (PID Note: Psychopathology1029) (WebRef=12109, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Kneebone - How to become an expert: 28/09/2022 (Roger L. Kneebone) (WebRef=12110, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The path to mastery is long, winding and hugely fulfilling. Use this map to navigate and overcome any bumps along the way
- Aeon: Video - Drawing on autism: 27/09/2022 (PID Note: Psychopathology1030) (WebRef=12111, Unread, Priority=2)
→ An animator wonders: can you ever depict someone without making them a caricature?
- Aeon: Iturriaga - Exhuming the truth: 27/09/2022 (Nicole Iturriaga) (WebRef=12113, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Thousands of victims of political executions lie in anonymous graves. Forensics offers hope for the ‘forgotten’ ones
- Aeon: Jordan, Thomas & Gupta - Psychosis can be a personal hell. It can also inspire growth: 26/09/2022 (Gerald Jordan, Robyn Thomas & Veenu Gupta) (WebRef=12115, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Pollen - Life in the buff: 23/09/2022 (Annebella Pollen) (WebRef=12093, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Naturists believed nudity was profoundly beneficial to society. In order to spread the message, they took to photography
- Aeon: Lavallee - Why we crave: 22/09/2022 (Zoey Lavallee) (WebRef=12096, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The neuroscientific picture of addiction overlooks the psychological and social factors that make cravings so hard to resist
- Aeon: Mills - Dietrich showed how adopting a persona can reveal one’s true self: 21/09/2022 (Sam Mills) (WebRef=12095, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Aikin & Casey - How to have better arguments: 21/09/2022 (Scott Aikin & John Casey) (WebRef=12086, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Arguing well isn’t just about winning. A philosophical approach will help you and the other person get much more out of it
- Aeon: Video - Tuesday afternoon: 21/09/2022 (WebRef=12092, Unread, Priority=2)
→ After decades in prison, Jack navigates the strange, beautiful outside world
- Aeon: Dyzenhaus - Democracy or apocalypse: 20/09/2022 (David Dyzenhaus) (WebRef=12089, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Eric Voegelin and Hans Kelsen fled the Nazis. In the US, they clashed over the nature of modernity and government
- Aeon: Video - Life as a Victorian teenager: 20/09/2022 (WebRef=12087, Unread, Priority=2)
→ From manners to mud – two women recall coming of age in Victorian London
- Aeon: Faber - What the journey from Star Trek to Siri says about our culture: 20/09/2022 (Liz W. Faber) (WebRef=12088, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Greene - Care from afar: 19/09/2022 (Jeremy A. Greene) (WebRef=12091, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The joys and complications of raising a baby without gender in a binary world
- Aeon: Martinez & Cami - For neuroscience, magic opens a doorway to multiple realities: 14/09/2022 (Luis M. Martinez & Jordi Cami) (WebRef=12026, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Howarth - How to nurture a personal library: 14/09/2022 (Freya Howarth) (WebRef=12027, Unread, Priority=2)
→ An escape, a sanctuary, a place of pleasure, a memoir. Take these steps to ensure your library is just what you want it to be
- Aeon: Rottenberg & Davendorf - Many people not only survive mental illness – they thrive: 14/09/2022 (Jonathan Rottenberg & Andrew Davendorf) (WebRef=12033, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Stein - Collective wrongs: 13/09/2022 (Joshua Stein) (WebRef=12029, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Even when individual perpetrators and victims are dead, states and institutions have a responsibility to make restitutions
- Aeon: Ross - How do good conversations work? Philosophy has something to say: 13/09/2022 (Stephanie Ross) (WebRef=12028, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Clinton-Lisell - Go on, admit it. You’re multitasking. Here’s how to do it better: 12/09/2022 (Virginia Clinton-Lisell) (WebRef=12031, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Why whale song is like pop music: 12/09/2022 (PID Note: Animals1031) (WebRef=12030, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Like pop music, humpback whale songs spread, mutate, and fall out of fashion
- Aeon: Parker - The Calvinist conquest: 09/09/2022 (Charles H. Parker) (PID Note: Race1032) (WebRef=12012, Unread, Priority=2)
→ In the 17th century, Dutch proselytisers set out for Asia, Africa and the Americas. The legacy of their travels endures
- Aeon: Trott - As language evolves, who wins out: speakers or listeners?: 07/09/2022 (Sean Trott) (PID Note: Language of Thought1033) (WebRef=12014, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Schrad - Freedom from liquor: 06/09/2022 (Mark Lawrence Schrad) (WebRef=12008, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Ken Burns’s account of prohibition tells a popular story of booze in America. The historical record is far more sobering
- Aeon: Video - Mother and baby: 06/09/2022 (WebRef=12006, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The staggering cruelty of Ireland’s Church-run ‘mother and baby homes’
- Aeon: Wolpert - A sliver of reality: 05/09/2022 (David H. Wolpert) (PID Note: Metaphysics1034) (WebRef=12010, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Science and mathematics may never fully capture the physical universe. Are there hard limits to human intelligence?
- Aeon: Video - Peter Singer on Hegel and Marx: 05/09/2022 (Bryan Magee & Peter Singer) (WebRef=12009, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Peter Singer charts the path from Hegelian philosophy to Marxist revolution
- Aeon: Lemercier & Zalc - History by numbers: 02/09/2022 (Claire Lemercier & Claire Zalc) (WebRef=11994, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Is history a matter of individual agency and action, or of finding and quantifying underpinning structures and patterns?
- Aeon: Miklikowska & Tilton-Weaver - Empathic friends can provide the right kind of peer pressure: 31/08/2022 (Marta Miklikowska & Lauree Tilton-Weaver) (WebRef=11984, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Huenemann - How to read philosophy: 31/08/2022 (Charles Huenemann) (WebRef=11985, Unread, Priority=2)
→ The first thing to remember is that the great philosophers were only human. Then you can start disagreeing with them
- Aeon: Hanley - Leibniz had rules for standing out for all the right reasons: 31/08/20221035
- Aeon: Tombras - Can we diagnose suffering without knowing a person’s history?: 30/08/2022 (Christos Tombras) (WebRef=11987, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Ahola, Holmqvist & Pesonen - Far-flung ancient communities forged bonds through broken rings: 29/08/2022 (Marja Ahola, Elisabeth Holmqvist & Petro Pesonen) (WebRef=11990, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Welcome to the pros: 29/08/2022 (PID Note: Narrative Identity1036) (WebRef=11989, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Why a journeyman boxer finds contentment in the art of losing
- Aeon: Chen - Are they the canaries?: 19/08/2022 (Xi Chen) (WebRef=11975, Unread, Priority=2)
→ People with multiple chemical sensitivity seem to be allergic to the world. What, if anything, can medicine do for them?
- Aeon: Yunxiang - Black King of Songs: 18/08/2022 (Gao Yunxiang) (PID Note: Race1037) (WebRef=11969, Unread, Priority=2)
→ His communism brought the great American singer Paul Robeson trouble in the US, but helped make him a hero in China
- Aeon: Lewis - Dark horses in the cosmos: 16/08/2022 (Briley Lewis) (WebRef=11973, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Could primordial black holes from the beginning of time explain ‘dark matter’, the mysterious missing mass in the Universe?
- Aeon: Steckler - Homeless, delusional, and brave, Mrs A taught me a powerful lesson: 16/08/2022 (Patricia Steckler) (PID Note: Psychopathology1038) (WebRef=11972, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Blankholm - One good way to understand religion is to break it apart: 15/08/2022 (Joseph Blankholm) (WebRef=11966, Unread, Priority=2)
- Aeon: Video - Perfecting the art of longing: 15/08/2022 (PID Note: Psychopathology1039) (WebRef=11965, Unread, Priority=2)
→ ‘Let me dream you into my reality’: memories illuminate an unthinkable isolation
- Aeon: Video - Bird of prey: 11/08/2022 (PID Note: Animals1040) (WebRef=11931, Unread, Priority=2)
→ Journey deep into the Philippine forest in search of the world’s largest, rarest eagle
- Aeon: Schedneck - Buddhist missionaries: