The Dictionary of the Holy Quran: Arabic Words - English Meanings
Omar (Abdul Mannan), Qur'an
This Page provides (where held) the Abstract of the above Book and those of all the Papers contained in it.
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Brief Notes

  1. I can’t at the moment see myself using this dictionary much. It’s not really well put together, and difficult to use. But you never know.
  2. The Overview is very tendentious in its account of the Qur’an and its language, but the irritating sections can be ignored.

Table of Contents
  1. Foreword – iii
    → How to Use This Dictionary – 1-A
    → Help for the Beginners – 3-A
    → Abbreviations Used In The Dictionary – 5-A
    → Books of Reference – 9-A
    → QuickGuide – 12-A
  2. Alphabetical Index # I – 1-B – 282-B
    → The Qur'anic Words in Alphabetical Order with Cross-reference to the Basic Quranic Root-word
  3. Alphabetical Index #2 – 1-C – 28-C
    → The Basic Qur'anic Root-words in Alphabetical Order
  4. An Overview of the Dictionary – 1-D .- 50-D
    → Languages – Not the Invention of Human Mind – 1-D
    → Languages Change with Time – 2-D
    → Necessity of a New Revelation – 3-D
    → The Holy Qur'an – Its Style, Diction and Language – 6-D
    → The Lasting Scripture – 9-D
    → Understanding the Meanings of the Holy Qur'an – 10-D
    → Arabic – A Living Language – 15-D
    → Arabic – Immune to Changes – 15-D
    → Arabic – The Vehicle of the Last Message – 15-D
    → Arabic – The Eloquent Language – 18-D
    → Phonology of Arabic Alphabets – 19-D
    → Words and Roots in Arabic – 19-D
    → The Spellings of Arabic – 20-D 20-D
    → The Science of Derivation – 21-D
    → Philosophy in Arabic Words – 25-D
    → The Science of Substitution – 28-D
    → Philosophy in Qur'anic Words – 29-D
    → Abbreviations in Arabic – 32-D
    → Abbreviations in The Holy Qur'an – 33-D
    → Richness of the Meanings – 34-D
    → Arabic Grammar – 35-D
    → Dictionaries of Arabic – An Overview – 37-D
    → Grammarians of the 3rd. Century A.H. – 38-D
    → Grammarians of the 4th. A.H. Century – 39-D
    → Grammarians of the 5th. A.H. Century – 42-D
    → Grammarians of the 7th. & 8th A.H. Century – 43-D
    → The Lexicons of the Holy Qur'an – 46-D
    → Sources of this Dictionary – 47-D
  5. The Dictionary of the Holy Qur'an – 1-628
  6. Appendix 1 – 629-632
    → System of Punctuation
  7. Appendix 2 – 633-639
    → System of Transliteration of the Arabic Words

Book Comment

Noor Foundation-Intl; 3rd edition (June 2005)

"Omar (Abdul Mannan), Qur'an - The Dictionary of the Holy Quran: Arabic Words - English Meanings"

Source: Omar (Abdul Mannan) - The Dictionary of the Holy Quran: Arabic Words - English Meanings

Foreword (Full Text)
  1. This dictionary presents the complete vocabulary and the phraseology of the Holy Qur'an. All root-words of the Holy Qur'an, with their derivatives have been included in it.
  2. This dictionary will help the reader to ascertain the real, classical, and root meanings of all the Arabic words used in the Holy Qur'an. Moreover, efforts have been made to highlight various shades of meaning.
  3. I have drawn most of the content of this dictionary from the best classical works ever published in this line of learning. Some of the classical dictionaries and Lexicons used are:
    • i. Al-Mufradat fi Gharib al-Qur'an, by Abdul Qasim al-Husain al-Raghib.
    • ii. Lisan al-‘Araby, by Jamal al-Din Abu al-Fadzl Muhmmad bin Mukarram bin Manzur
    • iii. Taj al-‘Arus min Jawahir al ‘Qamus, by Muhammad al Murtadza Husaini
    • iv. The Arabic English Lexicon by Edward W. Lane
  4. I have avoided the use of modem Arabic dictionaries such as Aqrab al-Muwarid and Al-Munjad etc. as these are not the dictionaries of the classical Arabic. I have included nothing in this dictionary without indicating at least two of the most celebrated lexicological works.
  5. Another objective is to help the student of the Holy Qur'an to easily find and ascertain the in depth meaning of all the Qur'anic words. Alphabetical Index of all the Quranic words is being provided towards this end. Thus, making this dictionary handy and easy to use.
  6. The etymology, the function, and wherever applicable the abbreviations are also given from the most authentic sources, with explanatory notes, grammatical comments, and examples in phrase and poetry. Towards this end, authentic scholarly works in the sciences of Hadith, Tafsir, and Islamic History have been included. The result is a reliable and authentic knowledge and explanation of the etymology and meanings of the Qur'anic words. (The list of references is being provided.)
  7. The material for this dictionary has been gathered in multiple stages from several carefully selected books of reference. All these books were available to me through the private library of my father ‘Allamah Nooruddin. This library was "one of the best personal Islamic libraries of the world" (Oriental College Magazine, Punjab University, India).
  8. Before concluding this foreword I must not omit to mention my learned wife Amatul Rahman ‘Omar. She was the 'First Muslim Woman' to translate the Holy Qur'an in English. She spent most of her life in teaching English and Arabic. She died after a companionship of half a century on July 15, 1990 - a life devoted to the service of the Holy Qur'an.
  9. Soon thereafter, I was approached by my children that I should compile a dictionary of the Holy Qur'an. I was fully aware of the responsibility of such an undertaking, especially because now I was alone and deprived of my wife's valuable assistance, advice, knowledge and great command on the English language. May Allah be pleased with her.
  10. For the purity of its style and elegance of its diction, the Holy Qur'an has come to be considered as the standard of Arabic language, even by those who have no belief in it to be of Divine origin. Beauties, there are many, and ideas clothed in rich and appropriate language, which not infrequently rises to a sublimity far beyond the reach of any translation.
  11. It would be idle to pretend that the work is an exhaustive dictionary or that it leaves no room for further improvements. It must not for a moment be imagined that all the meanings and characteristic expressions of the Holy Qur'an have been included in this Dictionary.
  12. My heartfelt thanks and appreciation is due to all those who have assisted me in the production of this dictionary. May Allah - the Almighty accept our humble services. (Amin!)
  13. If any mistake is found in this publication, I pray for Allah's protection and forgiveness. I also request you to contact the publisher with the mistake/opinion so that appropriate improvements can be made.
  14. Our heart-felt desire and our prayer to Allah is that He pours in the hearts of the people a love for the Holy Qur'an. And also creates in them a passionate longing for understanding the meanings of the word of Allah. Amin!
  15. Abdul Mannan Omar
    Translator, The Holy Qur'an - (Arabic to English)
    Editor, Encyclopedia of Islam
    January, 2003

Text Colour Conventions (see disclaimer)
  1. Blue: Text by me; © Theo Todman, 2024
  2. Mauve: Text by correspondent(s) or other author(s); © the author(s)

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