Theo Todman's Web Page - Notes Pages
Personal Identity
Christian Materialism
(Text as at 06/07/2023 00:43:12)
Plug Note1
- Introduction
Further Remarks
- This Note will focus on those philosophers who profess both some form of Christianity and some form of materialism15, though it also lists those other philosophers associated in one way or another with the philosophy of Personal Identity who have professed Christian faith.
- I will focus on those philosophers who are still living or who were active in the latter quarter of the 20th century and / or thereafter, during which period it has been relatively unusual for a philosopher to openly espouse theism.
- A useful source of contemporary theists ought to be "Bourget (David) & Chalmers (David) - The PhilPapers Surveys: What Do Philosophers Believe?", though there were virtually none that I recognised.
- "Plantinga (Alvin) - Twenty Years Worth of the SCP" claimed that there were 1,000 members of the Society of Christian Philosophers (in 1998).
- This Note – or those related to it – may become more important in due course, as it might be an alternative focus for my Thesis.
- This Note consists mostly of lists!
- In the list of philosophers, I’ve included in the third category all the significant living philosophers I know of with Christian affiliation.
- However, in the list of works, I’ve focussed on those explicitly to do with my topic of personal identity, so many Christian philosophers don’t feature.
List of Other Christian Philosophers
Lynne Rudder Baker: Works by, or about, Lynne Rudder Baker are mostly covered in my Note on Baker18. A selection appears below.
Kevin Corcoran is very much a supporter of Lynne Rudder Baker.
David Hershenov: most of his papers are relevant, but are not explicitly listed below.
E.J. Lowe: I’m not sure how committed (if at all) Lowe was to Christianity, nor how important he was as a philosopher (he died in 2014). He did once argue for the modal ontological argument against Oppy, but in "Bourget (David) & Chalmers (David) - The PhilPapers Surveys: What Do Philosophers Believe?" he’s only down as “leaning towards” theism. The TLS Obituary (Times Higher Education: Jonathan Lowe - Obituary) described him as “one of the leading philosophers of his generation” but made no mention of any religious faith. See his Durham page: Durham University: Professor E. J. Lowe (Defunct). The list of works below may therefore be too much.
Nancey Murphy is only the (co-)editor of two of the books listed below, and many / most of the contributors will have Christian affiliation of some sort (probably Catholic). However, I have not listed the other contributors / editors directly unless they are otherwise well-known (to me). I have, however, listed Murphy’s contributions to the edited collections.
Alvin Plantinga: The list of relevant works is to be completed once I’ve gone through Alvin Plantinga: Works (maintained by Andrew Bailey).
Peter Van Inwagen: There are so many potentially-relevant papers by Van Inwagen that I’ve had to decide whether to list them all or only some … “All” is more useful, without repeating those in Van Inwagen’s books listed – except from anthologies edited by Van Inwagen.
- Relevant Works cited above:
- "Atkinson (Thomas) - Human organisms and the survival of death: a systematic evaluation of the possibility of life after death given animalism", 2017, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read
- "Bourget (David) & Chalmers (David) - The PhilPapers Surveys: What Do Philosophers Believe?", 2014, Annotations, Internal PDF Link, Read
- "Plantinga (Alvin) - Twenty Years Worth of the SCP", 1998, No Abstract, Internal PDF Link, Read
- For a Page of Links19 to this Note, Click here.
- Not withstanding whatever I might have said above, the reading lists below ought to be restricted to works related to what we are20 or to life after death21 (or at least supportive of the authors’ positions on these themes).
- I note here that the methodology of segregating these works doesn’t currently work correctly when carried forward to Chapter 07 of my Thesis22.
- Works on this topic that I’ve actually read23, include the following:-
- Christian Materialists:
- Lynne Rudder Baker:
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Christians Should Reject Mind-Body Dualism", 2004, Annotations
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Material Persons and the Doctrine of Resurrection", 2001, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Materialism with a Human Face", 2001, Write-Up Note24, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View", 2000, Book
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - What Am I?", 1999, Write-Up Note25, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Footnote26
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - When Do Persons Begin and End?", 2005, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- Kevin Corcoran:
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - Biology or Psychology? Human Persons and Personal Identity", 2003, Annotations
- Hud Hudson:
- "Carter (William) - 'Partist' Resistance to the Many: Review of 'A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person' by Hud Hudson", 2004, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- "Hudson (Hud) - Hyperspace and Christianity", 2008
- "Hudson (Hud) - Multiple Location and Single Location Resurrection", 2010, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- Trenton Merricks:
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Against the Doctrine of Microphysical Supervenience", 1998, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - On Whether Being Conscious is Intrinsic", 1998, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- Nancey Murphy:
- "Murphy (Nancey) - I Cerebrate Myself: Is there a little man inside your brain?", 1999, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- Peter Van Inwagen:
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Dualism and Materialism: Athens and Jerusalem?", 1995, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead and the Life of the World to Come", 2016, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Materialism and the Psychological-continuity Account of Personal Identity", 1994, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Philosophers and the Words 'Human Body'", 1980, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Plantinga’s Replacement Argument", 2007, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Précis of Material Beings", 1993, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- Christian Non-Materialists:
- Thomas Atkinson:
- "Atkinson (Thomas) - Human organisms and the survival of death: a systematic evaluation of the possibility of life after death given animalism", 2017, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- "Atkinson (Thomas) - Material Beings and the Metaphysics of the Resurrection", 2014, Internal PDF Link
- E.J. Lowe:
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Locke: Identity", 1995, Write-Up Note27, Annotations
- David Oderberg:
- "Oderberg (David) - Johnston on Human Beings", 1989, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- Alvin Plantinga:
- "Plantinga (Alvin) - Twenty Years Worth of the SCP", 1998, No Abstract, Internal PDF Link
- Philip L. Quinn:
- "Quinn (Philip L.) - Review of Antony Flew's 'The Logic of Mortality'", 1992, Internal PDF Link
- Michael Rea:
- "Rea (Michael) - Material Constitution: Preface, Introduction & Appendix (A Formal Statement of the Problem)", 1997, No Abstract
- Dean Zimmerman:
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Bodily Resurrection: The Falling Elevator Model Revisited", 2010, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Christians Should Affirm Mind-Body Dualism", 2004, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Problems for Animalism", 2008, Write-Up Note28, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Reply to Baker's 'Christians Should Reject Mind-Body Dualism'", 2004, Annotations
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Video: Can We Survive Our Death?", 2015
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Video: Does God Know Our First-Person Perspectives?", 2015
- Other:
- "Bourget (David) & Chalmers (David) - The PhilPapers Surveys: What Do Philosophers Believe?", 2014, Annotations, Internal PDF Link
- A further reading list might start with:-
- Christian Materialists:
- Lynne Rudder Baker:
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Christian Materialism in a Scientific Age", 2011, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 8%
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Death and the Afterlife", 2005, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 81%
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Need a Christian be a Mind/Body Dualist?", 1995, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Saving Belief: A Critique of Physicalism", 1987, Book
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) - When Does a Person Begin?", 2005, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 5%
- "Baker (Lynne Rudder) & Matthews (Gareth B.) - Anselm’s Argument Reconsidered", 2010, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 5%
- Kevin Corcoran:
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - Constitution, Resurrection, and Relationality", 2010, Internal PDF Link, Read = 40%
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - Dualism, Materialism and the Problem of Post Mortem Survival", 2009, Internal PDF Link, Read = 17%
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the Life of the World to Come", 2006, Read = 13%
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - I'm No Soul, Man: a Response to Baltimore", 2006, Internal PDF Link
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - Persons, Bodies and the Constitution Relation", 1999
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - Physical Persons and Postmortem Survival Without Temporal Gaps", 2001
- "Corcoran (Kevin) - Rethinking Human Nature: A Christian Materialist Alternative to the Soul", 2006, Book, Read = 13%
- "Corcoran (Kevin), Ed. - Soul, Body and Survival: Essays on the Metaphysics of Human Persons", 2001, Book, Read = 103%
- Hud Hudson:
- "Hudson (Hud) - A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person", 2001, Book, Read = 2%
- "Hudson (Hud) - I am Not an Animal!", 2007, Read = 11%
- "Hudson (Hud) - Nothing But Dust and Ashes", 2001
- "Hudson (Hud) - On Constitution and All-Fusions", 2000, Internal PDF Link
- "Hudson (Hud) - Temporal Parts and Moral Personhood", 1999
- "Hudson (Hud) - The Metaphysics of Hyperspace", 2008, Book, Read = 10%
- Trenton Merricks:
- "Merricks (Trenton) - A New Objection To A Priori Arguments for Dualism", 1994, Internal PDF Link, Read = 17%
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Composition and Vagueness", 2005, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Composition as Identity, Mereological Essentialism, and Counterpart Theory", 1999, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Endurance and Indiscernibility", 1994, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Endurance, Psychological Continuity, and the Importance of Personal Identity", 1999
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Fission and Personal Identity Over Time", 1997, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - How to Live Forever Without Saving Your Soul: Physicalism and Immortality", 2001
- "Merricks (Trenton) - No Statues", 2000, Internal PDF Link, Read = 50%
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Objects and Persons", 2001, Book, Read = 7%
- "Merricks (Trenton) - On the Incompatibility of Enduring and Perduring Entities", 1996, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Perdurance and Psychological Continuity", 2000, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Persistence, Parts and Presentism", 1999
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Precis of Objects and Persons", 2003, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Realism About Personal Identity Over Time", 2001, Internal PDF Link
- "Merricks (Trenton) - Replies (Book Symposium on Objects and Persons)", 2003
- "Merricks (Trenton) - The Resurrection of the Body", 2011, Internal PDF Link, Read = 17%
- "Merricks (Trenton) - The Word Made Flesh: Dualism, Physicalism, and the Incarnation", 2007, Read = 6%
- "Merricks (Trenton) - There Are No Criteria For Identity Over Time", 1998, Internal PDF Link
- Nancey Murphy:
- "Brown (Warren), Murphy (Nancey) & Malony (H. Newton), Eds. - Whatever Happened to the Soul: Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature", 1998, Book, Read = 4%
- "Murphy (Nancey) - Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies?", 2006, Book, Read = 12%
- "Murphy (Nancey) - Human Nature: Historical, Scientific and Religious Issues", 1998, Read = 4%
- "Murphy (Nancey) - Non-Reductive Physicalism: Philosophical Issues", 1998, Read = 6%
- "Murphy (Nancey) - Supervenience and the Downward Efficacy of the Mental: A Nonreductive Physicalist Account of Human Action", 2000, External Link
- "Russell (Robert John), Murphy (Nancey), Meyering (Theo C.), Arbib (Michael A.) - Neuroscience and the Person", 2000, Book, Read = 1%
- Peter Van Inwagen:
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - ‘I am Elizabeth Anscombe’ is Not an Identity Proposition", 2001, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - A Materialist Ontology of the Human Person", 2007, Internal PDF Link, Read = 7%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - And Yet There Are Not Three Gods But One God", 1988, No Abstract, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Being, Existence, and Ontological Commitment", 2009, Internal PDF Link, Read = 7%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Can Mereological Sums Change their Parts", 2014, Internal PDF Link, Read = 40%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Existence, Ontological Commitment and Fictional Entities", 2003, Internal PDF Link, Read = 8%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Four-Dimensional Objects", 2006, Internal PDF Link, Read = 22%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Human Destiny", 2005, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings", 1995, Book, Read = 27%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Metaphysics", 2008, Book, Read = 17%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Ontology, Identity and Modality: Essays in metaphysics", 2001, Book, Read = 17%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Relational vs. Constituent Ontologies", 2014, No Abstract, Internal PDF Link, Read = 8%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Number of Things", 2002, Internal PDF Link
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Possibility of Resurrection", 1978, Annotations, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 111%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Self: the Incredulous Stare Articulated", 2004, Internal PDF Link, Read = 8%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - What Do We Refer to When We Say 'I'?", 1992, Internal PDF Link, Read = 17%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) - When are Objects Parts?", 1987, Internal PDF Link, Read = 12%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Metaphysics: The Big Questions", 2000, Book, Read = 16%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Persons: Human and Divine", 2007, Book, Read = 3%
- Christian Non-Materialists:
- Thomas Atkinson:
- "Atkinson (Thomas) - A Reply to Anders’ ‘Mind, Mortality and Material Being: van Inwagen and the Dilemma of Material Survival of Death’", 2015, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 33%
- "Atkinson (Thomas) - Conceivability, Possibility and the Resurrection of Material Beings", 2016, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 27%
- "Atkinson (Thomas) - The Resurrection of Material Beings - Recomposition, Compaction and Miracles", 2016?, Internal PDF Link, Read = 33%
- William Hasker:
- "Hasker (William) - Afterlife", 2005-10, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 4%
- "Hasker (William) - Minds and Bodies", 1983
- "Hasker (William) - Persons as Emergent Substances", 2001
- E.J. Lowe:
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Coinciding Objects: In Defence of the ‘Standard Account’", 1995, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 11%
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Entity, Identity and Unity", 1998, Internal PDF Link
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Identity, Composition, and the Simplicity of the Self", 2001
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Kinds of Being: Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms", 1989, Book
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Material Coincidence and the Cinematographic Fallacy: A Response to Olson", 2002, Internal PDF Link
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Minds, Bodies and People", 2000, No Abstract
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Non-Cartesian Substance Dualism and the Problem of Mental Causation", 2006, External Link, Internal PDF Link
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Objects and Criteria of Identity", 2001, Read = 61%
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Objects and Identity", 2001
- "Lowe (E.J.) - On the Alleged Necessity of True Identity Statements", 1982, Internal PDF Link
- "Lowe (E.J.) - On the Identity of Artifacts", 1983, Internal PDF Link
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Persistence and Substance", 2001
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Personal Identity and Self-Knowledge", 2000, No Abstract
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Persons and Their Bodies", 1989
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Real Selves: Persons as a Substantial Kind", 1991
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Review of Noonan's 'Personal Identity'", 1990, Internal PDF Link, Read = 100%
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Self, Reference and Self-reference", 1993
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Sortal terms and absolute identity", 1986, Internal PDF Link, Read = 33%
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Subjects of Experience", 1996, Book, Read = 3%
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Substance and Selfhood", 1991, Internal PDF Link
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Substance, Identity and Time", 1988
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Substantial Change and Spatiotemporal Coincidence", 2002
- "Lowe (E.J.) - The Paradox of the 1,001 Cats", 1982, Internal PDF Link
- "Lowe (E.J.) - The Possibility of Metaphysics: Substance, Identity and Time", 2001, Book
- "Lowe (E.J.) - The Problems of the Many and the Vagueness of Constitution", 1995
- "Lowe (E.J.) - What Is a Criterion Of Identity?", 1989, Internal PDF Link, Read = 11%
- J.P. Moreland:
- "Moreland (J.P.) - Locke's Parity Thesis about Thinking Matter: A Response to Williams", 1998, Internal PDF Link
- "Moreland (J.P.) - Review of Hud Hudson 'A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person'", 2003, Internal PDF Link, Read = 17%
- "Moreland (J.P.) & Craig (William Lane) - Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview: Metaphysics", 2003
- "Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - Body & Soul - Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics", 2000, Book, Read = 11%
- David Oderberg:
- "Oderberg (David) - Coincidence Under a Sortal", 1996, Internal PDF Link
- "Oderberg (David) - Could There Be a Superhuman Species?", 2014, Internal PDF Link, Read = 6%
- "Oderberg (David) - Hylemorphic Dualism", 2005, Internal PDF Link, Footnote29
- "Oderberg (David) - Modal Properties, Moral Status, and Identity", 1997, Internal PDF Link
- "Oderberg (David) - Persistence", 2009, Internal PDF Link
- "Oderberg (David) - Survivalism, Corruptionism, and Mereology", 2012, Internal PDF Link, Read = 5%
- "Oderberg (David) - Synthetic Life and the Bruteness of Immanent Causation", 2013, Internal PDF Link, Read = 12%
- "Oderberg (David) - Temporal Parts and the Possibility of Change", 2004, Internal PDF Link
- "Oderberg (David) - The Beginning of Existence", 2003, Internal PDF Link
- "Oderberg (David) - The Metaphysical Status of the Embryo: Some Arguments Revisited", 2008, Internal PDF Link, Read = 8%
- "Oderberg (David) - The Metaphysics of Identity Over Time", 1993, Book, Read = 3%
- "Oderberg (David) - The Origination of a Human Being - Rejoinder to Persson", Undated, Internal PDF Link, Read = 17%
- "Oderberg (David) - Voluntary Euthanasia and Justice", 1997
- "Oderberg (David) & Laing (Jacqueline) - Human lives: Critical Essays on Consequentialist Bioethics", Book, Footnote30
- Alvin Plantinga:
- "Plantinga (Alvin) - Against Materialism", 2006, Internal PDF Link, Read = 3%
- "Plantinga (Alvin) - Christian Philosophy At The End Of The 20th Century", 1995, Internal PDF Link, Read = 5%
- "Plantinga (Alvin) - Materialism and Christian Belief", 2007, Internal PDF Link
- "Plantinga (Alvin) - On Mereological Essentialism", 1975, Internal PDF Link
- Philip L. Quinn:
- "Quinn (Philip L.) - On the Intrinsic Value of Human Persons", 2007, Read = 5%
- "Quinn (Philip L.) - Tiny Selves: Chisholm on the Simplicity of the Soul", 1997
- Michael Rea:
- "Murray (Michael J.) & Rea (Michael) - Mind, body, and immortality", 2008, No Abstract
- "Rea (Michael) - Constitution and Kind Membership", 2000
- "Rea (Michael) - Four-Dimensionalism", 2003, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 3%
- "Rea (Michael) - In Defense of Mereological Universalism", 1998, Internal PDF Link
- "Rea (Michael) - Lynne Baker on Material Constitution", 2002
- "Rea (Michael) - Supervenience and Co-Location", 1997
- "Rea (Michael) - Temporal Parts Unmotivated", 1998, Internal PDF Link
- "Rea (Michael) - The Problem of Material Constitution", 1995, Internal PDF Link
- "Rea (Michael) & Silver (David) - Personal Identity and Psychological Continuity", 2000, Internal PDF Link
- "Rea (Michael), Ed. - Material Constitution - A Reader", 1997, Book, Read = 41%
- Richard Swinburne:
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Discussion of Peter Unger's Identity, Consciousness and Value", 1992, Internal PDF Link
- "Swinburne (Richard) - From Mental/Physical Identity to Substance Dualism", 2007
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Personal Identity", 1974, Internal PDF Link
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Personal Identity: The Dualist Theory", 1984, Write-Up Note31, Read = 19%
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Reply to Shoemaker", 1984, No Abstract
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Response to Derek Parfit", 2000, External Link, Read = 67%
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Review of Robert Nozick's 'Philosophical Explanations'", 1983, No Abstract
- "Swinburne (Richard) - The Evolution of the Soul", 1997, Book
- "Swinburne (Richard) - The Structure of the Soul", 1987
- Charles Taliaferro:
- "Meister (Chad) & Taliaferro (Charles) - Neuroscience and the Soul - Philosophical Issues: Introduction", 2013, Internal PDF Link, Read = 167%
- "Taliaferro (Charles) - Emergentism and Consciousness: Going Beyond Property Dualism", 2001
- "Taliaferro (Charles) - Pollock's Body-Switching", 1986, Internal PDF Link
- "Taliaferro (Charles) - Review of Persons: Human and Divine by Peter van Inwagen & Dean Zimmerman", 2008, Internal PDF Link
- Dean Zimmerman:
- "Sider (Ted) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Persistence Seminar", 2004, Book, Read = 3%
- "Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - What Is Our Place In the World?", 2000, No Abstract
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Can One “Take Tense Seriously” and Be a B-theorist?", 2006, No Abstract, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Coincident Objects: Could a ‘Stuff Ontology’ Help?", 1997, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Could Extended Objects Be Made Out of Simple Parts? An Argument For 'Atomless Gunk'", 1996, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Criteria of Identity and the 'Identity Mystics'", 1998, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Distinct Indiscernibles and the Bundle Theory", 2000, No Abstract
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Distinct Indiscernibles and the Bundle Theory", 1997, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - From Experience to Experiencer", 2011, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - From Property Dualism to Substance Dualism", 2010, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Immanent Causation", 1997, Annotations, Internal PDF Link, Read = 6%
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Material People", 2003, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Materialism, Dualism, and “Simple” Theories of Personal Identity", 2012, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Persistence and Presentism", 1996, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Personal Identity and the Survival of Death", 2015, Annotations, Internal PDF Link, Read = 42%
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Persons and Bodies: Constitution Without Mereology?", 2002
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Persons: Human and Divine - Three Introductory Questions", 2007, Read = 20%
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Properties, Minds, and Bodies: An Examination of Sydney Shoemaker's Metaphysics", 2009, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Review of Heller's 'The Ontology of Physical Objects'", 1993, No Abstract
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Review of Hoffman & Rosenkrantz's 'Substance: Its Nature and Existence'", 1999, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Temporal Parts and Supervenient Causation: The Incompatibility of Two Humean Doctrines", 1998, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Temporary Intrinsics and Presentism", 2000, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - The A-Theory of Time, The B-Theory of Time, and ‘Taking Tense Seriously’", 2005, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - The Constitution of Persons by Bodies: A Critique of Lynne Rudder Baker’s Theory of Material Constitution", 2002, External Link, Internal PDF Link, Read = 3%
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Theories of Masses and Problems of Constitution", 1995, Internal PDF Link
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Video: The Metaphysics of Time & God", 2015, External Link, Read = 11%
- Other:
- "Adams (Robert Merrihew) - Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity", 1979, Internal PDF Link, Read = 11%
- "Alston (William) & Bennett (Jonathan) - Locke on People and Substances", 1988, Internal PDF Link
- "Cooper (John) - Body, Soul and Life Everlasting: Biblical Anthropology and the Monism-dualism Debate", 2000, Book, Read = 23%
- "Leftow (Brian) - Souls Dipped in Dust", 2001
For a list of Works that have been considered, but have missed the cut for inclusion in this Section of my Thesis, see the following:-
- Read: No items to list.
- Further Reading: No items to list.
This is a place-holder32.
In-Page Footnotes:
Footnote 16: To be checked & corrected in due course.
Footnote 17:
- I could probably make a guess at the “materialistic” affiliation of these philosophers – in that the default position is dualistic – but will wait until I’ve looked at their work.
Footnote 26: Footnote 29: Footnote 30:
- I’ve not bought the book as it is too expensive!
Table of the Previous 6 Versions of this Note:
Note last updated |
Reading List for this Topic |
Parent Topic |
06/07/2023 00:43:12 |
None available |
Resurrection |
Summary of Notes Referenced by This Note
To access information, click on one of the links in the table above.
Summary of Notes Citing This Note
Animation |
Baker |
Baker - Materialism with a Human Face, 2 |
Baker - Persons in the Material World |
Corpses |
Dualism |
Naturalism |
Olson - Immanent Causation and Life After Death |
Olson - What Are We? |
Olson - What Are We? Animals |
Physical Continuity |
Physicalism |
PID Note, Book & Paper Usage, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
Religion, 2, 3 |
Thesis - Chapter 02 (What are We?) |
Thesis - Chapter 04 (Basic Metaphysical Issues), 2 |
Thesis - Chapter 05 (Persistence and Time) |
Thesis - Chapter 06 (Animalism and Arguments for It) |
Thesis - Chapter 07 (The Constitution View and Arguments for It), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
Thesis - Chapter 11 (Resurrection) |
Thesis - Current Stance, 2 |
Website - Progress to Date (2024 - October), 2 |
Website Generator Documentation - Functors, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
To access information, click on one of the links in the table above.
Authors, Books & Papers Citing this Note
Author |
Title |
Medium |
Extra Links |
Read? |
Alma (Sam) |
The problem of erring animals |
Paper |
Yes |
Atkinson (Thomas) |
N/A |
Author |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
N/A |
Author |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Christian Materialism in a Scientific Age |
Paper |
2, 3 |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Embryos and StemCell Research |
Paper |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Materialism with a Human Face |
Paper |
2 |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Persons in the Material World |
Paper |
Yes |
Beilby (James), Ed. |
Naturalism Defeated?: Essays on Plantinga's Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism |
Book |
Bruntrup (Godehard) |
Soul, Body and Survival: The Renaissance of Christian Materialism |
Paper |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Dualism, Materialism and the Problem of Post Mortem Survival |
Paper |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the Life of the World to Come |
Paper |
2 |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Rethinking Human Nature: A Christian Materialist Alternative to the Soul |
Book |
2 |
De Monticelli (Roberta) |
For Lynne Rudder Baker (1944-2017) |
Paper |
Gasser (Georg) |
Personal Identity and Resurrection: Introduction |
Paper |
Yes |
Hart (David Bentley) |
Everything you know about the Gospel of Paul is likely wrong |
Paper |
Yes |
Hudson (Hud) |
Nothing But Dust and Ashes |
Paper |
Lim (Joungbin) |
Various Papers |
Paper |
Moreland (J.P.) |
Review of Hud Hudson 'A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person' |
Paper |
Olson (Eric) |
Immanent Causation and Life After Death |
Paper |
Yes |
Olson (Eric) |
Life After Death and the Devastation of the Grave |
Paper |
Yes |
Olson (Eric) |
What Are We? |
Paper |
Yes |
Olson (Eric) |
What Are We? Animals |
Paper |
Yes |
Thompson (Jon W.) |
Individuation, Identity, and Resurrection in Thomas Jackson and John Locke |
Paper |
Yes |
Thompson (Jon W.) |
Personal Identity and Resurrection: Early Modern Philosophical Perspectives |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Animation |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Baker |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Chapter 02 (What Are We?) |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Chapter 04 (Basic Metaphysical Issues) |
Paper |
2 |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Chapter 05 (Persistence and Time) |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Chapter 06 (Animalism and Arguments for It) |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Chapter 07 (The Constitution View and Arguments for It) |
Paper |
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Chapter 11 (Resurrection) |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Corpses |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Current Position |
Paper |
2 |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Dualism |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Naturalism |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Physical Continuity |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Physicalism |
Paper |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Religion |
Paper |
2, 3 |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
Dualism and Materialism: Athens and Jerusalem? |
Paper |
2 |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) |
Persons: Human and Divine |
Book |
2 |
Ward (Keith) |
Review - Goff - Why? The Purpose of the Universe |
Paper |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Bodily Resurrection: The Falling Elevator Model Revisited |
Paper |
2 |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Video: Can We Survive Our Death? |
Paper |
Yes |
References & Reading List
Author |
Title |
Medium |
Source |
Read? |
Alma (Sam) |
The problem of erring animals |
Paper - Referencing |
Aeon, 24 June 2024 |
Yes |
Atkinson (Thomas) |
Human organisms and the survival of death: a systematic evaluation of the possibility of life after death given animalism |
Paper - Cited |
PhD thesis, University of Liverpool Website, August 2017 |
Yes |
Atkinson (Thomas) |
Material Beings and the Metaphysics of the Resurrection |
Paper - Cited |
Website: Lecture Handout |
Yes |
Baker (Deane-Peter) |
Alvin Plantinga |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
9% |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Christian Materialism in a Scientific Age |
Paper - Cited |
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 69(1):1–12, 2011 |
8% |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Christians Should Reject Mind-Body Dualism |
Paper - Cited |
Peterson (Michael) & Van Arragon (Raymond) - Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion, 2004 |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Death and the Afterlife |
Paper - Cited |
The Oxford Handbook for the Philosophy of Religion, William Wainwright, ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005): 366-391 |
81% |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Material Persons and the Doctrine of Resurrection |
Paper - Cited |
Faith and Philosophy 18 (2001): 151-167 |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Materialism with a Human Face |
Paper - Cited |
Corcoran - Soul, Body and Survival, Chapter 10 |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Materialism with a Human Face |
Paper - Referencing |
Corcoran - Soul, Body and Survival, Chapter 10 |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Need a Christian be a Mind/Body Dualist? |
Paper - Cited |
Faith and Philosophy 12: 489-504 (1995) |
No |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View |
Book - Cited |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Persons in the Material World |
Paper - Referencing |
Baker (Lynne) - Persons and Bodies, Chapter 1, pp. 3-88 |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
Saving Belief: A Critique of Physicalism |
Book - Cited |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) - Saving Belief: A Critique of Physicalism |
0% |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
What Am I? |
Paper - Cited |
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research Mar99, Vol. 59 Issue 1, p151, 9p; |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
When Do Persons Begin and End? |
Paper - Cited |
Distinguished Faculty Lecture, December 5, 2005 |
Yes |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) |
When Does a Person Begin? |
Paper - Cited |
Paul, Miller & Paul - Personal Identity, 2005 |
5% |
Baker (Lynne Rudder) & Matthews (Gareth B.) |
Anselm’s Argument Reconsidered |
Paper - Cited |
The Review of Metaphysics 64.1 (September 2010): 31- 54 |
5% |
Bourget (David) & Chalmers (David) |
The PhilPapers Surveys: What Do Philosophers Believe? |
Paper - Cited |
Philosophical Studies: Vol. 170, No. 3 (September 2014), pp. 465-500 |
Yes |
Carter (William) |
'Partist' Resistance to the Many: Review of 'A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person' by Hud Hudson |
Paper - Cited |
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 68, No. 3, May 2004, pp. 713-723 |
Yes |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Biology or Psychology? Human Persons and Personal Identity |
Paper - Cited |
Petrus - On Human Persons, 2003 |
Yes |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Constitution, Resurrection, and Relationality |
Paper - Cited |
Gasser (Georg) - Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? 2010 |
40% |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Dualism, Materialism and the Problem of Post Mortem Survival |
Paper - Cited |
Kevin Timpe (Ed.), Arguing About Religion (Routledge, 2009) |
17% |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the Life of the World to Come |
Paper - Cited |
Corcoran (Kevin) - Rethinking Human Nature, Chapter 5 |
13% |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
I'm No Soul, Man: a Response to Baltimore |
Paper - Cited |
Religious Studies, Volume 42, Issue 04, December 2006, pp 431-437 |
No |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Persons, Bodies and the Constitution Relation |
Paper - Cited |
Southern Journal of Philosophy 37:1, 1999, pp. 1-20 |
No |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Physical Persons and Postmortem Survival Without Temporal Gaps |
Paper - Cited |
Corcoran - Soul, Body and Survival, Chapter 12 |
No |
Corcoran (Kevin) |
Rethinking Human Nature: A Christian Materialist Alternative to the Soul |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
13% |
Corcoran (Kevin), Ed. |
Soul, Body and Survival: Essays on the Metaphysics of Human Persons |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
99% |
Corcoran (Kevin), Ed. |
Soul, Body and Survival: Essays on the Metaphysics of Human Persons |
Book - Referencing (via Paper Referencing) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
99% |
Gasser (Georg) |
Personal Identity and Resurrection: Introduction |
Paper - Referencing |
Gasser (Georg) - Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? 2010 |
Yes |
Gasser (Georg), Ed. |
Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
96% |
Gasser (Georg), Ed. |
Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? |
Book - Referencing (via Paper Referencing) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
96% |
Hudson (Hud) |
A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
2% |
Hudson (Hud) |
Hyperspace and Christianity |
Paper - Cited |
Hudson (Hud) - The Metaphysics of Hyperspace, Chapter 8 |
Yes |
Hudson (Hud) |
I am Not an Animal! |
Paper - Cited |
Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Persons: Human and Divine |
11% |
Hudson (Hud) |
Multiple Location and Single Location Resurrection |
Paper - Cited |
Gasser (Georg) - Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? 2010 |
Yes |
Hudson (Hud) |
Nothing But Dust and Ashes |
Paper - Cited |
Hudson (Hud) - A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person, 2001, Chapter 7, pp. 167-192 |
No |
Hudson (Hud) |
On Constitution and All-Fusions |
Paper - Cited |
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 81 Issue 3, Sep2000, p237, 10p |
No |
Hudson (Hud) |
The Metaphysics of Hyperspace |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
10% |
Lowe (E.J.) |
Locke on Human Understanding |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
30% |
Lowe (E.J.) |
Locke: Identity |
Paper - Cited |
Lowe - Locke on Human Understanding Chapter 5, 1995 |
Yes |
Martin (L. Michael) & Augustine (Keith) |
The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death |
Book - Referencing (via Paper Referencing) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
15% |
Merricks (Trenton) |
Against the Doctrine of Microphysical Supervenience |
Paper - Cited |
Mind - 107/425 (January 1998) |
Yes |
Merricks (Trenton) |
On Whether Being Conscious is Intrinsic |
Paper - Cited |
Mind, 107, Number 428, October 1998, pp. 845-846 |
Yes |
Murphy (Nancey) |
I Cerebrate Myself: Is there a little man inside your brain? |
Paper - Cited |
Books and Culture 5/1 (Jan-Feb 1999), p. 24 |
Yes |
Oderberg (David) |
Johnston on Human Beings |
Paper - Cited |
Journal of Philosophy, 86.3, Mar., 1989, pp. 137-141 |
Yes |
Olson (Eric) |
Immanent Causation and Life After Death |
Paper - Referencing |
Gasser (Georg) - Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? 2010 |
Yes |
Olson (Eric) |
Life After Death and the Devastation of the Grave |
Paper - Referencing |
Martin & Augustine - The Myth of an Afterlife, Part 2, Chapter 19, 2015: 409-423 |
Yes |
Olson (Eric) |
What are We? A Study of Personal Ontology |
Book - Referencing (via Paper Referencing) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
Yes |
Olson (Eric) |
What Are We? Animals |
Paper - Referencing |
What Are We? A Study in Personal Ontology, Chapter 2 (November 2007: Oxford University Press.) |
Yes |
Olson (Eric), Etc. |
Abstracta Special Issue on 'The Human Animal' |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
Yes |
Paul (Ellen), Miller (Fred) & Paul (Jeffrey), Eds. |
Personal Identity |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
0% |
Peterson (Michael) & VanArragon (Raymond) |
Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
13% |
Petrus (Klaus), Ed. |
On Human Persons |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
73% |
Plantinga (Alvin) |
Twenty Years Worth of the SCP |
Paper - Cited |
Faith and Philosophy 15: 151-155, 1998 |
Yes |
Quinn (Philip L.) |
Review of Antony Flew's 'The Logic of Mortality' |
Paper - Cited |
Nous, Vol. 26, No. 1, Mar., 1992, pp. 102-104 |
Yes |
Rea (Michael) |
Material Constitution: Preface, Introduction & Appendix (A Formal Statement of the Problem) |
Paper - Cited |
Rea - Material Constitution - A Reader |
Yes |
Rea (Michael), Ed. |
Material Constitution - A Reader |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
48% |
Sainsbury (Mark), Ed. |
Mind - 107/425 (January 1998) |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
10% |
Sainsbury (Mark), Ed. |
Mind - 107/428 (October 1998) |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
4% |
Thompson (Jon W.) |
Individuation, Identity, and Resurrection in Thomas Jackson and John Locke |
Paper - Referencing |
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 95, Issue 2, Spring 2021; Pages 165-194. |
Yes |
Thompson (Jon W.) |
Personal Identity and Resurrection: Early Modern Philosophical Perspectives |
Paper - Referencing |
Faraday Institute On-Line Seminar: January 30, 2024 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm |
Yes |
Todman (Theo) |
Thesis - Religion |
Paper - Referencing |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
Dualism and Materialism: Athens and Jerusalem? |
Paper - Cited |
Faith and Philosophy 12: 475-88, 1995 |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
I Look for the Resurrection of the Dead and the Life of the World to Come |
Paper - Cited |
Van Inwagen's website |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
Materialism and the Psychological-continuity Account of Personal Identity |
Paper - Cited |
Van Inwagen - Ontology, Identity and Modality, Part II: Identity, Chapter 9, 1997 |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
Ontology, Identity and Modality: Essays in metaphysics |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
17% |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
Philosophers and the Words 'Human Body' |
Paper - Cited |
Peter van Inwagen, Ed, Time and Cause, 1980, 283-299 |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
Plantinga’s Replacement Argument |
Paper - Cited |
Baker (Deane-Peter) - Alvin Plantinga, Chapter 8 |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) |
Précis of Material Beings |
Paper - Cited |
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53, No. 3, Sep., 1993, pp. 683-686 |
Yes |
Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) |
Persons: Human and Divine |
Book - Cited (via Paper Cited) |
Bibliographical details to be supplied |
3% |
Ward (Keith) |
Review - Goff - Why? The Purpose of the Universe |
Paper - Referencing |
The Church Times, 12 January 2024 |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Bodily Resurrection: The Falling Elevator Model Revisited |
Paper - Cited |
Gasser (Georg) - Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? 2010 |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Bodily Resurrection: The Falling Elevator Model Revisited |
Paper - Referencing |
Gasser (Georg) - Personal Identity and Resurrection: How Do We Survive Our Death? 2010 |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Christians Should Affirm Mind-Body Dualism |
Paper - Cited |
Peterson (Michael) & Van Arragon (Raymond) - Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion, 2004 |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Problems for Animalism |
Paper - Cited |
Abstracta Special Issue I – 2008 (Brazil) |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Reply to Baker's 'Christians Should Reject Mind-Body Dualism' |
Paper - Cited |
Peterson (Michael) & Van Arragon (Raymond) - Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Religion, 2004 |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Video: Can We Survive Our Death? |
Paper - Cited |
YouTube; accessed August 2015. Interview at the Templeton Conference on Analytic Philosophy of Religion, Munich 2012. |
Yes |
Zimmerman (Dean) |
Video: Does God Know Our First-Person Perspectives? |
Paper - Cited |
YouTube; accessed August 2015. Interview at the Templeton Conference on Analytic Philosophy of Religion, Munich 2012. |
Yes |
Text Colour Conventions
- Blue: Text by me; © Theo Todman, 2024