- Herewith the full list of philosophy papers I've collected. Book chapters are broken out in many cases, where I could be bothered, otherwise a book is represented by a single entry. I've started to categorise them by topic and subtopic, though many are "Unknown" or blank. One day!
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- Herewith the full list of philosophy papers I've collected, excluding those on the topic of identity which are listed elsewhere1. An attempt has been made to categorise papers by topic, subject and sub-topic. Book chapters are broken out in many cases, where I could be bothered, otherwise a book is represented by a single entry.
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- I've made an attempt to categorise my accumulated papers by topic, subject and sub-topic. Herewith is the full list of philosophy papers, segregated by sub-topic. Book chapters are broken out in many cases, where I could be bothered, otherwise a book is represented by a single entry.
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- This is my book collection. One might well ask why I've put this on the net (other than as an invitation to burglars). My reason is that when in libraries or bookshops, I need to know which books I've already got. And it might help my supervisor.
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- This is my book collection, sorted by category (ie. Sub-topic within topic within subject).
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- This is my book collection, sorted by Location within my Library and other rooms. This is to enable me easily to find the details held on books while the finalisation of their filing locations takes place following my house-move.
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- This is my Book / Paper collection, Indexed by Author. It shows how many Books, and how many Papers, I have by each Author, with quick links to look them up. It also indicates those (currently rare) cases where I have a potted biography of the author.
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- To the right are lists of books and papers that may have defective Abstracts - in particular colour-coded as though they are be me, when in fact they have been filched from elsewhere. In principle these pages should now be empty, as I've put a lot of effort into fixing the Abstracts.
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