Theo Todman's Web Page - Notes Pages

Personal Identity

PID Note, Book & Paper Usage

(Work In Progress: output at 10/10/2024 05:28:47)

Previous VersionsNote ReferencesNon-Note ReferencesNote CitationsNon-Note Citations


  1. This Note is continually under development as a means of displaying the usage (or non-usage) of my Personal Identity Notes in my Thesis1.
  2. The motivation behind this Note, together with Functional and Technical documentation, is fully documented in this Note: Website Generator Documentation - PID Note, Book & Paper Usage2.

Statistical Tables
  1. PID Notes referenced in the Text of my Thesis, by Chapter3
  2. PID Notes referenced in the Chapter Note-Lists of my Thesis, by Chapter4
  3. PID Notes CrossTab by Reading-List Category5
  4. PDFs available on Local Website6 (4,300 items)

Items requiring Action
  1. PID Notes not yet referenced in the Text or Note-Lists of my Thesis7 (6 items)
  2. PID Notes not yet referenced in the Chapter Note-Lists of my Thesis8 (5 items)
  3. PID-Related Books not referenced9 (10 items)
  4. PID-Related Papers read but not referenced10 (26 items)
  5. Works Cited by Thesis Chapter but not in Note-List Reading Lists11 (0 items)
  6. PID Papers filed but not referenced in PID Notes12 (2,314 items, 2261 unactioned)
  7. Undated PID Papers referenced in PID Notes13 (110 items)
  8. PID Papers without Abstracts referenced in PID Notes14 (732 items)
  9. Large Pages with > 1,000 hyperlinks15 (141 items)
  10. Papers with allegedly locally-held PDFs not linked to16 (355 items)
  11. Papers allegedly in Electronic book but not flagged as held electronically17 (41 items)
  12. Suspected Duplicate Papers18 (0 items)
  13. Webrefs – defunct or without narratives – in PID Papers19 (27 items)
  14. Webrefs – defunct or without narratives – in PID Books20 (6 items)
  15. PID Papers with PDF Local Copies not Cited in Thesis21 (212 items)
  16. Aeon Papers relevant to my Thesis with outstanding actions22 (117 items):-

PID Notes referenced in the Text of my Thesis, by Chapter

Called Note01230224032504260527062807290830093110321133TOTAL
Abortion34     1 1 1 3
Androids35 11 1    115
Animal Rights36     1     1
Animalism - Arguments For371    1     2
Animalism - Objections3811 1 1 11118
Animalists40 11  11  1 5
Animation42     11    2
Artifacts43   11 1  1 4
Baker44 111111    6
Biological Criterion4511   1     3
Biological View46 1  11     3
Bodily Continuity47 1  1    1 3
Body Criterion4811   1     3
Body491111 11 1119
Brain Criterion5011    1    3
Brain Death51 1     1  13
Brain State Transfer52 1 1 1   1 4
Brain Transplants53111111 1 119
Brain541111111 11110
Brains in Vats55 1   1   114
Buddhism56 11 1 1    4
Bundle Theories57 1         1
Cartesian Ego58111        3
Causality591   1    1 3
Cerebrum60 1       1 2
Change61   11 1    3
Chimera62         1 1
Christian Materialism63 1 1111   16
Clinical Observations64         1 1
Clones65  1      1 2
Closest Continuer661  11    1 4
Coincidence67 11   1  115
Commissurotomy68 11      1 3
Computers69  11     114
Concepts701 11 11  1 6
Connectedness vs Continuity7111 11  1   5
Consciousness721111 11  118
Constitution View - Objections73     1111  4
Constitution View741111111111111
Constitution75 1 11 1 1 16
Contingent Identity76   1  1  1 3
Continuity77 1 111   116
Convention78   1  1    2
Corpses79 1 111 1 117
Counting Persons801 1    1   3
Criteria of Identity81   1 1     2
Cyborgs82 11 1    1 4
Death83111 111  118
Degrees of Personhood841 11       3
Descartes851        1 2
Dicephalus86       1 1 2
Dion and Theon87  1   1 1  3
Disembodied Existence88 1 11 1 1 16
Dracula89         1 1
Dualism90 1111     15
Duplication911 1 11   1 5
Embryo92       1 1 2
Endurantism931  111   1 5
Essentialism94   1111    4
Evolution95   1 1   1 3
Exdurantism9611  1      3
Existence97   1111  116
Explanation98   1  1    2
Fetuses99   111 111 6
Fiction100   1     1 2
First-Person Perspective1011111111 11 9
Fission10211111111 1 9
Forensic Property103111  11   16
Free Will104  1        1
Functionalism105 1 1 1   1 4
Fusion10611  1  1 1 5
Future Great Pain Test107 11   1  1 4
General Surveys1081          1
Genetics109     1     1
Holes & Smiles110        1  1
Homo Sapiens111 111 1    15
Human Animals1121111 11111110
Human Beings1131111 11111110
Human Persons114 111 111 118
Hume115 1  1      2
Hybrid Theories11611    1    3
Hylomorphism117 1    1    2
I11811  1  11  5
Immortality119          11
Indeterminate Identity120   1       1
Individual121  1111111119
Information122 1   1   114
Intelligence123  1      1 2
Intermittent Objects124  1111   116
Interregnum125     1    12
Intuition126   11    114
Ivan Ilych127          11
Kant1281          1
Kinds129 1 1111  1 6
Language of Thought130  1      1 2
Leibniz1311  11      3
Lewis1321   1 1  1 4
Life After Death133   111    14
Life13411 1 11  117
Locke1351111111  1 8
Logic of Identity13611111 1  1 7
Makropulos Case137          11
Matter138   1 11  115
Memory1391   1    114
Mereology140 1 111111  7
Metamorphosis141 1 111   116
Metaphysics1421  1     114
Methuselah14311         2
Mind14411 1 11  117
Modality1451  111 1 117
Multiple Personality Disorder146 11      1 3
Narrative Identity147 111111    6
Natural Kinds148 111 1   1 5
Naturalism149   1       1
Near Death Experiences150          11
Nihilism151 1 1 11    4
Non-Human Persons152  1  1     2
Numerical Identity153 1 1 1     3
Occasional Identity154   1       1
Olson155 1 1111  1 6
Only 'X' and 'Y' Principle1561  1     1 3
Ontology157  1111111 18
Organisms158 1 11111 118
Origins1591    1   1 3
Out of Body Experiences160          11
Parfit161111 1    1 5
Partial Identity162   11      2
Perdurantism1631111111  1 8
Persistence Criteria1641111111111111
Persistence1651  11111  17
Persistent Vegetative State166 1  11 1  15
Personality1681111  1111 8
Personite169  1        1
Phase Sortals170 11111   1 6
Physical Continuity171 1 11    115
Physicalism172 1 1111   16
PID Note, Book & Paper Usage1731          1
Plants174   1 1     2
Pregnancy175   1   1 1 3
Probability176   1       1
Problem of the Many177  11 11    4
Process Metaphysics178 1 1111   16
Properties17911 1111111110
Psychological Continuity - Forward1801 11     1 4
Psychological Continuity18111  1  1 1 5
Psychological Criterion18211 1 1     4
Psychological View18311111111 1110
Psychology18411   111 1 6
Psychopathology185  1      1 2
Quantum Mechanics186     1   1 2
Quasi-Memory1871          1
Race188 1         1
Reductionism189  11       2
Reduplication Objections1901 1 1    1 4
Reincarnation191 1  111   15
Relative Identity192  111 1    4
Religion193      11   2
Replication194         1 1
Resurrection19511 1111 1119
Scattered Objects196  111 1  1 5
Self197111 111 11 8
Self-Consciousness198 111       3
Semantics199  11       2
Ship of Theseus200   1  1    2
Siliconisation201 11 1    1 4
Similarity202  11     1 3
Simple View203  1        1
Sleep2041        1 2
Society205 111  1  1 5
Sorites206 1 111  1  5
Sortals207 1 1111  117
Soul Criterion208 1  1      2
Souls2091111111 11110
Statue and the Clay210   1  1    2
Substance2111111111   18
Supervenience212 1 1  1    3
Survival21311 1111  118
Taking Persons Seriously214  1    1   2
Teletransportation21511  11   1 5
Temporary Intrinsics216   11      2
Thinking Animal Argument217 11  11 1 16
Thisness (Haecceity)218   11      2
Thought Experiments21911111111 1110
Thought220   1       1
Tibbles the Cat221  1   1 1  3
Time Travel222  1 1      2
Time2231  11      3
Transhumanism224111 11   117
Transplants225 1111 1  1 6
Twinning226     1 1 1 3
Unity of the Person227 11      1 3
Universals228   111     3
Uploading229111  11  117
Vague Identity2301  1  1    3
Vagueness231   11111  16
Wantons232  1        1
What are We?23311111111 1110
What Matters23411 1111  1 7
Wiggins235 1 1 11    4
Wittgenstein2361  1       2
Works Read - Explanation2371111111111111
Zombies238 1       1 2
Zygote239       1 1 2

PID Notes not yet referenced in the Text or Note-Lists of my Thesis

PID Notes referenced in the Chapter Note-Lists of my Thesis, by Chapter

Called Note0124602247032480424905250062510725208253092541025511256TOTAL
Abortion257       1   1
Androids258         1 1
Animal Rights259     1     1
Animalism - Arguments For260     1     1
Animalism - Objections261       1   1
Animalism262     1     1
Animalists263     1     1
Animals264     1     1
Animation265     1     1
Artifacts266   1       1
Baker267      1    1
Biological Criterion268     1     1
Biological View269     1     1
Bodily Continuity270 1         1
Body Criterion271 1         1
Body272 1         1
Brain Criterion273 1         1
Brain Death274 1         1
Brain State Transfer275         1 1
Brain Transplants276         1 1
Brain277 1         1
Brains in Vats278 1         1
Buddhism279 1         1
Bundle Theories280 1         1
Cartesian Ego281 1         1
Causality282    1      1
Cerebrum283 1         1
Change284    1      1
Chimera285         1 1
Christian Materialism286      1    1
Clinical Observations287         1 1
Clones288         1 1
Closest Continuer289   1       1
Coincidence290      1    1
Commissurotomy291         1 1
Computers292         1 1
Concepts293   1       1
Connectedness vs Continuity294    1      1
Consciousness295 1         1
Constitution View - Objections296        1  1
Constitution View297      1    1
Constitution298      1    1
Contingent Identity299   1       1
Continuity300    1      1
Convention301   1       1
Corpses302          11
Counting Persons303  1        1
Criteria of Identity304   1       1
Cyborgs305         1 1
Death306          11
Degrees of Personhood307  1        1
Descartes3081          1
Dicephalus309       1   1
Dion and Theon310      1    1
Disembodied Existence311          11
Dracula312         1 1
Dualism313 1         1
Duplication314         1 1
Embryo315       1   1
Endurantism316    1      1
Essentialism317      1    1
Evolution318     1     1
Exdurantism319    1      1
Existence320   1       1
Explanation321   1       1
Fetuses322       1   1
Fiction323   1       1
First-Person Perspective324      1    1
Fission325         1 1
Forensic Property3261          1
Free Will327  1        1
Functionalism328 1         1
Fusion329         1 1
Future Great Pain Test330         1 1
General Surveys3311          1
Genetics332     1     1
Holes & Smiles333        1  1
Homo Sapiens334     1     1
Human Animals335     1     1
Human Beings336 1         1
Human Persons337  1        1
Hume338 1         1
Hybrid Theories339 1         1
Hylomorphism340      1    1
I341 1         1
Immortality342          11
Indeterminate Identity343   1       1
Individual344   1       1
Information345 1         1
Intelligence346  1        1
Intermittent Objects347    1      1
Interregnum348          11
Intuition349         1 1
Ivan Ilych350          11
Kant3511          1
Kinds352   1       1
Language of Thought353  1        1
Leibniz3541          1
Lewis3551          1
Life After Death356          11
Life357     1     1
Locke3581          1
Logic of Identity359   1       1
Makropulos Case360          11
Matter361   1       1
Memory3621          1
Mereology363      1    1
Metamorphosis364   1       1
Metaphysics365   1       1
Methuselah3661          1
Mind367   1       1
Modality368    1      1
Multiple Personality Disorder369         1 1
Narrative Identity370 1         1
Natural Kinds371   1       1
Naturalism372   1       1
Near Death Experiences373          11
Nihilism374 1         1
Non-Human Persons375  1        1
Numerical Identity376   1       1
Occasional Identity377   1       1
Olson378     1     1
Only 'X' and 'Y' Principle379   1       1
Ontology380   1       1
Organisms381     1     1
Origins382     1     1
Out of Body Experiences383          11
Parfit3841          1
Partial Identity385   1       1
Perdurantism386    1      1
Persistence Criteria387    1      1
Persistence388    1      1
Persistent Vegetative State389          11
Person390  1        1
Personality391  1        1
Personite392  1        1
Phase Sortals393   1       1
Physical Continuity394    1      1
Physicalism395   1       1
Plants396     1     1
Pregnancy397       1   1
Probability398   1       1
Problem of the Many399      1    1
Process Metaphysics400   1       1
Properties401    1      1
Psychological Continuity - Forward4021          1
Psychological Continuity4031          1
Psychological Criterion4041          1
Psychological View4051          1
Psychology4061          1
Psychopathology407         1 1
Quantum Mechanics408     1     1
Quasi-Memory4091          1
Race410 1         1
Reductionism411  1        1
Reduplication Objections412         1 1
Reincarnation413          11
Relative Identity414   1       1
Religion415      1    1
Replication416         1 1
Resurrection417          11
Scattered Objects418   1       1
Self419 1         1
Self-Consciousness420 1         1
Semantics421   1       1
Ship of Theseus422      1    1
Siliconisation423         1 1
Similarity424   1       1
Simple View425  1        1
Sleep4261          1
Society427  1        1
Sorites428   1       1
Sortals429   1       1
Soul Criterion430 1         1
Souls431 1         1
Statue and the Clay432      1    1
Substance433   1       1
Supervenience434 1         1
Survival435    1      1
Taking Persons Seriously436  1        1
Teletransportation437         1 1
Temporary Intrinsics438    1      1
Thinking Animal Argument439     1     1
Thisness (Haecceity)440    1      1
Thought Experiments441         1 1
Thought442   1       1
Tibbles the Cat443      1    1
Time Travel444    1      1
Time445    1      1
Transhumanism446         1 1
Transplants447         1 1
Twinning448         1 1
Unity of the Person449  1        1
Universals450   1       1
Uploading451         1 1
Vague Identity452   1       1
Vagueness453   1       1
Wantons454  1        1
What are We?455 1         1
What Matters456    1      1
Wiggins457     1     1
Wittgenstein4581          1
Zombies459 1         1
Zygote460       1   1

PID Notes CrossTab by Reading-List Category

Animal Rights4638738125
Animalism - Arguments For46426 26
Animalism - Objections465661278
Baker47167 67
Biological Criterion47210 10
Biological View47319 19
Bodily Continuity47426 26
Body Criterion47520 20
Brain Criterion47716 16
Brain Death47835136
Brain State Transfer47916 16
Brain Transplants48075 75
Brains in Vats48226 26
Bundle Theories48436 36
Cartesian Ego48531233
Cerebrum48726 26
Christian Materialism490 205205
Clinical Observations4913 3
Closest Continuer49331 31
Coincidence49425 25
Connectedness vs Continuity49836 36
Constitution View - Objections50023 23
Constitution View50149 49
Constitution5021 1
Constitution50369 69
Contingent Identity50429 29
Continuity50521 21
Counting Persons50814 14
Criteria of Identity50950 50
Degrees of Personhood5127 7
Descartes - Real Distinction5135 5
Dion and Theon51614 14
Disembodied Existence51716117
Dracula5182 2
Dualism51952 52
Endurantism52252 52
Exdurantism52539 39
Existence52632 32
Existential Passage5278 8
First-Person Perspective53140 40
Fission53242 42
Forensic Property533651277
Free Will53412513138
Functionalism53531 31
Fusion53611 11
Future Great Pain Test537819
General Surveys538 8181
Holes & Smiles54016117
Homo Sapiens54132133
Human Animals54233 33
Human Beings54336137
Human Persons54417 17
Hybrid Theories54631619
Hylomorphism54723 23
Indeterminate Identity55020 20
Intermittent Objects55419221
Interregnum5552 2
Ivan Ilych55717118
Kinds55938 38
Language of Thought56074249
Life After Death56384387
Logic of Identity56613359192
Makropulos Case56724125
Mereology57077 77
Metaphysics57349 49
Methuselah5746 6
Multiple Personality Disorder57736137
Narrative Identity5786459123
Natural Kinds57963 63
Near Death Experiences58135439
Non-Human Persons58314 14
Numerical Identity58438 38
Occasional Identity58513 13
Only 'X' and 'Y' Principle58711 11
Out of Body Experiences59126127
Partial Identity59312 12
Perdurantism594123 123
Persistence Criteria59536 36
Persistence59687 87
Persistent Vegetative State59722123
Personite6006 6
Phase Sortals60115 15
Physical Continuity60213114
Physicalism603146 146
Problem of the Many60729 29
Process Metaphysics60829332
Psychological Continuity - Forward61016117
Psychological Continuity61153 53
Psychological Criterion61225 25
Psychological View61324125
Quantum Mechanics616752196
Quasi-Memory61721 21
Reductionism61992 92
Reduplication Objections62011 11
Reincarnation62121 21
Relative Identity62254 54
Scattered Objects62611112
Self-Consciousness62873 73
Semantics62933 33
Ship of Theseus63046 46
Simple View63330 30
Sorites63628 28
Soul Criterion63854 54
Statue and the Clay64073 73
Supervenience64243 43
Survival64342 42
Taking Persons Seriously6448 8
Temporary Intrinsics64627 27
Thinking Animal Argument64753 53
Thisness (Haecceity)64825 25
Thought Experiments649995104
Thought6502 2
Tibbles the Cat65118 18
Time Travel652601272
Unity of the Person65766 66
Universals65846 46
Vague Identity66040 40
Wantons6625 5
What are We?66369170
What Matters66462163
Zombies66727 27
Zygote66818 18

PID Notes not yet referenced in the Chapter Note-Lists of my Thesis

PID-Related Books not referenced

Read?Sub-Topic1Sub-Topic2Sub-Topic3Book Link
YesConnectionism & Classical AI  "Bechtel (William) & Abrahamsen (Adele) - Connectionism & the Mind: Parallel Processing, Dynamics and Evolution in Networks"
YesLogic  "Fisher (Alec) - The Logic of Real Arguments"
Connectionism & Classical AI  "Clark (Andy) - Microcognition – Philosophy Cognitive Science & Parallel Distributed Processing"
Definite DescriptionsNamesModality"Harnish (Robert M.) - Basic Topics in the Philosophy of Language"
Ethics  "Edmonds (David) - Would You Kill the Fat Man? The Trolley Problem and What Your Answer Tells Us about Right and Wrong"
Language  "Knight (Chris) - Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics"
Perception  "Austin (J.L.) - Sense and Sensibilia"
Unclassified  "Rees (Martin) - Our Final Century: Will the Human Race Survive the Twenty-First Century?"
↑↑↑  "Stock (Gregory) - Metaman: Humans, Machines and the Birth of a Global Super-organism"
VisionComputing "Marr (David) - Vision: A computational investigation into the human representation and processing of visual information"

PID-Related Papers read but not referenced

Book Cited?Sub-TopicPaper LinkBook LinkPriority
Computing"Aeon - Video - How AI learns to see without eyes""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Bolotta (Samuele) & Dumas (Guillaume) - Social neuro AI: social interaction as the 'dark matter' of AI""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Greve (Sebastian Sunday) - AI’s first philosopher""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"1
↑↑↑"Kobie (Nicole) - Does Facial Recognition Have a Future?""PC Pro - Computing in the Real World"1
↑↑↑"Kobie (Nicole) - Quantum computing is here … with one small caveat""PC Pro - Computing in the Real World"1
↑↑↑"Lande (Kevin) - Do you compute?""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"1
↑↑↑"Marcus (Gary) - Face It, Your Brain Is a Computer""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Petersen (Jennifer) - Can algorithms speak? And should their opinions be protected?""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Veritasium - Video - The Universe is Hostile to Computers""Electronic - Laptop"1
Definite Descriptions"Kroon (Fred) - Descriptivism, Pretense, and the Frege-Russell Problems""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Kroon (Fred) - The Problem of 'Jonah': How Not to Argue for the Causal Theory of Reference""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Sosa (David) - The Import of the Puzzle About Belief""Electronic - Laptop"1
Logic"Fisher (Alec) - The Logic of Real Arguments""Fisher (Alec) - The Logic of Real Arguments"5
Unclassified"Aeon - Video - A brief history of vampires""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Aeon - Video - Fifty per cent""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Aeon - Video - The viral origins of the placenta""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Berry (Erica) - An animal myself""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Hart (David Bentley) - The myth of machine consciousness makes Narcissus of us all""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"1
↑↑↑"Krznaric (Roman) - The disruption nexus""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Lazar (Seth) - Frontier AI ethics""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"1
↑↑↑"Love (Shayla) - Innovative three-year-olds expose the limits of AI chatbots""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Petersen (Rachael) - Do plants have minds?""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Quaglia (Sofia) - Connected-up-brains""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Reed (Philip) - Why so many plagiarists are in denial about what they did wrong""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"1
↑↑↑"van der Lugt (Mara) - Look on the dark side""Electronic - Laptop"1
↑↑↑"Zinn (Anna K.) - You have multiple ‘social identities’ – here’s how to manage them""Electronic - Laptop"1

Works Cited by Thesis Chapter but not in Note-List Reading Lists

PID Papers filed but not referenced in PID Notes

"Alexander (Ronald) - A Brief Look at the Problem of Personal Identity"Self 3. Low Quality12No"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Supervenience and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Alexander (Ronald) - Searching for the Proper Kind of Supervenience"Self 3. Low Quality20No"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Supervenience and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Alexander (Ronald) - Supervenience and Action"Self 3. Low Quality16No"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Supervenience and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Supervenience and Personal Identity: Conclusion"Self 3. Low Quality7No"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Supervenience and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Time, and the Community"Self 2. Medium Quality22No"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Supervenience and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Alexander (Ronald) - The Supervenient Self and Its Relationship to Tropes"Self 2. Medium Quality28No"Alexander (Ronald) - The Self, Supervenience and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Aston (Frederick Alfred) - Isaiah 53: Who is the Suffering Servant?"Isaiah  26YesIrrelevant
"Bennett (Jonathan) - Analysis without Noise"Constitution  22NoProbably irrelevant
"Berglund (Stefan) - Human and Personal Identity: Summary & Bibliography"Animalism 2. Medium Quality14 25%"Berglund (Stefan) - Human and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Berglund (Stefan) - The Problem of Personal Identity"Animalism 3. Low Quality11No"Berglund (Stefan) - Human and Personal Identity": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Blackburn (Simon) - How can we teach objectivity in a post-truth era?"Truth 1. High Quality5YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Ben Rogers's 'A. J. Ayer: A Life'"UnclassifiedYes 5YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Bernard Williams, 'Truth and Truthfulness'"UnclassifiedYes 3YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Bernard Williams's Last Works"EthicsYes 7YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Brandom, 'Reading Rorty'"UnclassifiedYes 5YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of David Wiggins, 'Ethics - Twelve Lectures on the Philosophy of Morality'"UnclassifiedYes 2YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Donald Davidson, 'Truth and Predication'"UnclassifiedYes 8YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of G.E.M. Anscombe's 'Human Life, Action and Ethics'"UnclassifiedYes 3YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Harry Frankfurt's 'On Truth'"EthicsYes 5YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Iris Murdoch's 'Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals'"UnclassifiedYes 6YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Martha Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions"EthicsYes 7YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Ronald Dworkin's 'Justice for Hedgehogs'"UnclassifiedYes 7YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Thomas Nagel, 'The Last Word'"UnclassifiedYes 2YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Review of Tim Scanlon's 'What We Owe Each Other'"UnclassifiedYes 2YesIrrelevant
"Blackburn (Simon) - Reviews of 'Iris Murdoch, Philosopher' and 'Iris Murdoch, Gender and Philosophy'"UnclassifiedYes 7YesIrrelevant
"Brody (Baruch) - A Look at the Alternatives"Fetuses 3. Low Quality15No"Brody (Baruch) - Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life : a Philosophical View": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Brody (Baruch) - Appendix: A Formal Theory of Essentialism"Essentialism 3. Low Quality16No"Brody (Baruch) - Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life : a Philosophical View": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Brody (Baruch) - Some Further Questions"Fetuses 3. Low Quality7No"Brody (Baruch) - Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life : a Philosophical View": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Brody (Baruch) - The Essence of Humanity"Essentialism 3. Low Quality16No"Brody (Baruch) - Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life : a Philosophical View": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Brody (Baruch) - The Role of Human Reaction and Decision"Fetuses 3. Low Quality14No"Brody (Baruch) - Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life : a Philosophical View": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Accidental Connections"Ontology  27No"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Essence"Ontology  32No"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Idealism"Ontology  8No"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Objects and Entities"Ontology  25No"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Qualities"Ontology  28No"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Butchvarov (Panayot) - The Apparent Distinctness of Identicals"Ontology  30No"Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Ford (Norman) - Fertilization and the Beginning of a Human Individual"Animalism 3. Low Quality30No"Ford (Norman) - When Did I Begin: Conception of the Human Individual in History, Philosophy and Science": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Ford (Norman) - Historical Influence of Aristotle on the Theory of Human Reproduction"Animalism 3. Low Quality46No"Ford (Norman) - When Did I Begin: Conception of the Human Individual in History, Philosophy and Science": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Ford (Norman) - The Human Individual Begins After Implantation"Animalism 3. Low Quality19No"Ford (Norman) - When Did I Begin: Conception of the Human Individual in History, Philosophy and Science": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Ford (Norman) - When Did I Begin: Introduction"Animalism 3. Low Quality18No"Ford (Norman) - When Did I Begin: Conception of the Human Individual in History, Philosophy and Science": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Ford (Norman) - When Did I Begin: Notes and Appendices"Animalism 3. Low Quality31No"Ford (Norman) - When Did I Begin: Conception of the Human Individual in History, Philosophy and Science": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Haggqvist (Soren) - Accommodation"Ontology 3. Low Quality24No"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Haggqvist (Soren) - Holism"Ontology 3. Low Quality12No"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Haggqvist (Soren) - Mental Models"Ontology 3. Low Quality15No"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Haggqvist (Soren) - Modal Epistemology"Ontology 3. Low Quality17No"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Haggqvist (Soren) - The A Priori Thesis"Ontology 3. Low Quality22No"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Haggqvist (Soren) - The Case Against"Ontology 2. Medium Quality30No"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy: Introduction"Ontology 3. Low Quality8No"Haggqvist (Soren) - Thought Experiments In Philosophy": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Hintikka (Jaakko) - Who Is About to Kill Analytic Philsophy?"Logic of Identity  17NoIrrelevant
"Holt (Jim) - Whose Idea Is It Anyway? A Philosophers' Feud"NamesYes 11YesIrrelevant
"Jubien (Michael) - A Theory of Names"Mereology 3. Low Quality36NoInteresting but irrelevant
"Lowe (E.J.) - Individuals, Sorts, and Instantiation"Individual  15NoReplaced by corresponding chapter in "Lowe (E.J.) - More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms".
"Lowe (E.J.) - Kinds of Being: Introduction"Kinds 3. Low Quality8NoReplaced by corresponding chapter in "Lowe (E.J.) - More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms".
"Lowe (E.J.) - Laws, Dispositions, and Sortal Logic"Sortals  17NoReplaced by corresponding chapter in "Lowe (E.J.) - More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms".
"Lowe (E.J.) - Parts and Wholes"Mereology  41NoReplaced by corresponding chapter in "Lowe (E.J.) - More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms".
"Lowe (E.J.) - Sortal Terms and Natural Laws"Sortals  22NoReplaced by corresponding chapter in "Lowe (E.J.) - More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms".
"Lowe (E.J.) - The Absoluteness of Identity: A Defence"Logic of Identity  20NoReplaced by corresponding chapter in "Lowe (E.J.) - More Kinds of Being: A Further Study of Individuation, Identity and the Logic of Sortal Terms".
"McCall (Catherine) - An Assessment of Strawson's Arguments"Person 3. Low Quality17No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McCall (Catherine) - Assessment of Dennett's Arguments"Person 3. Low Quality6No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: Conclusion"Person  17No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McCall (Catherine) - Criticism of Dennett's Analysis"Person 3. Low Quality12No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McCall (Catherine) - Criticism of Strawson's Analysis"Person 3. Low Quality11No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McCall (Catherine) - Persons and Human Beings"Person 3. Low Quality7No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McCall (Catherine) - Problems of Personal Identity"Person 3. Low Quality10No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McCall (Catherine) - Strawson's Analysis of the Concept of Person"Person 3. Low Quality13No"McCall (Catherine) - Concepts of Person: An Analysis of Concepts of Person, Self and Human Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"McGinn (Colin) - Truth"Truth 2. Medium Quality25No 
"Melia (Joseph) - Extreme Realism"Modality 3. Low Quality24No"Melia (Joseph) - Modality": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Melia (Joseph) - Modal Language and Modal Logic"Modality 3. Low Quality42No"Melia (Joseph) - Modality": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Melia (Joseph) - Modalism"Modality 3. Low Quality18No"Melia (Joseph) - Modality": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Melia (Joseph) - Possible Worlds as Sets of Sentences"Modality 3. Low Quality18No"Melia (Joseph) - Modality": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Melia (Joseph) - Quite Moderate Realism"Modality 3. Low Quality32No"Melia (Joseph) - Modality": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Moneta (Giuseppina Chiara) - On Identity : A Study in Genetic Phenomenology - Introduction"Genetics  4NoNot useful?
"Morris (Thomas) - A Case Study"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality9No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - A Functional Analysis"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality15No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - A Theory of Regulative Identity"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality15No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - Identity, Necessity, and Information"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality16No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - Leibniz's Law"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality15No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - Metaphysical and Metaphorical Identities"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality15No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - The Dilemma"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality9No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - The Metalinguistic Analysis"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality18No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - The Objectual Analysis"Logic of Identity 3. Low Quality24No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements: Introduction"Logic of Identity  6No"Morris (Thomas) - Understanding Identity Statements": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Neale (Stephen) - No Plagiarism Here - The Originality of Saul Kripke"NamesYes 4YesIrrelevant
"Priest (Graham) - Characterization and Descriptions"Ontology 2. Medium Quality23No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Priest (Graham) - Identity"Ontology 2. Medium Quality25No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Priest (Graham) - Intentional Operators"Ontology 3. Low Quality26No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Priest (Graham) - Mathematical Objects and Worlds"Ontology 3. Low Quality22No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Priest (Graham) - Multiple Denotation"Ontology 3. Low Quality23No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Priest (Graham) - Objects of Thought"Ontology 2. Medium Quality26No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Priest (Graham) - On What There Isn't"Ontology 2. Medium Quality11No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being: Preface"Ontology  3No"Priest (Graham) - Towards Non-Being": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sainsbury (Mark) - Philosophical Logic: Descriptions"UnclassifiedYes 9YesIrrelevant
"Sainsbury (Mark) - Philosophical Logic: Introduction, Further Topics & Bibliography"UnclassifiedYes 10YesIrrelevant
"Sainsbury (Mark) - Philosophical Logic: Names"UnclassifiedYes 12YesIrrelevant
"Sainsbury (Mark) - Philosophical Logic: Truth"UnclassifiedYes 10YesIrrelevant
"Sidelle (Alan) - Analyticity and Reference"Ontology  36NoIrrelevant?
"Sorensen (Roy) - Are Thought Experiments Experiments?"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality36No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - Conflict Vagueness and Precisification"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality19No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - Fallacies and Antifallacies"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality39No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - Kuhntradictions"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality21No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - Mach and Inner Cognitive Africa"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality25No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - Our Most Curious Device"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality14No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - Scepticism About Thought Experiments"Thought Experiments 3. Low Quality30No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - The Evolution of Thought Experiments"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality30No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - The Logical Structure of Thought Experiments"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality35No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Sorensen (Roy) - The Wonder of Armchair Inquiry"Thought Experiments 2. Medium Quality35No"Sorensen (Roy) - Thought Experiments": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Wilkerson (T.E.) - Natural Kinds"Natural Kinds 3. Low Quality32No"Wilkerson (T.E.) - Natural Kinds": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Wilkerson (T.E.) - Natural Kinds - Problems"Natural Kinds 3. Low Quality28No"Wilkerson (T.E.) - Natural Kinds": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Williams (Christopher) - 'Existence is not a Predicate'"Existence 3. Low Quality25No"Williams (Christopher) - What is Existence?": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Williams (Christopher) - Identity, Being, and Truth"Logic of Identity 2. Medium Quality10No"Williams (Christopher) - What is Existence?": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Williams (Christopher) - What is Existence? Preface"Existence 1. High Quality5Yes"Williams (Christopher) - What is Existence?": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Williams (Christopher) - What is Existence? TOC"Existence  3No"Williams (Christopher) - What is Existence?": Whole book copied, filed and cited
"Wright (Crispin) - Précis of Truth and Objectivity"Truth 2. Medium Quality6 33%Irrelevant?

Undated PID Papers referenced in PID Notes

PID NoteYearPaperBook
Abortion674 "McGrath (James F.) - Why 'Life Begins at Conception' Is Simply Not True""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Pruski (Michal) & Playford (Richard C.) - Artificial Wombs, Thomson and Abortion – What Might Change""Electronic - Laptop"
Androids675 "Anders (Charlie Jane) & Krell (Jason) - 10 Robot Deaths That Were More Moving Than Almost Any Human's""Electronic - Laptop"
Animal Rights676 "BBC, Ghosh (Pallab) - Are animals conscious? How new research is changing minds""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Lenharo (Mariana) - Do insects have an inner life? Animal consciousness needs a rethink""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"
↑↑↑ "McGivney (Annette) - ‘Bees are sentient’: inside the stunning brains of nature’s hardest workers""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"
↑↑↑ "Woollard (Fiona) - ‘Utilitarianism for animals: deontology for people’ and the doing/allowing distinction""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Animals677 "Beddington (Emma) - Animals that work for a living: from mine-sniffing rats to hawk bouncers""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: A-B (& General)"
↑↑↑ "Forsey (Jane) - Humans and Dumb Animals""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Phillips (Patrick) - Talking to the Animals""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Stewart (Wayne) - Metaphysics by Default - Chapter 17:  Application to Other Species""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Stewart (Wayne) - Metaphysics by Default - Chapter 20:  Proof and Speculation""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Wells (J'aime) - Language-Using Apes""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Brain678 "NHS - Brain Death""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Brain Death""Electronic - Laptop"
Brain Transplants679 "Wikipedia - Central Nervous System""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Peripheral nervous system""Electronic - Laptop"
Chimera680 "Wikipedia - Chimera (Genetics)""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Chimera (Mythology)""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Hybrid (Biology)""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Hybridoma Technology""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Microchimerism""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Mule""Electronic - Laptop"
Closest Continuer681 "Clark (Tom) - A Notable Theoretical Convergence""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Clark (Tom) - Death, Nothingness, and Subjectivity""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Robert (David) - The Existential Passage Hypothesis""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Stewart (Wayne) - Uzgalis: Accidentally Opening a Transmigration Window by Nixing the Proper Continuer""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Commissurotomy682 "Hecker (Bruce) - How do Whales and Dolphins Sleep Without Drowning?""Electronic - Laptop"
Consciousness683 "BBC, Bragg (Melvyn) - In Our Time - Panpsychism""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Goff (Philip) - A Change of Heart on Fine-Tuning""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Death684 "BBC & Pressly (Linda) - Dying together: Why a happily married couple decided to stop living""Electronic - Laptop"
Dicephalus685 "Paris (J.J.) & Elias-Jones (A.C.) - Do we murder Mary to save Jodie?""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Walker (Robert) - Mary And Jodie – The Case Of The Conjoined Twins""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Abby and Brittany Hensel""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Conjoined Twins""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Craniopagus Parasiticus""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Dicephalic Parapagus Twins""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Diprosopus""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Polycephaly""Electronic - Laptop"
Embryo686 "Mallapaty (Smriti) - Human embryo models are getting more realistic — raising ethical questions""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Embryo""Electronic - Laptop"
Essentialism687 "Chisholm (Roderick) - Which Physical Thing Am I? An Excerpt from 'Is There a Mind-Body Problem?'""Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Metaphysics: The Big Questions"
Existential Passage688 "Clark (Tom) - A Notable Theoretical Convergence""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Clark (Tom) - Death, Nothingness, and Subjectivity""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Epstein (Dmitry) - What if We’re Still Here? A Selfish Reason to Care for Future Generations""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Robert (David) - The Existential Passage Hypothesis""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Stewart (Wayne) - Metaphysics by Default""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Stewart (Wayne) - Metaphysics by Default - Chapter 09:  Existential Passage""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Stewart (Wayne) - Uzgalis: Accidentally Opening a Transmigration Window by Nixing the Proper Continuer""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Uzgalis (William) - Review - Dainton - The Phenomenal Self""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Fetuses689 "Baron (Teresa) - Nobody puts Baby in the container: the foetal container model at work in medicine and commercial surrogacy""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Finn (Suki) - Methodology for the metaphysics of pregnancy""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Geddes (Alexander) - Pregnancy, Parthood and Proper Overlap""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Instone-Brewer (David) - Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis before 70 CE""Instone-Brewer (David) - Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis before 70 CE"
↑↑↑ "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - One or two? A Process View of pregnancy""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Embryo""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Fetus""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Woollard (Fiona) - Philosophy can explain what kind of achievement it is to give birth""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Forensic Property690 "Scruton (Roger) - Human Rights: Nonsense On Stilts?""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Q-S"
Free Will691 "Law (Stephen) - The evil-god challenge""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Telegraph - Obituary - Lionel Dahmer, father of a notorious serial killer who tried to answer the question ‘Why?’""Electronic - Laptop"
Genetics692 "Middleton (Anna), Welford (Megan) - The Ethics of Genomics""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Intelligence693 "Korhonen (Anna), Woodward (Sarah) - This idea must die: 'AI will outsmart the human race'""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Peckham (Jeremy) - AI, humanity and Christian ministry""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Sellman (Mark) - Pause or panic: battle to tame the Al monster""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Towers (Grady M.) - The Outsiders""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Life694 "Ball (Philip) - In Retrospect: What Is Life?""Electronic - Laptop"
Logic of Identity695 "Kaplan (Jeffrey) - Video - Russell's Paradox - a simple explanation of a profound problem""Electronic - Laptop"
Memory696 "BBC, Fry (Hannah) - In the Habit""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Anterograde amnesia""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Wikipedia - Retrograde amnesia""Electronic - Laptop"
Metaphilosophy697 "FT, Dennett (Daniel) & Warburton (Nigel) - Five Favorite Books""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Hanley (Richard) - The Metaphysics of Star Trek: Introduction: The Philosophic Enterprise""Hanley (Richard) - The Metaphysics of Star Trek"
↑↑↑ "Stenger (Victor J.), Lindsay (James A.) & Boghossian (Paul) - Physicists Are Philosophers, Too""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Williams (Bernard) - On Hating and Despising Philosophy""Electronic - Laptop"
Narrative Identity698 "BBC - Video - Julius Caesar: The Making of a Dictator""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "BBC, Beard (Mary) - Caligula with Mary Beard""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Calkin (Jessamy) - A boy named Sophie""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Dolezal (Stanislav) - Hatred and Awe. The Ambivalent Attitude of the Germans towards the Roman Empire in the First Century CE""Electronic - Laptop"
Origins699 "Ward (Keith) - Review - Goff - Why? The Purpose of the Universe""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Parfit700 "Mulhall (Stephen) - Non-Identity Crisis""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Person701 "Shoemaker (Sydney) - Personal Identity""Electronic - Laptop"
Psychopathology702 "Drescher (Jack) - What are Personality Disorders?""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Robson (David) - ‘Like a film in my mind’: hyperphantasia and the quest to understand vivid imaginations""Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: Follow-up Boxes"
Race703 "BBC, Bloom (Ben) - Black, white and shades of grey – what’s behind sprint’s race divide?""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Moreno Figueroa (Monica), Jolin (Lucy) - A world without oppression to you""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Resurrection704 "Graves (Shawn), Hereth (Blake) & John (Tyler M.) - In Defense of Animal Universalism""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Mooney (Justin) - The possibility of resurrection by reassembly""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Quinn (Philip L.) - Personal Identity, Bodily Continuity and Resurrection""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Quinn (Philip L.) - Some Problems about Resurrection""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Thompson (Jon W.) - Individuation, Identity, and Resurrection in Thomas Jackson and John Locke""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Thompson (Jon W.) - Personal Identity and Resurrection: Early Modern Philosophical Perspectives""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Yang (Eric T.) & Davis (Stephen T.) - Composition and the Will of God: Reconsidering Resurrection by Reassembly, OUP, 2017""Electronic - Laptop"
Teletransportation705 "Hanley (Richard) - The Metaphysics of Star Trek: To Beam or Not to Beam?""Hanley (Richard) - The Metaphysics of Star Trek"
↑↑↑ "Krauss (Lawrence M.) - The Physics of Star Trek: Atoms or Bits?""Krauss (Lawrence M.) - The Physics of Star Trek"
↑↑↑ "YouTube - Video - The Trouble with Transporters""Various - Papers on Desktop"
Thought706 "Crane (Tim) - Thought""Crane (Tim) - Elements of Mind - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind"
↑↑↑ "Lowe (E.J.) - Thought and Language""Lowe (E.J.) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind"
Time707 "Price (Huw) - Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point: Chapter 10 (Overview)""Price (Huw) - Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point: New Directions for the Physics of Time"
↑↑↑ "Price (Huw) - Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point: Preface""Price (Huw) - Time's Arrow and Archimedes' Point: New Directions for the Physics of Time"
↑↑↑ "Prigogine (Ilya) - The Arrow of Time - Foreword""Coveney (Peter) & Highfield (Roger) - The Arrow of Time - A Voyage Through Science to Solve Time's Greatest Mystery"
Transhumanism708 "Frary (Mark) - Beyond Repair""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Harari (Yuval Noah) - Disruption, Democracy & the Global Order""Various - Papers on Desktop"
↑↑↑ "Kobie (Nicole) - Neuralink: an old idea that could be the future of medicine""PC Pro - Computing in the Real World"
↑↑↑ "Kobie (Nicole) - The risks of the generative AI gold rush""PC Pro - Computing in the Real World"
Language of Thought709 "Kaye (Larry) - The Language of Thought""Electronic - Laptop"
↑↑↑ "Kaye (Larry) - The Language of Thought - Annotated Bibliography""Electronic - Laptop"
Dualism710< 1989"Madell (Geoffrey) - Personal Identity and the Mind-Body Problem""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 10 (M1: Ma-Mc)"
↑↑↑< 1989"Robinson (Howard) - A Dualist Account of Embodiment""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 15 (Q-R)"
Self711< 1994"Strawson (Peter) - The First Person - and Others""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 17 (S2: Sm+)"

PID Papers without Abstracts referenced in PID Notes

LocationPDF?PaperBookPID Note
Desk (Shelf) "Erber (Joan T.) & Szuchman (Lenore T.) - Great Myths of Aging: Introduction""Erber (Joan T.) & Szuchman (Lenore T.) - Great Myths of Aging"Consciousness712
Desk (Shelf) "Martin (L. Michael) & Augustine (Keith) - The Myth of an Afterlife: Preface""Martin (L. Michael) & Augustine (Keith) - The Myth of an Afterlife: The Case against Life After Death"Death713
Desk (Shelf) "Rosati (Connie S.) - The Makropulos Case Revisited: Reflections on Immortality and Agency""Bradley (Ben), Feldman (Fred) & Johansson (Jens) - The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death"Makropulos Case714
Library (Back) - 1,3 "Green (Joel B.) - Scripture and the Human Person: Further Reflections""Alexander (Denis) - Science and Christian Belief 11.1 (April 1999)"Person715
Library (Back) - 1,5 "Bear (Mark), Connors (Barry) & Paradiso (Michael) - Memory Systems""Bear (Mark), Connors (Barry) & Paradiso (Michael) - Neuroscience"Memory716
Library (Back) - 1,5 "Bear (Mark), Connors (Barry) & Paradiso (Michael) - Molecular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory""Bear (Mark), Connors (Barry) & Paradiso (Michael) - Neuroscience"Memory717
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Dau (Paulo) - Part-Time Objects""French (Peter), Uehling (Theodore) & Wettstein (Howard) - Midwest Studies in Philosophy (Vol XI) - Studies in Essentialism"Intermittent Objects718
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Dretske (Fred) - A Semantic Theory of Information""Dretske (Fred) - Knowledge and the Flow of Information"Information719
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Dretske (Fred) - Communication and Information""Dretske (Fred) - Knowledge and the Flow of Information"Information720
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Dummett (Michael) - Identity""Dummett (Michael) - Frege, Philosophy of Language"Logic of Identity721
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Hacker (P.M.S.) - Substance: The Constitution of Reality""French (Peter), Uehling (Theodore) & Wettstein (Howard) - Midwest Studies in Philosophy (Vol IV, 1979) - Metaphysics"Substance722
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Hirsch (Eli) - Hume's Distinction Between Genuine and Fictitious Identity""French (Peter), Uehling (Theodore) & Wettstein (Howard) - Midwest Studies in Philosophy (Vol VIII, 1983) - Contemporary Perspectives on the History of Philosophy"Hume723
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Laudan (Larry) - Progress Or Rationality? The Prospects For Normative Naturalism""Papineau (David), Ed. - The Philosophy of Science"Naturalism724
Library (Back) - 2,3 "Melnick (Arthur) - Kant on Intuition""French (Peter), Uehling (Theodore) & Wettstein (Howard) - Midwest Studies in Philosophy (Vol VIII, 1983) - Contemporary Perspectives on the History of Philosophy"Intuition725
Library (Back) - 2,3 "White (Nicholas) - Identity, modal individuation, and matter in Aristotle""French (Peter), Uehling (Theodore) & Wettstein (Howard) - Midwest Studies in Philosophy (Vol XI) - Studies in Essentialism"Matter726
Library (Back) - 2,4 "Lear (Jonathan) - Change""Lear (Jonathan) - Aristotle - The Desire to Understand"Change727
Library (Back) - 2,4 "Sainsbury (Mark) - Truth Functionality""Sainsbury (Mark) - Logical Forms - An Introduction to Philosophical Logic"Logic of Identity728
Library (Back) - 2,4 "Sainsbury (Mark) - Validity""Sainsbury (Mark) - Logical Forms - An Introduction to Philosophical Logic"Logic of Identity729
Library (Back) - 2,5 "Badham (Paul) & Badham (Linda) - Near-Death Experiences""Badham (Paul) & Badham (Linda) - Immortality or Extinction"Near Death Experiences730
Library (Back) - 2,5 "Badham (Paul) & Badham (Linda) - The Evidence from Near-Death Experiences""Badham (Paul) & Badham (Linda) - Immortality or Extinction"Near Death Experiences731
Library (Back) - 2,5 "Badham (Paul) & Badham (Linda) - The Meaning of Resurrection, Immortality and Eternal Life""Badham (Paul) & Badham (Linda) - Immortality or Extinction"Resurrection732
Library (Back) - 2,5 "Lewis (David) - Are We Free to Break the Laws""Lewis (David) - Philosophical Papers Volume II"Free Will733
Library (Back) - 2,5 "Lewis (David) & Lewis (Stephanie) - Casati and Varzi on Holes""Lewis (David) - Papers in Metaphysics and Epistemology"Holes & Smiles734
Library (Back) - 2,5 "Woolhouse (Roger) - Descartes and Substance""Woolhouse (Roger) - Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz - The Concept of Substance in Seventeenth Century Metaphysics"Substance735
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Fodor (Jerry) - Individualism and Supervenience""Fodor (Jerry) - Psychosemantics"Supervenience736
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Fodor (Jerry) - Why There Still Has to be a Language of Thought""Fodor (Jerry) - Psychosemantics"Language of Thought737
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Hick (John) - The Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Body Reconsidered""Flew (Antony), Ed. - Body, Mind and Death"Resurrection738
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Penelhum (Terence) - 'Bodily Transfer'""Penelhum (Terence) - Survival and Disembodied Existence"Body739
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Penelhum (Terence) - Memory and Personal Identity""Penelhum (Terence) - Survival and Disembodied Existence"Memory740
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Penelhum (Terence) - 'Reincarnation'""Penelhum (Terence) - Survival and Disembodied Existence"Reincarnation741
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Penelhum (Terence) - Resurrection""Penelhum (Terence) - Survival and Disembodied Existence"Resurrection742
Library (Back) - 2,6 "Penelhum (Terence) - Survival and Disembodied Existence: Preliminaries""Penelhum (Terence) - Survival and Disembodied Existence"Survival743
Library (Centre Left) - 3,6 "Brouwer (L.E.J.) - Intuitionism and Formalism""Benacerraf (Paul) & Putnam (Hilary) - Philosophy of Mathematics - Selected Readings"Intuition744
Library (Centre Left) - 3,6 "Heyting (Arend) - The Intuitionist Foundations of Mathematics""Benacerraf (Paul) & Putnam (Hilary) - Philosophy of Mathematics - Selected Readings"Intuition745
Library (Centre Right) - 1,4 "Russell (Bruce) - A Defence of Moral Intuitionism""Singer (Peter), Ed. - Does Anything Really Matter? Essays on Parfit on Objectivity"Intuition746
Library (Centre Right) - 1,4 "Steward (Helen) - Free Will""Shand (John) - Central Issues of Philosophy"Thinking Animal Argument747
Library (Centre Right) - 1,5 "Childress (James F.) - Christian ethics, medicine, and genetics""Gill (Robin) - The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics"Genetics748
Library (Centre Right) - 1,5 "Cook (T.C.B.) - The Death of Ivan Ilyich & Other Stories: Introduction""Tolstoy (Leo) - The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories"Ivan Ilych749
Library (Centre Right) - 1,5 "Davis (Stephen T.) - Philosophy and Life After Death: The Questions and the Options""Davies (Brian) - Philosophy of Religion: A Guide and Anthology"Life After Death750
Library (Centre Right) - 1,5 "Himmelfarb (Martha) - Afterlife and Resurrection""Levine (Amy-Jill) & Brettler (Marc Zvi), Eds. - The Jewish Annotated New Testament"Resurrection751
Library (Centre Right) - 1,5 "Salmon (Wesley) - Intuitions - Good and Not-So-Good""Salmon (Wesley) - Causality and Explanation"Intuition752
Library (Centre Right) - 1,6 "Myro (George) - Identity and Time""Rea (Michael), Ed. - Material Constitution - A Reader"Time753
Library (Centre Right) - 1,6 "Rea (Michael) - Material Constitution: Preface, Introduction & Appendix (A Formal Statement of the Problem)""Rea (Michael), Ed. - Material Constitution - A Reader"Christian Materialism754
Library (Centre Right) - 1,6 "Rea (Michael) - Material Constitution: Preface, Introduction & Appendix (A Formal Statement of the Problem)""Rea (Michael), Ed. - Material Constitution - A Reader"Constitution755
Library (Centre Right) - 1,6 "Vinge (Vernor) - Technological Singularity""More (Max) & Vita-More (Natasha) - The Transhumanist Reader"Transhumanism756
Library (Centre Right) - 2,3 "Kant (Immanuel) - Section II: Transition From Popular Morality To Metaphysics of Morals""Kant (Immanuel), Gregor (Mary), Korsgaard (Christine) - Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals"Kant757
Library (Centre Right) - 2,3 "Mattern (Ruth) - Moral Science and the Concept of a Person in Locke""Chappell (Vere), Ed. - Locke: Oxford Readings in Philosophy"Locke758
Library (Centre Right) - 2,3 "Quine (W.V.) - Existence and Quantification""Quine (W.V.) - Ontological Relativity"Existence759
Library (Centre Right) - 2,3 "Vardy (Peter) & Arliss (Julie) - Life after Death""Vardy (Peter) & Arliss (Julie) - The Thinker's Guide to God"Life After Death760
Library (Centre Right) - 2,3 "Winkler (Kenneth) - Locke on Personal Identity""Chappell (Vere), Ed. - Locke: Oxford Readings in Philosophy"Locke761
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Ayers (Michael R.) - Artificial and Other Problematical Objects""Ayers (Michael R.) - Locke (Vol 2 - Ontology)"Locke762
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Ayers (Michael R.) - Contemporary Reactions to Locke's Theory""Ayers (Michael R.) - Locke (Vol 2 - Ontology)"Locke763
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Ayers (Michael R.) - Forms of Material Unity""Ayers (Michael R.) - Locke (Vol 2 - Ontology)"Locke764
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Ayers (Michael R.) - Locke (Ontology) - Introduction & Conclusion""Ayers (Michael R.) - Locke (Vol 2 - Ontology)"Locke765
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Ayers (Michael R.) - Locke (Ontology) - Introduction & Conclusion""Ayers (Michael R.) - Locke (Vol 2 - Ontology)"Ontology766
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Bisiach (Edoardo) - Understanding Consciousness: Clues from Unilateral Neglect and Related Disorders""Block (Ned), Flanagan (Owen) & Guzeldere (Guven) - The Nature of Consciousness"Consciousness767
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Block (Ned) - Begging the Question Against Phenomenal Consciousness""Block (Ned), Flanagan (Owen) & Guzeldere (Guven) - The Nature of Consciousness"Consciousness768
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Churchland (Patricia) - Can Neurobiology Teach Us Anything about Conciousness?""Block (Ned), Flanagan (Owen) & Guzeldere (Guven) - The Nature of Consciousness"Consciousness769
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Crick (Francis) & Koch (Christof) - Towards a Neurobiological Theory of Consciousness""Block (Ned), Flanagan (Owen) & Guzeldere (Guven) - The Nature of Consciousness"Consciousness770
Library (Centre Right) - 2,4 "Galin (David) - Implications for Psychiatry of Left and Right Cerebral Specialization: A Neurophysiological Context for Unconscious Processes""Baars (Bernard), Banks (William) & Newman (James) - Essential Sources in the Scientific Study of Consciousness"Cerebrum771
Library (Centre Right) - 2,5 "Hick (John) - The 'Soul-Making' Theodicy""Rowe (William L.) & Wainwright (William), Eds. - Philosophy of Religion"Souls772
Library (Centre Right) - 2,5 "Ludwig (Arnold) - How Did Hitler Live With Himself?""Ludwig (Arnold) - How do we Know who we are? A Biography of the Self"Self773
Library (Centre Right) - 2,5 "Restak (Richard) - 'On the Organ of the Soul'""Restak (Richard) - The Modular Brain"Souls774
Library (Centre Right) - 2,5 "Wollheim (Richard) - Memory, Experiential Memory and Personal Identity""MacDonald (Graham) - Perception & Identity - Essays Presented to A J Ayer with His Replies"Memory775
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - Animal Art: Would You Hang a Congo on the Wall?""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Animals776
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - Bonobos and Fig Leaves: Primate Hippies in a Puritan Landscape""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Animals777
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - Predicting Mount Fuji, and a Visit to Koshima, Where the Monkeys Salt Their Potatoes""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Animals778
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - Survival of the Kindest: Of Selfish Genes and Unselfish Dogs""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Genetics779
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - The Apes’ Tea Party""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Animals780
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - The Fate of Gurus: When Silverbacks Become Stumbling Blocks""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Animals781
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - The Squirrel's Jump""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Animals782
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "De Waal (Frans) - The Whole Animal: Childhood Talismans and Excessive Fear of Anthropomorphism""De Waal (Frans) - The Ape and the Sushi Master: Cultural Reflections of a Primatologist"Animals783
Library (Centre Right) - 2,6 "Haugeland (John) - Semantics""Haugeland (John) - Artificial Intelligence - The Very Idea"Semantics784
Library (Centre Right) - 3,4 "Edelman (Gerald M.) - Memory and the Individual Soul: Against Silly Reductionism""Cornwell (John), Ed. - Nature's Imagination - A Debate on the Future of Science"Souls785
Library (Left) - 1,2 "Hume (David) - Our Idea Of Identity""Perry (John), Ed. - Personal Identity"Hume786
Library (Left) - 1,2 "Lycan (William) - The 'Language of Thought' Hypothesis - Introduction""Lycan (William) - Mind and Cognition - An Anthology"Language of Thought787
Library (Left) - 1,2 "Reid (Thomas) - Of Mr. Locke's Account of Our Personal Identity""Perry (John), Ed. - Personal Identity"Locke788
Library (Left) - 1,2 "Smolensky (Paul) - Connectionist Modelling; Neural Computation / Mental Connections""Haugeland (John) - Mind Design II"Computers789
Library (Left) - 1,2 "Swinburne (Richard) - Reply to Shoemaker""Shoemaker (Sydney) & Swinburne (Richard) - Personal Identity"Christian Materialism790
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Crane (Tim) - Metaphysics: Causation""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Causality791
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Crane (Tim) - Metaphysics: Time""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Time792
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Crane (Tim) - Metaphysics: Universals""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Universals793
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Doepke (Frederick) - The Importance of the Metaphysics of Persons""Doepke (Frederick) - The Kinds of Things: A Theory of Personal Identity Based on Transcendental Argument"Person794
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Hudson (Hud) - A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person: Introduction""Hudson (Hud) - A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person"Animalism795
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Hudson (Hud) - A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person: Introduction""Hudson (Hud) - A Materialist Metaphysics of the Human Person"Physicalism796
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Martin (Raymond) - Fission Rejuvenated""Martin (Raymond) & Barresi (John), Eds. - Personal Identity"Fission797
Library (Left) - 1,3 "McGinn (Colin) - Could a Machine be Conscious?""McGinn (Colin) - The Problem of Consciousness: Essays Towards a Resolution"Consciousness798
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Melnyk (Andrew) - Physicalism""Stich (Stephen) & Warfield (Ted), Eds. - Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind"Physicalism799
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Papineau (David) - Methodology: Confirmation and Probability""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Probability800
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Sainsbury (Mark) - Philosophical Logic: Existence""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Existence801
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Sainsbury (Mark) - Philosophical Logic: Identity""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Logic of Identity802
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Sainsbury (Mark) - Philosophical Logic: Necessity""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Modality803
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Artifacts""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Artifacts804
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Brain Transplants""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Brain Transplants805
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Extreme Answers to the Special Composition Question: Nihilism and Universalism""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Nihilism806
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings: Introduction""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Animalism807
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Identities of Material Objects""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Individual808
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Special Composition Question""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Process Metaphysics809
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Vagueness of Identity""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Vague Identity810
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Two Problems About Personal Identity: Memory and Commissurotomy""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Commissurotomy811
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Two Problems About Personal Identity: Memory and Commissurotomy""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Memory812
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Unity and Thinking""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Material Beings"Unity of the Person813
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Wiggins (David) - Metaphysics: Substance""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Phase Sortals814
Library (Left) - 1,3 "Wiggins (David) - Metaphysics: Substance""Grayling (Anthony), Ed. - Philosophy 1 - A Guide Through the Subject"Substance815
Library (Left) - 1,4 "Ayer (A.J.) - Fatalism""Ayer (A.J.) - The Concept of a Person & Other Essays"Free Will816
Library (Left) - 1,4 "Block (Ned) - The Computer Model of the Mind""Goldman (Alvin), Ed. - Readings in Philosophy and Cognitive Science"Computers817
Library (Left) - 1,4 "Carruthers (Peter) - Knowledge By Best Explanation""Carruthers (Peter) - Human Knowledge and Human Nature: A new introduction to an ancient debate"Explanation818
Library (Left) - 1,4 "Griffin (Nicholas) - Wiggins On Sortals""Griffin (Nicholas) - Relative Identity"Wiggins819
Library (Left) - 1,4 "Jubien (Michael) - Numbers""Jubien (Michael) - Contemporary Metaphysics"Ontology820
Library (Left) - 1,4 "Loux (Michael) - Beyond Substrata and Bundles: A Prolegomenon to a Substance Ontology""Laurence (Stephen) & Macdonald (Cynthia), Eds. - Contemporary Readings in the Foundations of Metaphysics"Substance821
Library (Left) - 1,4 "McGinn (Colin) - The Self""McGinn (Colin) - The Character of Mind - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind"Self822
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Boden (Margaret) - Conciousness and Human Identity: an Interdisciplinary Perspective""Cornwell (John), Ed. - Consciousness and Human Identity"Consciousness823
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Dainton (Barry) - Future Selves""Dainton (Barry) - Self: Philosophy In Transit"Uploading824
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Dainton (Barry) - Routes to the Modern Soul""Dainton (Barry) - Self: Philosophy In Transit"Soul Criterion825
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Dainton (Barry) - The Place of Mind in the World""Dainton (Barry) - Self: Philosophy In Transit"Mind826
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Diogenes Laertius, Galen & Cicero - On the Sorites""Keefe (Rosanna) & Smith (Peter) - Vagueness: A Reader"Sorites827
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Lowe (E.J.) - Minds, Bodies and People""Lowe (E.J.) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind"Christian Materialism828
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Lowe (E.J.) - Personal Identity and Self-Knowledge""Lowe (E.J.) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind"Christian Materialism829
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Lowe (E.J.) - Thought and Language""Lowe (E.J.) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind"Thought830
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Plomin (Robert) & DeFries (John C.) - The Genetics of Cognitive Abilities and Disabilities""Damasio (Antonio), Ed. - The 'Scientific American' Book of the Brain: The Best Writing on Consciousness"Genetics831
Library (Left) - 1,5 "Rose (Steven) - The Rise of Neurogenetic Determinism""Cornwell (John), Ed. - Consciousness and Human Identity"Genetics832
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Aquinas (Thomas) - The Resurrection of Man""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Resurrection833
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Beloff (John) - Is There Anything Beyond Death? A Parapsychologist's Summation""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Near Death Experiences834
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Botterill (George) & Carruthers (Peter) - Consciousness: the Final Frontier?""Botterill (George) & Carruthers (Peter) - The Philosophy of Psychology"Consciousness835
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Broad (C.D.) - On Survival Without a Body""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Survival836
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Churchland (Patricia) - Consciousness""Churchland (Patricia) - Brain-wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy"Consciousness837
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Churchland (Patricia) - Free Will""Churchland (Patricia) - Brain-wise: Studies in Neurophilosophy"Free Will838
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Ducasse (C.J.) - Survival As Transmigration""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Reincarnation839
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Flew (Antony) - The Cartesian Assumption""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Cartesian Ego840
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Fodor (Jerry) - Innateness and Ontology, Part I: The Standard Argument""Fodor (Jerry) - Concepts - Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong"Ontology841
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Fodor (Jerry) - Innateness and Ontology, Part II: Natural Kind Concepts""Fodor (Jerry) - Concepts - Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong"Ontology842
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Fodor (Jerry) - Similarity""Fodor (Jerry) - Concepts - Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong"Similarity843
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Haberman (David) - Confucianism: The Way of the Sages""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person844
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Haberman (David) - Upanishadic Hinduism: Quest for Ultimate Knowledge""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person845
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Hick (John) - The Recreation of the Psycho-Physical Person""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Resurrection846
Library (Left) - 1,6 "James (William) - The Theory of the Soul""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Souls847
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Johnson (Raynor) - Preexistence, Reincarnation and Karma""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Reincarnation848
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Johnson (Raynor) - Preexistence, Reincarnation and Karma""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Religion849
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Parkin (Alan) - Cognitive Neuropsychology as a Science""Parkin (Alan) - Explorations in Cognitive Neuropsychology"Psychopathology850
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Prior (Arthur N.) - Some Free Thinking About Time""Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Metaphysics: The Big Questions"Time851
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Schick (Theodore) & Vaughn (Lewis) - Case Studies in the Extraordinary""Schick (Theodore) & Vaughn (Lewis) - How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age"Near Death Experiences852
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Shoemaker (Sydney) - Immortality and Dualism""Shoemaker (Sydney) - Identity, Cause and Mind"Dualism853
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Shoemaker (Sydney) - Immortality and Dualism""Shoemaker (Sydney) - Identity, Cause and Mind"Immortality854
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Shoemaker (Sydney) - Phenomenal Similarity""Shoemaker (Sydney) - Identity, Cause and Mind"Similarity855
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Sosa (Ernest) - Addendum to 'Nonabsolute Existence and Conceptual Relativity': Objections and Replies""Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Metaphysics: The Big Questions"Existence856
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Behavioral Psychology: Skinner on Conditioning""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Psychology857
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Evolutionary Psychology: Lorentz on Aggression""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Psychology858
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Freud: The Unconscious Basis of Mind""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person859
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Kant: Reason, Freedom, History and Grace""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person860
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Marx: The Economic Basis of Human Nature""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person861
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Plato: The Rule of Reason""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person862
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Ten Theories of Human Nature: Rival Theories - and Critical Assessment of Them""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person863
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - The Bible: Humanity in Relation to God""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person864
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Stevenson (Leslie) - Toward a Unified Understanding: Nine Types of Psychology""Stevenson (Leslie) & Haberman (David) - Ten Theories of Human Nature"Person865
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Swinburne (Richard) - Language of Thought, Connectionism, and Folk Psychology""Swinburne (Richard) - The Evolution of the Soul"Language of Thought866
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: Kant""Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: An Historical Introduction"Kant867
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: Locke""Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: An Historical Introduction"Locke868
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: Plato""Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: An Historical Introduction"Self869
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: Preface & Introduction""Trigg (Roger) - Ideas of Human Nature: An Historical Introduction"Self870
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - What Is Our Place In the World?""Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Metaphysics: The Big Questions"Christian Materialism871
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Voltaire - The Soul, Identity and Immortality""Edwards (Paul), Ed. - Immortality"Souls872
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Wilkes (Kathleen) - How Many Selves Make Me?""Cockburn (David), Ed. - Human Beings"Fission873
Library (Left) - 1,6 "Zimmerman (Dean) - Distinct Indiscernibles and the Bundle Theory""Van Inwagen (Peter) & Zimmerman (Dean) - Metaphysics: The Big Questions"Christian Materialism874
Library (Left) - 1,7 "Hornsby (Jennifer) - Mind, Causation and Explanation - Introduction: Personal and Subpersonal Levels""Hornsby (Jennifer) - Simple Mindedness: In Defense of Naïve Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind"Explanation875
Library (Left) - 1,7 "Hornsby (Jennifer) - Mind, Causation and Explanation - Introduction: Personal and Subpersonal Levels""Hornsby (Jennifer) - Simple Mindedness: In Defense of Naïve Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind"Person876
Library (Left) - 1,7 "Hornsby (Jennifer) - Ontological Questions - Introduction: Persons and Their States, and Events""Hornsby (Jennifer) - Simple Mindedness: In Defense of Naïve Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind"Ontology877
Library (Left) - 1,7 "Hornsby (Jennifer) - Ontological Questions - Introduction: Persons and Their States, and Events""Hornsby (Jennifer) - Simple Mindedness: In Defense of Naïve Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind"Person878
Library (Left) - 1,7 "Hornsby (Jennifer) - Physicalism, Events and Part-Whole Relations""Hornsby (Jennifer) - Simple Mindedness: In Defense of Naïve Naturalism in the Philosophy of Mind"Physicalism879
Library (Left) - 2,1 "Donaldson (Margaret) - Disembedded Thought and Social Values""Donaldson (Margaret) - Children's Minds"Society880
Library (Left) - 2,2 "Irby (James E.) - Labyrinths: Introduction""Borges (Jorge Luis) - Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings"Person881
Library (Left) - 2,2 "Maurois (Andre) - Labyrinths: Preface""Borges (Jorge Luis) - Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings"Person882
Library (Left) - 2,2 "Wiggins (David) - Preamble (S&S)""Wiggins (David) - Sameness and Substance"Wiggins883
Library (Left) - 2,4 "Bostrom (Nick) - Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?""Todman (Theo) - Birkbeck Philosophy Society - 2002/2003 Programme"Transhumanism884
Library (Left) - 2,4 "Lennon (Kathleen) - Body Image and Bodily Imaginaries""Todman (Theo) - Birkbeck Philosophy Society - 2002/2003 Programme"Body885
Library (Left) - 2,4 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Temporality""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Metaphysics"Time886
Library (Left) - 2,4 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Nature of Rational Beings: Dualism and Personal Identity""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Metaphysics"Dualism887
Library (Left) - 2,4 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - The Nature of Rational Beings: Dualism and Physicalism""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Metaphysics"Dualism888
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Dworkin (Andrea) - Sasha""Nussbaum (Martha) & Sunstein (Cass R.), Eds. - Clones and Clones: Facts and Fantasies About Human Cloning"Clones889
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Godfrey-Smith (Peter) - Genes Do not Encode Information for Phenotypic Traits""Hitchcock (Christopher), Ed. - Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science"Genetics890
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Hoffman (Joshua) & Rosenkrantz (Gary) - Organisms and Natural Kinds""Hoffman (Joshua) & Rosenkrantz (Gary) - Substance: Its Nature and Existence"Organisms891
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Petrus (Klaus) - On Human Persons: Preface""Petrus (Klaus), Ed. - On Human Persons"Animalism892
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Post (John F.) - Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction - Introduction""Post (John F.) - Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction"Metaphysics893
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Sarkar (Sahotra) - Genes Encode Information for Phenotypic Traits""Hitchcock (Christopher), Ed. - Contemporary Debates in Philosophy of Science"Genetics894
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Tammet (Daniel) - Born On a Blue Day""Tammet (Daniel) - Born On a Blue Day"Person895
Library (Left) - 2,5 "Tuttle (Lisa) - World of Strangers""Nussbaum (Martha) & Sunstein (Cass R.), Eds. - Clones and Clones: Facts and Fantasies About Human Cloning"Clones896
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Barbour (Ian) - Genetics, Neuroscience, and Human Nature""Barbour (Ian) - When Science Meets Religion: Enemies, Strangers, or Partners?"Genetics897
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Bloom (Paul) - Gods, Souls, and Science""Bloom (Paul) - Descartes' Baby: How Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human"Soul Criterion898
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Glover (Jonathan) - Persons and Self-Consciousness""Glover (Jonathan) - I: Philosophy and Psychology of Personal Identity"Person899
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Kim (Jaegwon) - The Myth of Nonreductive Materialism""Kim (Jaegwon) - Supervenience and Mind: Selected Philosophical Essays"Physicalism900
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Moreland (J.P.) - Extreme Nominalism and Properties""Moreland (J.P.) - Universals"Properties901
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Rachels (James) - Morality without the Idea that Humans are Special""Rachels (James) - Created From Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism"Forensic Property902
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Tye (Michael) - Consciousness and Persons: Preface""Tye (Michael) - Consciousness and Persons: Unity and Identity"Consciousness903
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Ontology, Identity, and Modality: Introduction""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Ontology, Identity and Modality: Essays in metaphysics"Animalism904
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Van Inwagen (Peter) - Ontology, Identity, and Modality: Introduction""Van Inwagen (Peter) - Ontology, Identity and Modality: Essays in metaphysics"Ontology905
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Wiggins (David) - Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity: Part 1.1: Relative Identity""Wiggins (David) - Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity"Relative Identity906
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Wiggins (David) - Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity: Part 1.2: Leibniz's Law and the Difficulties of Relative Identity""Wiggins (David) - Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity"Logic of Identity907
Library (Left) - 2,6 "Wiggins (David) - Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity: Part 3: Summary of First Two Parts, and Essentialist Postscript""Wiggins (David) - Identity & Spatio-temporal Continuity"Essentialism908
Library (Left) - 3,4 "Welch (Robert) - York Notes: George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four""Welch (Robert) - York Notes: George Orwell - Nineteen Eighty-Four"Time909
Library (Left) - 3,5 "Pinker (Steven) - Language Organs and Grammar Genes""Pinker (Steven) - The Language Instinct - How the Mind Creates Language"Genetics910
Library (Left) - 3,6 "MacKay (Donald) - Divided Brains - Divided Minds""Blakemore (Colin) & Greenfield (Susan), Eds. - Mindwaves: Thoughts on Intelligence, Identity and Consciousness"Commissurotomy911
Library (Left) - 3,7 "Swinburne (Richard) - Review of Robert Nozick's 'Philosophical Explanations'""Ellis (Brian) - Australasian Journal of Philosophy - 61.3 (September 1983)"Christian Materialism912
Library (Left) - 4,3 "Ayer (A.J.) - Body and Mind""Ayer (A.J.) - The Central Questions of Philosophy"Body913
Library (Left) - 4,3 "Ayer (A.J.) - Logic and Existence""Ayer (A.J.) - The Central Questions of Philosophy"Existence914
Library (Left) - 4,3 "Ayer (A.J.) - That Undiscovered Country""Ayer (A.J.) - The Meaning of Life"Near Death Experiences915
Library (Left) - 4,3 "Ayer (A.J.) - The Meaning of Life""Ayer (A.J.) - The Meaning of Life"Animalism - Objections916
Library (Left) - 4,4 "Bostock (David) - The Soul and Immortality in Plato's Phaedo""Fine (Gail), Ed. - Plato 2 - Ethics, Politics, Religion and the Soul"Immortality917
Library (Left) - 4,4 "Bostock (David) - The Soul and Immortality in Plato's Phaedo""Fine (Gail), Ed. - Plato 2 - Ethics, Politics, Religion and the Soul"Souls918
Library (Left) - 4,4 "Kripke (Saul) - A Puzzle about Time and Thought""Kripke (Saul) - Philosophical Troubles: Collected Papers, Volume 1"Time919
Library (Left) - 4,5 "Carruthers (Peter) - Autism as Mind-Blindness: an Elaboration and Partial Defence""Carruthers (Peter) & Smith (Peter), Eds. - Theories of Theories of Mind"Psychopathology920
Library (Left) - 4,5 "Edwards (Paul) - Spontaneous Memories of Earlier Lives""Edwards (Paul) - Reincarnation: A Critical Examination"Memory921
Library (Left) - 4,5 "Ghiselin (Michael) - Embryology as History and as Law""Ghiselin (Michael) - Metaphysics and the Origin of Species"Embryo922
Library (Left) - 4,5 "Murray (Michael J.) & Rea (Michael) - Mind, body, and immortality""Murray (Michael J.) & Rea (Michael) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion"Christian Materialism923
Library (Left) - 4,5 "Murray (Michael J.) & Rea (Michael) - Mind, body, and immortality""Murray (Michael J.) & Rea (Michael) - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion"Immortality924
Library (Left) - 4,6 "Sanders (E.P.) - The Historical Figure of Jesus: Epilogue - The Resurrection""Sanders (E.P.) - The Historical Figure of Jesus"Resurrection925
Library (Left) - 4,7 "Heythrop Student - Seminar Paper: Philosophy of Religion - I Will Survive""Vardy (Peter) - Heythrop MA Philosophy of Religion Lectures"Resurrection926
Library (Right) - 1,2 "Fodor (Jerry) - Connectionism and the Problem of Systematicity (Continued): Why Smolensky's Solution Still Doesn't Work""Fodor (Jerry) - In Critical Condition - Polemical Essays on Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind"Computers927
Library (Right) - 1,2 "Fodor (Jerry) - Review of Paul Churchland's The Engine of Reason, The Seat of the Soul""Fodor (Jerry) - In Critical Condition - Polemical Essays on Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Mind"Souls928
Library (Right) - 1,2 "Vasiliou (Iakovos) - Reality, What Matters, and The Matrix""Grau (Christopher) - Philosophers Explore 'The Matrix'"What Matters929
Library (Right) - 1,2 "Wagner (Rachel) & Flannery-Dailey (Frances) - Wake Up! Worlds of Illusion in Gnosticism, Buddhism, and The Matrix Project""Grau (Christopher) - Philosophers Explore 'The Matrix'"Buddhism930
Library (Right) - 1,3 "Barash (David P.) - The Genetic Basis of Kinship""Singer (Peter) - Ethics (Oxford Readers)"Genetics931
Library (Right) - 1,3 "Pears (David) - Personal Identity: Hume's Solution and his Later Recantation""Pears (David) - Hume's System - An Examination of the First Book of his Treatise"Hume932
Library (Right) - 1,3 "Pears (David) - Personal Identity: The Problem and Hume's Rejection of Current Solutions""Pears (David) - Hume's System - An Examination of the First Book of his Treatise"Hume933
Library (Right) - 1,3 "Stroud (Barry) - The Continued and Distinct Existence of Bodies""Stroud (Barry) - Hume"Hume934
Library (Right) - 1,3 "Stroud (Barry) - The Idea of Personal Identity""Stroud (Barry) - Hume"Hume935
Library (Right) - 1,4 "Brennan (Andrew) - Conditions of Identity: Introduction""Brennan (Andrew) - Conditions of Identity"Logic of Identity936
Library (Right) - 1,4 "Nado (Jennifer) - The Role of Intuition""Sytsma (Justin), Ed. - Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Mind"Intuition937
Library (Right) - 1,4 "Shoemaker (Sydney) - Are Selves Substances?""Shoemaker (Sydney) - Self-Knowledge and Self-Identity"Substance938
Library (Right) - 1,4 "Shoemaker (Sydney) - Self-Identity and the Contents of Memory""Shoemaker (Sydney) - Self-Knowledge and Self-Identity"Memory939
Library (Right) - 1,4 "Taylor (Barry) - Transworld Similarity and Transworld Belief""Jackson (Frank) & Priest (Graham), Eds. - Lewisian Themes: The Philosophy of David K. Lewis"Similarity940
Library (Right) - 1,4 "Vander Laan (David) - Counterpossibles and Similarity""Jackson (Frank) & Priest (Graham), Eds. - Lewisian Themes: The Philosophy of David K. Lewis"Similarity941
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Anscombe (G.E.M.) - Has Mankind One Soul: An Angel Distributed Through Many Bodies?""Anscombe (G.E.M.), Geach (Mary), Gormally (Luke), Eds. - Human Life, Action and Ethics"Souls942
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Anscombe (G.E.M.) - Human Essence""Anscombe (G.E.M.), Geach (Mary), Gormally (Luke), Eds. - Human Life, Action and Ethics"Human Beings943
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Anscombe (G.E.M.) - The Dignity of the Human Being""Anscombe (G.E.M.), Geach (Mary), Gormally (Luke), Eds. - Human Life, Action and Ethics"Human Beings944
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Geach (Mary) - Human Life, Action and Ethics: Introduction""Anscombe (G.E.M.), Geach (Mary), Gormally (Luke), Eds. - Human Life, Action and Ethics"Self945
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Goleman (Daniel) - Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ (Extract)""Marcus (Gary) - The Norton Psychology Reader"Intelligence946
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Hauser (Marc D.) - Wild Minds: What Animals Really Think (Extract)""Marcus (Gary) - The Norton Psychology Reader"Animals947
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Kilborn (William) - Contact and Continuity""Zimmerman (Dean), Ed. - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics: Volume 3"Continuity948
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Marcus (Gary) - The Birth of the Mind: How a Tiny Number of Genes Create the Complexities of Human Thought (Extract)""Marcus (Gary) - The Norton Psychology Reader"Genetics949
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Richerson (Peter) & Boyd (Robert) - Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution (Extract)""Marcus (Gary) - The Norton Psychology Reader"Genetics950
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Wiggins (David) - Reply to Snowdon (Persons and Personal Identity)""Lovibond (Sabina) & Williams (S.G.) - Identity, Truth & Value: Essays for David Wiggins"Animalism951
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Wiggins (David) - Reply to Snowdon (Persons and Personal Identity)""Lovibond (Sabina) & Williams (S.G.) - Identity, Truth & Value: Essays for David Wiggins"Animalists952
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Wiggins (David) - Reply to Snowdon (Persons and Personal Identity)""Lovibond (Sabina) & Williams (S.G.) - Identity, Truth & Value: Essays for David Wiggins"Artifacts953
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Wiggins (David) - Reply to Snowdon (Persons and Personal Identity)""Lovibond (Sabina) & Williams (S.G.) - Identity, Truth & Value: Essays for David Wiggins"Human Persons954
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Wiggins (David) - Reply to Snowdon (Persons and Personal Identity)""Lovibond (Sabina) & Williams (S.G.) - Identity, Truth & Value: Essays for David Wiggins"Non-Human Persons955
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Wiggins (David) - Reply to Snowdon (Persons and Personal Identity)""Lovibond (Sabina) & Williams (S.G.) - Identity, Truth & Value: Essays for David Wiggins"Wiggins956
Library (Right) - 1,5 "Williamson (Timothy) - Thought Experiments""Williamson (Timothy) - The Philosophy of Philosophy"Thought Experiments957
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Armstrong (David) - Reply to David Lewis's 'Many, but Almost One'""Bacon (John), Campbell (Keith) & Reinhardt (Lloyd) - Ontology, Causality and Mind"Problem of the Many958
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Burke (Michael) - Introduction to Existence""Hales (Steven D.), Ed. - Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings"Existence959
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Casati (Roberto) & Varzi (Achille) - Immaterial Bodies""Hales (Steven D.), Ed. - Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings"Holes & Smiles960
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Gallop (David) - Phaedo - Introduction""Plato, Gallop (David) - Phaedo"Souls961
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Greenfield (Susan) - Soul, Brain and Mind""Crabbe (James), Ed. - From Soul to Self"Brain962
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Greenfield (Susan) - Soul, Brain and Mind""Crabbe (James), Ed. - From Soul to Self"Souls963
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Kenny (Anthony) - Body, Soul and Intellect in Aquinas""Crabbe (James), Ed. - From Soul to Self"Souls964
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Lowe (E.J.) - Introduction to Substance""Hales (Steven D.), Ed. - Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings"Substance965
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Matthews (Gareth B.) - Augustine and Descartes on the Souls of Animals""Crabbe (James), Ed. - From Soul to Self"Descartes966
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Matthews (Gareth B.) - Augustine and Descartes on the Souls of Animals""Crabbe (James), Ed. - From Soul to Self"Souls967
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - Genetic Technologies & Human Cloning""Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - Body & Soul - Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics"Genetics968
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - The Moral & Metaphysical Status of the Unborn: Abortion and Fetal Research""Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - Body & Soul - Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics"Abortion969
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - The Moral & Metaphysical Status of the Unborn: Abortion and Fetal Research""Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - Body & Soul - Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics"Fetuses970
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Sorabji (Richard) - Soul and Self in Ancient Philosophy""Crabbe (James), Ed. - From Soul to Self"Souls971
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Ware (Timothy) - The Soul in Greek Christianity""Crabbe (James), Ed. - From Soul to Self"Souls972
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Williams (Bernard) - Formal Structures and Social Reality""Williams (Bernard) - Making Sense of Humanity (and Other Philosophical Papers)"Society973
Library (Right) - 1,6 "Williams (Bernard) - What Does Intuitionism Imply?""Williams (Bernard) - Making Sense of Humanity (and Other Philosophical Papers)"Intuition974
Library (Right) - 1,7 "Rozemond (Marleen) - Descartes' Case for Dualism""Various - Papers on Modern Philosophy Boxes: Vol 2 (G-Z)"Dualism975
Library (Right) - 1,7 "Rozemond (Marleen) - The Real Distinction Argument""Various - Papers on Modern Philosophy Boxes: Vol 2 (G-Z)"Descartes - Real Distinction976
Library (Right) - 1,7 "Rozemond (Marleen) - The Real Distinction Argument""Various - Papers on Modern Philosophy Boxes: Vol 2 (G-Z)"Dualism977
Library (Right) - 2,2 "Dancy (Jonathan) - Intuitionism""Singer (Peter), Ed. - A Companion to Ethics"Intuition978
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Carruthers (Peter) - The Evolution of Consciousness""Carruthers (Peter) & Chamberlain (Andrew), Eds. - Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Meta-Cognition"Consciousness979
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Crane (Tim) - Against Physicalism""Guttenplan (Samuel), Ed. - A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind"Physicalism980
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Eilan (Naomi), Marcel (Anthony) & Bermudez (Jose Luis) - Self-Consciousness and the Body: An Interdisciplinary Approach""Bermudez (Jose Luis), Marcel (Anthony) & Eilan (Naomi), Eds. - The Body and the Self"Self-Consciousness981
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Hills (David) - Mental Representations and Language of Thought""Block (Ned), Ed. - Readings in Philosophy of Psychology - Vol 2"Language of Thought982
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Horgan (Terence) - Physicalism""Guttenplan (Samuel), Ed. - A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind"Physicalism983
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Hughes (Claire) & Plomin (Robert) - Individual Differences in Early Understanding of Mind; Genes, Non-Shared Environment and Modularity""Carruthers (Peter) & Chamberlain (Andrew), Eds. - Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Meta-Cognition"Genetics984
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Kim (Jaegwon) - Physicalism and the Multiple Realizability of Mental States""Block (Ned), Ed. - Readings in Philosophy of Psychology - Vol 1"Physicalism985
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Kim (Jaegwon) - Supervenience""Guttenplan (Samuel), Ed. - A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind"Supervenience986
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Maloney (J. Christopher) - Language of Thought""Guttenplan (Samuel), Ed. - A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind"Language of Thought987
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Murphy (Dominic) & Stich (Stephen) - Darwin in the Madhouse: Evolutionary Psychology and the Classification of Mental Disorders""Carruthers (Peter) & Chamberlain (Andrew), Eds. - Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Meta-Cognition"Psychology988
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Vesey (Godfrey N.A.) - Are Persons Identified Only By Reference to Their Bodies""Vesey (Godfrey N.A.) - Personal Identity: A Philosophical Analysis"Body989
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Vesey (Godfrey N.A.) - Are We Intimately Conscious of What We Call Our Self""Vesey (Godfrey N.A.) - Personal Identity: A Philosophical Analysis"Self-Consciousness990
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Wollheim (Richard) - Experiential Memory, Introjection, and the inner World""Wollheim (Richard) - The Thread of Life"Memory991
Library (Right) - 2,3 "Wolpert (Lewis) - Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: Animals""Wolpert (Lewis) - Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: The Evolutionary Origins of Belief"Animals992
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Alanen (Lilli) - Descartes, Conceivability and Logical Modality""Horowitz (Tamara) & Massey (Gerald J.) - Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy"Thought Experiments993
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Anapolitanos (D.A.) - Thought Experiments and Conceivability Conditions in Mathematics""Horowitz (Tamara) & Massey (Gerald J.) - Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy"Thought Experiments994
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Ayer (A.J.) - The Identity of Indiscernibles""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 01 (A)"Logic of Identity995
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Brown (James Robert) - Thought Experiments: A Platonic Account""Horowitz (Tamara) & Massey (Gerald J.) - Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy"Thought Experiments996
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Butchvarov (Panayot) - Existence""Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being"Existence997
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Butchvarov (Panayot) - Indiscernibility""Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being"Relative Identity998
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Butchvarov (Panayot) - Relations""Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being"Causality999
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Butchvarov (Panayot) - Substances""Butchvarov (Panayot) - Being Qua Being"Substance1000
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Camp (Joseph L.) - The Balad of Clyde the Moose""Horowitz (Tamara) & Massey (Gerald J.) - Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy"Thought Experiments1001
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Carter (William) - Is there life after Summer-death?""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"Life After Death1002
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Cassam (Quassim) - Reductionism and First-Person Thinking""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"First-Person Perspective1003
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Cassam (Quassim) - Reductionism and First-Person Thinking""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"Reductionism1004
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Castaneda (Hector-Neri) - On the Phenomeno-Logic of the I""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"I1005
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Chisholm (Roderick) - Problems of Identity""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"Logic of Identity1006
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Clark (Michael) - Time Slices of Particular Continuents as Basic Individuals: An Impossible Ontology""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"Exdurantism1007
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Cooper (David E.) - Memories, Bodies and Persons""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"Bodily Continuity1008
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Crane (Tim) & Farkas (Katalin) - Metaphysics: References""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"Metaphysics1009
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Crisp (Thomas M.) - Presentism""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 04 (C)"Time1010
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Dennett (Daniel) - The Self as a Center of Narrative Gravity""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 05 (D-E)"Self1011
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Dummett (Michael) - Does Quantification Involve Identity""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 05 (D-E)"Logic of Identity1012
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Erlandson (Douglas) - Body Transfer and Disembodiment""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 05 (D-E)"Body1013
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Forge (John) - Thought Experiments in the Philosophy of Physical Science""Horowitz (Tamara) & Massey (Gerald J.) - Thought Experiments in Science and Philosophy"Thought Experiments1014
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Gale (Richard) - A Note on Personal Identity and Bodily Continuity""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 06 (F-G)"Bodily Continuity1015
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Gale (Richard) - Parfit's Arguments against Partially Relativised Theories of Rationality""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 06 (F-G)"Parfit1016
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Garrett (Brian) - A Note on Substance Concepts""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 06 (F-G)"Substance1017
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Geach (Peter) - Logic Matters: Preface, TOC & Acknowledgements""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 06 (F-G)"Relative Identity1018
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Gough (Martin) - Personal Identity as the study of the conditions for a person persisting over time, the same (numerically identical) person from one time to the next""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 06 (F-G)"Logic of Identity1019
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Hardcastle (Valerie Gray) & Flanagan (Owen) - Muliplex vs. Multiple Selves: A Note on Distinguishing Dissociative Disorders,""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 07 (H)"Multiple Personality Disorder1020
Library (Right) - 2,5 "Hazelton (W. Dean) - Strawson and Persons and their Bodies""Various - Papers on Identity Boxes: Vol 07 (H)"Body