(Text as at 24/06/2010 18:50:24)*** THIS IS NOT THE LATEST VERSION OF THIS NOTE ***
This continues to evolve over time, though suffers from long periods of stasis. I'm not sure whether it should count as a “real” blog, but I intend it as a general dumping ground for discussions that don’t obviously fit elsewhere, or which are hidden about the site but to which I wish to draw attention.
The entire blog and the individual entries use my patent “Note” technology which I developed for my more formally philosophical investigations into Personal Identity, which is why it comes with the usual cross-referencing baggage, though the reading-lists are usually switched off. Here is the “Jump Table” for the entire Blog, which allows quick access to the various sub-topics. One day I may make these tables topic-specific, but currently I think the cross-pollination a potential “good thing”.
For a printable version of the entire Blog, click here. Individual notes will say if they have a printable version. If there is none advertised, you can always cut and paste the relevant bit of the printable version of the full blog into your favourite word-processor, and print that. The motivation behind the “unprintable” versions is the hyper-linking, more relevant in some texts than others. If a word is underlined and followed by a superscript, clicking on the underlined word will usually lead to further enlightenment or obfuscation. A word that is underlined but followed by a subscript links to a note that is still “in progress”, so if clicked will return a polite “private” message.
Some of these entries are discussions between me and a respondent. Comments that belong to the respondent appear in a different colour, a rather nasty shade of purple. To allow for candour, I’ve in general not been explicit about the identities of correspondents, though those who know me well may be able to make deductions in some cases. If anyone wants their identity revealed (or even further disguised), no doubt they will let me know.
Date | Topic | Reference |
28th April 2010 | A discussion of two issues – the difficulties for theism of unmerited suffering, and the scientific status of the various current theories of hominid evolution. | Text1 Printable |
22th January 2010 | Hartnett and Carmeli. Cosmological Relativity and a young Earth. | Text2 Printable |
20th January 2010 | Haiti and the problem of evil. | Text3 Printable |
14th July 2009 | Response to some comments on an ancient booklet of mine on the Virgin Birth of Christ (to be completed). | Text4 Printable |
21st February 2009 | I was idly watching TV while eating my dinner circa midnight last Tuesday, when a program on Identical Triplets came on ITV1. Just slotted in was a claim and supposed experiment to show that if one triplet feels pain, the others do, at least subliminally. This must have been a spoof, but was completely straight-faced. Follow the link opposite for more information, and my reasoning behind being unwilling to be convinced by the facts. | Text5 Printable |
14th February 2009 | I received an email from Philos_List requesting submissions for the world’s worst argument. A suggested candidate was that from a creationist group, suggesting that the banana is a good illustration of the “Paley’s watch” argument. Follow the link for the background, and my thoughts. | Text6 Printable |
14th February 2009 | Julie received an email petition asking for “something to be done about” the plan to settle the killers of Jamie Bulger in Australia. This is a complex moral issue. Follow the link for my thoughts, though I’m not altogether comfortable with them. In fact, it turns out that the email has been circulating aimlessly for 8 years, and contains numerous inaccuracies. I wish I’d just binned it. | Text7 Printable |
29th April 2008 | A bridge friend forwarded on to me a circular email raving about certain aspects of the Coldplay video The Hardest Part, available on YouTube. The comments seemed to miss the import of the video (indeed, to get it completely round the wrong way) – but the affair raises some interesting questions in philosophical aesthetics on which I’d welcome the thoughts of experts. | Text8 Printable |
29th November 2007 | I got this question from Sylvia: “I remember you saying you were never persuaded by the “mad, bad or God” argument. This has cropped up a couple of times recently, and I can’t remember what your alternative is. Do you mention this on your website somewhere, and if so, where?”. | Text9 Printable |
17th August 2007 | Another out of the blue query – this time about the interaction of Ethics with Personal Identity. | Text10 Printable |
15th August 2007 | An out of the blue query about Carthusians, and subsequent correspondence. Someone does look at my website after all. | Text11 Printable |
14th August 2007 | Another Oldie. An email from a friend I’d not heard from for 10 years at least. His email address now bounces, so this is by way of a response to an interrupted discussion. | Text12 Printable |
4th August 2007 | This entry antedates those that precede it, but is still on-going. It is a discussion between me and a friend and former HSBC colleague who now lives with his family in New York. His 16-year-old daughter had just become a Christian, and he needs some philosophical counselling. It is unusual in being initiated by a respondent. | Text13 Printable |
23rd July 2007 | Herewith the account of some vicissitudes on an impromptu holiday to Spain. | Text14 Printable |
22nd July 2007 | This is my list of worries about the Bible. It’s only here because it’s got no other home to go to. It’s not worth reading as I’ve only just started it (chapters on which I’ve something to say are indicated by superscripted hyperlinks). I intend to produce a parallel, but even more naïve, commentary on the Koran, which I hope will not involve me in the receipt of a fatwa. | Text15 Printable Jump Table |
15th July 2007 | The account of a discussion with some old friends, followed by an outreach meeting at a Baptist Church. Sounds dull, but such events can be important. There are some affinities with the item below. | Text16 Printable |
7th July 2007 | Today I had a discussion on the topic of “Why I am no longer an active Christian”. Here is an attempted account of the discussion, together with some general points about extempore debate. | Text17 Printable |
11th May 2007 | At a former colleague’s retirement lunch, we got talking about the menu, which lead on to the topic of vegetarianism, to which persuasion my friend was persuaded. He loaned me a book, "Ishiguro (Kazuo) - Never Let Me Go", which I read with some interest, but wasn’t fully clear on the connection. So, I jotted down some notes, emailed them off, and awaited feedback. To date, none has come, of course. The story of my life. | Text18 Printable |
Date | Length | Title |
01/04/2024 20:08:10 | 19525 | Theo Todman's Blog |
Date | Length | Title |
30/04/2010 09:14:24 | 10085 | Theo Todman's Blog |
22/02/2009 15:17:17 | 8690 | Theo Todman's Blog |
15/02/2009 10:32:10 | 8062 | Theo Todman's Blog |
03/05/2008 11:02:24 | 6958 | Theo Todman's Blog |
29/11/2007 19:32:10 | 6376 | Theo Todman's Blog |
26/09/2007 20:41:17 | 5906 | Theo Todman's Blog |
19/08/2007 11:34:05 | 5956 | Theo Todman's Blog |
13/08/2007 19:46:34 | 4827 | Theo Todman's Blog |
12/08/2007 10:17:46 | 4497 | Theo Todman's Blog |
Date | Length | Title |
03/07/2020 22:09:07 | 20336 | Theo Todman's Blog |
04/04/2020 00:14:24 | 23354 | Theo Todman's Blog |
14/07/2019 18:05:46 | 22984 | Theo Todman's Blog |
05/04/2016 23:19:41 | 13859 | Theo Todman's Blog |
20/11/2013 10:46:34 | 13386 | Theo Todman's Blog |
03/08/2013 23:44:10 | 12845 | Theo Todman's Blog |
27/06/2011 18:57:36 | 12440 | Theo Todman's Blog |
19/03/2011 17:18:14 | 12077 | Theo Todman's Blog |
18/12/2010 19:58:05 | 10486 | Theo Todman's Blog |
01/07/2010 21:37:26 | 9806 | Theo Todman's Blog |
This version updated | Reference for this Topic | Parent Topic |
24/06/2010 18:50:24 | 268 (Theo Todman's Blog) | None |
To access information, click on one of the links in the table above (if any).
© Theo Todman, June 2007 - Sept 2024. | Please address any comments on this page to theo@theotodman.com. | File output: Website Maintenance Dashboard | Return to Top of this Page | Return to Theo Todman's Philosophy Page | Return to Theo Todman's Home Page |