Theo Todman's Web Page - Notes Pages

Status Reports

Status: Chess (2024 - December)

(Text as at 01/02/2025 00:28:48)

Previous VersionsNote ReferencesNote Citations

Rationale for this Project

Summary of Progress during October - December 2024
  1. I spent 32.5 hours in 24Q4 on this Project, or related work (32.5 hours YTD, where for "YTD" - Year to Date - I mean the (academic) year that commenced in October 2024). That's 62.3% of the planned effort (62.3% YTD). Overall, 4.3% of my Project effort in the Quarter was directed towards this project (making 4.3% YTD) - as against 6.5% planned (6.5% YTD).
  2. I had scheduled 4 hours / week in 24Q4 but I only spent just over 60% of the allocated time to play a little on-line chess, but mostly to get to grips with "Grigoryan (Avetik) - ChessMood", which I’m really enjoying.
  3. I have completed the ChessMood Endgames and Tactics courses. I had completed about 1/3 of the Puzzles related to the Tactics course but decided to focus on Openings. I’d completed the course for White openings last Quarter and completed those for Black this Quarter. I then moved on to the Mating Matador Course, which is fun.
  4. I’ve also continued to play the weak Bots on as a way of improving my alertness. Unfortunately, it exposes my uselessness at opening theory – I can’t remember what I’ve supposedly learnt.
  5. So, when I’ve completed the Mating Matador Course I’ll need to repeat the ChessMood Openings courses a few times to allow them to sink in. Eventually, I’ll start playing properly on-line.
  6. I spent an hour with Tommy on the ChessMood Tactics course. It was OK, but his concentration isn’t up to it at the moment. Maybe in a couple of years, or if he really gets the bug.
  7. Further details follow (for the latest Quarter: 24Q4):-
    Chess (Total Hours = 32.5)
    1. Chess - Admin (Total Hours = 2.25)
    2. Chess - Training (Total Hours = 30.25)
  8. Progress (if any) in the current quarter can be obtained from the Chess section of my Summary Task List3.

Plans for the Near Future:
Summary of Progress to Date (since October 2018)
  1. I have now produced statistics similar to those for Bridge6, my Consolidated Results. Follow the PGN links for the actual games.
  2. Also, see what comes “free” with ECF Monthly Rating Database.
  3. Enough of an indication of progress has been given above, though see also my Chess Page7, which requires an update.

In-Page Footnotes:

Footnote 2: Footnote 4:

Table of the Previous 12 Versions of this Note: (of 46)

Date Length Title
10/10/2024 00:47:31 8488 Status: Chess (2024 - September)
11/07/2024 23:08:10 8112 Status: Chess (2024 - June)
15/04/2024 00:34:34 8025 Status: Chess (2024 - March)
01/04/2024 20:08:10 7824 Status: Chess (2023 - December)
04/10/2023 21:59:02 9120 Status: Chess (2023 - September)
06/07/2023 00:43:12 8721 Status: Chess (2023 - June)
30/04/2023 01:06:14 8247 Status: Chess (2023 - March)
10/01/2023 23:35:31 8009 Status: Chess (2022 - December)
10/10/2022 22:32:10 8977 Status: Chess (2022 - September)
03/07/2022 01:29:17 8258 Status: Chess (2022 - June)
11/04/2022 00:01:26 8022 Status: Chess (2022 - March)
03/01/2022 23:58:34 7305 Status: Chess (2021 - December)

Note last updated Reference for this Topic Parent Topic
01/02/2025 00:28:48 851 (Status: Chess (2024 - December)) Status: Summary (2024 - December)

Summary of Notes Referenced by This Note

Status: Bridge (Progress to Date: 2024 - September) Status: Summary Task List (2025: January - February) Theo Todman's Chess Page    

To access information, click on one of the links in the table above.

Summary of Notes Citing This Note

Status: Priority Task List (2025 - February) Status: Summary (2024 - December), 2 Status: Summary Task List (2025: January - February) Status: Summary Task List (YTD: 24Q4 - 25Q1) Theo Todman's Chess Background
Theo Todman's Chess Page, 2 Website - Progress to Date (2025 - February), 2 Website Generator Documentation - Functors, 2, 3, 4, 5    

To access information, click on one of the links in the table above.

Text Colour Conventions

  1. Blue: Text by me; © Theo Todman, 2025

© Theo Todman, June 2007 - Feb 2025.Please address any comments on this page to output:
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