Theo Todman's Web Page - Notes Pages

Status Reports

Status: HiQ (2024 - March)

(Text as at 15/04/2024 00:34:34)

Previous VersionsNote ReferencesNote Citations

Rationale for this Project

  1. I was very active in Mensa and ISPE in the years prior to taking up formal study of philosophy at Birkbeck in 2000. Thereafter I was too busy, and no longer felt the need to contribute, so I let my memberships lapse.
  2. When I retired from HSBC at the end of 2010, and given that I was no longer involved in formal academic study, I re-joined both societies for a year to see how things were going, but then let my memberships lapse again.
  3. ISPE seemed no better than when I was involved last time. The Mensa SIGs seem active enough, but I didn’t have the time to contribute.
  4. I re-joined ISPE1 yet again for the calendar year 2017, to see what was going on, and renewed for 2018. Membership is cheaper – at $40 / year – now Telicom is electronic, so I’ve let my membership continue.
  5. Society Details:-
    • Mensa: In 2010 I joined, or re-joined, a bundle of societies, but did nothing.
    • ISPE: Since re-joining I have done nothing other than pay my dues and exchange friendly emails with a couple of old contacts.
  6. IQ Test Sites:-
    • For a site2 giving details of the various tests, and other Hi-Q information, see Uncommonly Difficult IQ Tests. The site doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2006.
    • See High-IQ Societies and their Tests for a site that gives the admission tests used for entry to ISPE and peer and “higher” societies (and which refers to the defunct site mentioned in the footnote above-mentioned).
    • For ‘The World’s Most Difficult IQ Test’ see Haselbauer-Dickheiser Test.
  7. Between 1997 and 2001 I edited a newsletter (Commensal - Past Issues) in my capacity as secretary of the Philosophical Discussion Group of British Mensa.
  8. I also edited Under the Sycamore Tree3: Correspondence Folder for the UK Members and Associates of ISPE for a year around about the same time.
  9. My intention has been to participate in these societies just so far as doing so would support my other projects by way of stimulation and the opportunity for interaction. As such, most of the time recorded against this project could equally be recorded against others.
Summary of Progress during January - March 2024
  1. I spent 6 hours in 24Q1 on this Project, or related work (18.5 hours YTD, where for "YTD" - Year to Date - I mean the (academic) year that commenced in October 2023). That's 46% of the planned effort (71% YTD). Overall, 0.8% of my Project effort in the Quarter was directed towards this project (making 1.2% YTD) - as against 1.6% planned (1.7% YTD).
  2. As can be seen, I fulfilled only about half of my time obligations this quarter and most of the time wasn’t directed towards ISPE. However, this is what I currently plan to do: see later!
  3. Further details follow for the most recent completed Quarter (23Q4):-
    HiQ (Total Hours = 6)
  4. Most of my time was spent reading the autobiography of Norbert Wiener.
  5. However, I did consider attending a ‘Tripple Nine’ gathering up in London organised by Andrew Aus. However, I decided against it in the end. An afternoon in a Covent Garden bierkeller with smart people I don’t know doesn’t suit me, and I’ve no time to commit to ISPE, so networking won’t lead anywhere in any case. Maybe in the future.
  6. Progress (if any) in the current quarter can be obtained from the relevant section of my Summary Task List4, and YTD in the current & future “automatic” editions of this report.

Plans for the Near Future:

In-Page Footnotes:

Footnote 1: Footnote 2: Footnote 3:

Table of the Previous 12 Versions of this Note: (of 30)

Date Length Title
01/04/2024 20:08:10 6409 Status: HiQ (2023 - December)
04/10/2023 21:59:02 7371 Status: HiQ (2023 - September)
06/07/2023 00:43:12 7023 Status: HiQ (2023 - June)
30/04/2023 01:06:14 6987 Status: HiQ (2023 - March)
10/01/2023 23:35:31 7177 Status: HiQ (2022 - December)
10/10/2022 22:32:10 7255 Status: HiQ (2022 - September)
03/07/2022 01:29:17 6974 Status: HiQ (2022 - June)
11/04/2022 00:01:26 6842 Status: HiQ (2022 - March)
03/01/2022 23:58:34 6967 Status: HiQ (2021 - December)
02/07/2021 20:32:38 6954 Status: HiQ (2021 - June)
03/04/2021 19:58:05 6919 Status: HiQ (2021 - March)
04/01/2021 19:40:48 6774 Status: HiQ (2020 - December)

Note last updated Reference for this Topic Parent Topic
15/04/2024 00:34:34 974 (Status: HiQ (2024 - March)) Status: Summary (2024 - June)

Summary of Notes Referenced by This Note

Status: Summary Task List (2024: July - August)        

To access information, click on one of the links in the table above.

Summary of Notes Citing This Note

Status: Priority Task List (2024 - August) Status: Summary (2024 - June), 2 Status: Summary Task List (2024: July - August) Status: Summary Task List (YTD: 23Q4 - 24Q3) Website Generator Documentation - Functors, 2, 3, 4, 5

To access information, click on one of the links in the table above.

Text Colour Conventions

  1. Blue: Text by me; © Theo Todman, 2024

© Theo Todman, June 2007 - Sept 2024.Please address any comments on this page to output:
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