Theo Todman's Web Page - Notes Pages
Status Reports
Status: Summary Task List (2020: October - December)
(Text as at 02/01/2021 14:29:46)
(For the live version and other versions of this Note, see the tables at the end)
This is a list of the tasks performed on my various projects since my last status report1. It is automatically generated from my time-recording system, so is fairly crude. See also the YTD Report2. For the latest list of Priority Tasks that I'm supposed to be working on, follow this link3. The main purpose (for me) is to provide readily-available hyperlinks to what I've just written. Projects are in priority sequence, broken down by sub-project where appropriate. If the project name has a superscript, clicking on the name will take you to the last published report for this project. To jump to the Project task-lists, click on the links in the list below:-
- Thesis (For the latest Status Dashboard, Click Here4)
- Thesis Background
- Thesis (Aeon)
- Website
- Website Others
- Religion
- Religion Background
- Music
- Languages
- Consciousness
- Bridge
- Chess
- Mathematics
- HiQ
Links to the latest time-analyses are given first.
- Click Here5 for Actual Detail Summary (2007 - 2020) by Sub-Project
- Click Here6 for (by Project)
- Summary of Effort YTD & QTD
- Time Analysis (YTD by Study-location)
- Click Here7 for (by Project)
- Plan versus Actual Effort Summary - Split (Previous Quarter & YTD)
- Plan versus Actual Effort Summary - Actual (Previous Quarter & YTD)
- Plan Summary (Next Quarter & Full Year)
- Actual & Plan Summary (2007 - 2020)
Project 1: Thesis8 (Total Hours = 190.5)
- Thesis - Reading / Writing (Total Hours = 187.25)
- Aeon: Autry - Sociology’s race problem (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Elliot - Origin story (Comments; Read, 2.5 hours)
- Aeon: Limburg - Am I disabled? (Comments; Read, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Don't think twice (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
→ See "Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: 2019+" (4.25 hours)
- "Aloni (Mari) - Disjunction" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Attwood (Tony) - Video: Could It Be Aspergers?" (Read, 1 hour)
- "Bapteste (Eric) & Dupre (John) - Towards a processual microbial ontology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Black (Jeremy) - A Brief History of Slavery" (Read / Write, 3.25 hours)
- "Blackmore (Vernon) & Page (Andrew) - Evolution: The Great Debate" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Cabrera (Miguel A. Badia) - Hume's Reflection On Religion" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Calvin (William H.) - The Ascent of Mind: Ice Age Climates and the Evolution of Intelligence" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Calvo (Paco) - The philosophy of plant neurobiology: a manifesto" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Calvo (Paco) - What Is It Like to Be a Plant?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cangelosi (Angelo) & Parisi (Domenico), Eds. - Simulating the Evolution of Language" (Write, 1.5 hours)
- "Collyer (John V.) - Creation, Evolution & Science: Is Creation Credible? Is Evolution a Science?" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Craig (William Lane) - Divine Timelessness and Personhood" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Craig (William Lane) - God, Time, and Eternity" (Write, 2 hours)
- "Craig (William Lane) - Reasonable Faith - Website" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cullmann (Oscar) - Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead?" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Dawkins (Richard) - Gaps in the Mind" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "De Haan (Daniel D.) - Hylomorphic Animalism, Emergentism, and the Challenge of the New Mechanist Philosophy of Neuroscience" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "De Haan (Daniel D.) - Hylomorphism And The New Mechanist Philosophy In Biology, Neuroscience, And Psychology" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "De Haan (Daniel D.) - The Interaction of Noetic and Psychosomatic Operations in a Thomist Hylomorphic Anthropology" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "De Jesus (Paulo) - Autopoietic Enactivism, Phenomenology and the Deep Continuity Between Life and Mind" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dennett (Daniel) - Review - Varela, Thompson and Rosch - The Embodied Mind - Cognitive Science and Human Experience" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Denton (Michael) - Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Di Muzio (Gianluca) - Reincarnation and infinite punishment in hell" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dupre (John) & Nicholson (Daniel J.), Eds. - Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dyson (Freeman) - Origins of Life" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Eldredge (Niles) - Life Pulse - Episodes from the Story of the Fossil Record" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Eldredge (Niles) - Reinventing Darwin - The Great Evolutionary Debate" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Eldredge (Niles) - The Miner's Canary - Unravelling the Mysteries of Extinction" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Eldredge (Niles) & Gould (Stephen Jay) - Punctuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic Gradualism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Flew (Antony) - Darwinian Evolution" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Gagliano (Monica) - The mind of plants: Thinking the unthinkable" (Read / Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Goodwin (Brian) - How the Leopard Changed its Spots - The Evolution of Complexity" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Gosling (Samuel D.) - Personality in Non-human Animals" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Hoffman (Donald D.) - The Case Against Reality: How Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Jaeger (Johannes) & Monk (Nick) - Everything flows: A process perspective on life" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Jaeger (Johannes), Irons (David) & Monk (Nick) - The Inheritance of Process: A Dynamical Systems Approach" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Johnson (George) - Soul Searching" (Read / Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Jones (Steve) - Almost Like a Whale - The Origin of Species Updated" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Karaca (Caglar) - Relational Basis Of The Organism’s Self-Organization" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Koslicki (Kathrin) - Aristotle's Mereology and the Status of Form" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Lamont (John) - The Justice and Goodness of Hell" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Little (Margaret Olivia) - Abortion and the Margins of Personhood" (Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Non-Cartesian Substance Dualism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Lowe (E.J.) - Self, Agency and Mental Causation" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Machamer (Peter), Darden (Lindley) & Craver (Carl F.) - Thinking about Mechanisms" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Marmodoro (Anna) - Aristotle’s Hylomorphism without Reconditioning" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Maynard Smith (John) - Evolutionary Genetics" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Mayr (Ernst) - Towards a New Philosophy of Biology: Observations of an Evolutionist" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Autopoiesis, Biological Autonomy and the Process View of Life" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Bio-Agency and the Possibility of Artificial Agents" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Bio-Agency: Can Organisms Act?" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Body or Organism? Eric T. Olson’s Charge of Cartesianism against the Bodily Criterion of Personal Identity" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Dispositionalism: Between Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Do Human Embryos Have a Disposition to Personhood?" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - How to stay the same while changing" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Human Persons – A Process View" (Read / Write, 10.75 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Metaphysics: On the Being-There of What There Is" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - On the Battlefield of Metaphysics" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Personal Identity Without Personality? Remarks on a Neglected Relation" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Personality and Personal Identity - Challenging a Substance Theoretical Presumption" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Potentiality and Disposition in the Discussion about the Moral Status of Human Embryos" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Powers, Persistence and Process" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Review of Chauncey Maher's 'Plant Minds'" (Read / Write, 1.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Systems or Bodies? On How (Not) to Embody Autopoiesis" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Meincke (Anne Sophie) - Without Metaphysics, please!? Transtemporal Personal Identity as Practical Reality" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Menary (Richard) - Introduction to the special issue on 4E cognition" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Midgley (Mary) - Persons and Non-Persons" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Mitchell (Robert) - Humans, Nonhumans and Personhood" (Read / Write, 1 hour)
- "Moreland (J.P.) & Rae (Scott) - Human Persons in Naturalistic & Complementarian Perspectives" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Murray (Douglas) - The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity" (Read / Write, 14.25 hours)
- "Nolan (Daniel) - Realism and Reductive Materialism About the Mind" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Olson (Eric) - What Are We?" (Write, 4.25 hours)
- "Olson (Eric) - What Are We? Contents + References" (Write, 2.5 hours)
- "Olson (Eric) - What Are We? The Question" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Patterson (Francine) & Gordon (Wendy) - The Case For the Personhood of Gorillas" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Peacocke (Christopher), Ed. - Objectivity, Simulation and the Unity of Consciousness" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Ridley (Mark) - The Problems of Evolution" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Rorty (Amélie Oksenberg) - Characters, Persons, Selves, Individuals" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Rorty (Amélie Oksenberg) - Persons and Personae" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Rorty (Amélie Oksenberg) - Persons, Policies, and Bodies" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Rorty (Amélie Oksenberg) - The Transformation of Persons" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - Aping Persons - Pro and Con" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - Are Animals Moral Beings?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - Groundwork for a Subjective Theory of Ethics" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - In Defense of the Pig" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - Moral Community and Animal Rights" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - Moral Relativism: A Causal Interpretation and Defense" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - Speciesism, Painism, and Morality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sapontzis (Steve F.) - The Debate Over Eating Meat" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Seibt (Johanna) - Beyond Endurance and Perdurance: Recurrent Dynamics" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Seymour (Charles) - A Craigian Theodicy of Hell" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Seymour (Charles) - A Theodicy of Hell" (Read / Write, 1 hour)
- "Sidzinska (Maja) - Not One, Not Two: Toward an Ontology of Pregnancy" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Simons (Peter) - Processes and Precipitates" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Skewes (Joshua) & Hooker (Cliff) - Bio-Agency and the Problem of Action" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Surovell (Jonathan) - But for the Grace of God: Abortion and Cognitive Disability, Luck and Moral Status" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Dualism Intact" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Animals" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Bundle Theories" (Write, 3.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Christian Materialism" (Write, 2.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Clones" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Duplication" (Write, 2 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Evolution" (Write, 8.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Hybrid Theories" (Write, 2.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Person" (Write, 17.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Physicalism" (Write, 16.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Plants" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Psychological View" (Write, 2 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Quantum Mechanics" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Race" (Write, 1.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Religion" (Write, 7.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Semantics" (Write, 2 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Society" (Write, 2.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Soul Criterion" (Write, 5.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Souls" (Write, 6 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Unity of the Person" (Write, 5.5 hours)
- "Trewavas (Anthony) - Aspects of Plant Intelligence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Trewavas (Anthony) - Plant intelligence: Mindless mastery" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Uzgalis (William) - The Immateriality of the Soul and Personal Identity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Varela (Francisco J.) - Neurophenomenology: A Methodological Remedy for the Hard Problem" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Varela (Francisco J.) - Organism, Cognitive Science and the Emergence of Selfless Selves" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Varela (Francisco J.) - Patterns of Life: Intertwining Identity and Cognition" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Varela (Francisco J.) & Maturana (Humberto) - Mechanism and Biological Explanation" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Welford (Megan) - Always on my mind" (Read / Write, 3.5 hours)
- "Wilson (Jack) - Generation and Corruption" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wilson (Jack) - Identity and Sortals: Why Relative Identity Is Self-Contradictory" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wilson (Jack) - Individuality and Equivocation" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wilson (Jack) - Personal Identity Naturalized: Our Bodies, Our Selves" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wilson (Jack) - The Biological and Philosophical Roots of Individuality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wilson (Jack) - The Necessity of Biological Origin and Substantial Kinds" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- Thesis - Discussions
- Thesis - Research Repositioning
Project 2: Thesis Background (Total Hours = 119.75)
- Thesis Background - Reading / Writing (Total Hours = 99.25)
- Aeon: Baggini - In a pandemic we learn again what Sartre meant by being free (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Callcut - What are we? (Comments; Read / Write, 1.5 hours)
- Aeon: Dahl - Young children use reason, not gut feelings, to decide moral issues (Comments; Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Hazrat - A history of punctuation (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Muecke - What Aboriginal people know about the pathways of knowledge (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Nadler - When to break a rule (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Ogden - Being eaten (Comments; Read, 1.5 hours)
- Aeon: Simpson - When is it ethical to vote for ‘the lesser of two evils’? (Comments; Read / Write, 1 hour)
- Aeon: Taiwo - Who gets to feel secure? (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - In dog years (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Mary Beard: Women in power (Comments; Read, 1 hour)
- Aeon: Video - Palenque (Comments; Read / Write, 1.75 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Teaching Philosophy to Children (Comments; Write, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - The greatest Briton? (Comments; Read / Write, 3 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Why are we so attached to our things? (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
→ See "Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: 2019+" (14.25 hours)
- "Ball (Philip) - Beyond Weird: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Quantum Mechanics is ... Different" (Read, 3 hours)
- "Collins Maps - Collins World Atlas" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Dalziel (Nigel) - The Penguin Historical Atlas of the British Empire" (Read / Write, 13.5 hours)
- "Dennett (Daniel) - True Believers: The Intentional Strategy and Why it Works" (Read / Write, 2 hours)
- "Eaton (Richard M.) - India in the Persianate Age: 1000-1765" (Read / Write, 8.5 hours)
- "Fairbank (John King), Reischauer (Edwin O.), Craig (Albert M.) - East Asia: tradition and transformation" (Read, 0.5 hours)
- "Lee (Daniel) - The SS Officer's Armchair: In Search of a Hidden Life" (Read / Write, 8.5 hours)
- "MacKay (Charles) - Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Marshall (Tim) - Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics" (Read / Write, 14.75 hours)
- "Nagel (Thomas) - Moral Luck" (Read, 0.25 hours)
- "Nagel (Thomas) - Moral Luck: Response to Bernard Williams" (Read, 0.25 hours)
- "Overy (Richard), Ed. - The Times Complete History of the World" (Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Paxman (Jeremy) - Empire: What Ruling the World Did to the British" (Read / Write, 5 hours)
- "Paxman (Jeremy) - Friends in High Places: Who Rules Britain" (Read, 15 hours)
- "Reiss (Julian) - Philosophy of Economics: A Contemporary Introduction" (Read / Write, 5.5 hours)
- "Smart (Ted) - The Times Concise Atlas of the World" (Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Somerset Maugham (W.) - Collected Short Stories: Volume 1" (Read, 0.25 hours)
- "Sowell (Thomas) - Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy" (Write, 2 hours)
- "Susskind (Daniel) - A World Without Work: Technology, Automation and How We Should Respond" (Write, 1.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Autobiography" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Williams (Bernard) - Moral Luck" (Read, 1 hour)
- Thesis Background - Books Admin (Total Hours = 18)
- Thesis Background - Status
Project 3: Thesis (Aeon) (Total Hours = 29.25)
- Aeon: Cox - When does a human embryo have the moral status of a person? (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Hansen - Vikings in America (Comments; Read / Write, 1.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Birth of a bee (Comments; Write, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Daily life in Egypt: ancient and modern (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Video - De artificiali perspectiva, or anamorphosis (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - My name is Anik (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Roger Penrose: Why did the universe begin? (Comments; Read / Write, 1.25 hours)
- Aeon: Video - The Big Bang (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - The five-minute museum (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Video - The sound of gravity (Comments; Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Visitors (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Wooley - The language of love in a 12th-century English law book (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- "Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: 2019+" (Comments; Write, 22.75 hours)
Project 4: Website9 (Total Hours = 127)
- Website - Development (Total Hours = 110.5)
- Todman (Theo) - Tottering Towers & Listing Buildings: Add / annotate photos of Coxes Farm to Timeline (2.75 hours)
→ See "Todman (Theo) - Tottering Towers & Listing Buildings" (2.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Page for Oboe practice10: Add Audio Links (2.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Auto_Reference_Notes: allow updating run restricted to 'Read' Books / Papers (0.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - Regen_Note_Links failing for Note 117011 (1.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Add extra links to Summary Time Status Reports (1 hour)
- Website - Generator - Add option in Auto_Reference_Notes to allow an updating run restricted to 'Read' Books / Papers only (1.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - Add option in Auto_Reference_Notes to automatically ignore words containing certain strings (15.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Add option in Auto_Reference_Notes to avoid duplicate key on Auto_Reference_Notes_Actions (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Amend Auto_Reference_Notes to avoid HTML Tags (1.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - Amend Auto_Reference_Notes to use Notes_To_Regen_Temp (0.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Amend OutputNotesWebPage to suppress 'Summary of Note Links to this Page' for internal links (1 hour)
- Website - Generator - Consolidated Site-Hits: Aggregate Robot URLs (3.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Consolidated Site-Hits: Review Webalizer Methodology & Consolidate Stats (10.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Create Language Animadversion Note12 & Functors (Functor_21, Options 11 & 12) (21 hours)
- Website - Generator - Document Auto-Cross-Referencing (8.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - Document Functors (2.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - Explanatory Note for zero-time 'Read' items (2.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Fix Year-End roll-over issues (2 hours)
- Website - Generator - Fixes re Broken Links revealed by Spider (1.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Functors: Document (Issues with Nesting, Etc) (9 hours)
- Website - Generator - Group items in the same category together in Website Progress Reports (9.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Improve CreateBookPaperAbstractsWebPages efficiency for single book (2 hours)
- Website - Generator - Modify CreatePapersWebTable to show BookPaperAbstract for Papers that are really Books (4 hours)
- Website - Generator - Spider - Recreate WebRefs_Mapper Msgbox Suppression (0.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - Spider - System Resources Exceeded - "Run Time Error 3035"; SQL in Full_Link_Same_Directory_Gen (0.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Update Development Log in the light of recent activities (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Upgraded Auto_Translate_Reference_Notes to log actions to Auto_Translate_Reference_Notes_Actions (3.75 hours)
→ See "Software Development - Website - Development" (107.75 hours)
- Website - Education
- Website - Infrastructure (Total Hours = 9.75)
- Microsoft Windows 10 / MS Office - Releases, Bugs & Periodic Re-boots (2.75 hours)
- PC Backups / OneDrive (1 hour)
- Problems with Kaspersky Password manager - Uninstalled (1 hour)
- Reboots: Mouse problems! (0.25 hours)
- Renew Kaspersky on own & Julie's laptops (0.25 hours)
→ See "Admin - Website - Admin & Maintenance" (5.25 hours)
- Upgrade & Re-install PDFElement (0.5 hours)
- XMas Mug - photos & formatting (0.5 hours)
- XMas Newsletter - photos & formatting (3.5 hours)
→ See "Software Development - Website - Development" (4.5 hours)
- Website - Maintenance (Total Hours = 5.75)
- 20Q3 Status Reports (1.25 hours)
- Website - Periodic Full Regeneration (2.75 hours)
- Website - Run Web Spider (1.75 hours)
Project 5: Website Others (Total Hours = 1.75)
- Website Others - Hutton DBC Maintenance
- Website Others - Mountnessing DBC Maintenance
Project 6: Religion13 (Total Hours = 6.75) Project 7: Religion Background (Total Hours = 7.25)
- Religion Background - Admin
- Religion Background - Discussions (Total Hours = 6.25)
Project 8: Music14 (Total Hours = 47.5)
- Music - Administration (Total Hours = 9.75)
- Music - Aural
- Music - Oboe (Total Hours = 36)
- Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano - 1st Movt (Allegro e no presto) (0.5 hours)
- Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano - 2nd Movt (Adagio) (0.5 hours)
- Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano - 3rd Movt (Allegro) (0.75 hours)
→ See "Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano" (1.75 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 28 (1 hour)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 49 (0.5 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 62 (1 hour)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 66 (0.5 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 70 (0.25 hours)
→ See "Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe" (3.25 hours)
- Boni (Giovanni) - Sonata in G - 1st Mvmt (Preludio - Largo) (0.25 hours)
- Boni (Giovanni) - Sonata in G - 2nd Mvmt (Allegro) (0.25 hours)
- Boni (Giovanni) - Sonata in G - 3rd Mvmt (Alla Siciliana) (0.25 hours)
- Boni (Giovanni) - Sonata in G - 4th Mvmt (Allegro) (0.25 hours)
→ See "Boni (Giovanni) - Sonata in G" (1 hour)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 1st Movt (Introduzione: Larghetto) (1.5 hours)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 2nd Movt (Allegro) (1.5 hours)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 3rd Movt (Siciliana) (1.25 hours)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 4th Movt (Allegro giusto) (1.25 hours)
→ See "Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor" (5.5 hours)
- Davies (John) & Harris (Paul) - 80 Graded Studies for Oboe: Book 2 - Blatt - Study No. 52 (0.25 hours)
- Davies (John) & Harris (Paul) - 80 Graded Studies for Oboe: Book 2 - Ferling - Study No. 62 (0.25 hours)
- Davies (John) & Harris (Paul) - 80 Graded Studies for Oboe: Book 2 - Harris - Study No. 74 (0.5 hours)
→ See "Davies (John) & Harris (Paul) - 80 Graded Studies for Oboe: Book 2" (1 hour)
- "Fiocco (J.H.) - Arioso - Oboe + Piano" (0.25 hours)
- "Head (Michael) - Presto for Oboe & Piano" (0.25 hours)
- Hinke (Gustav Adolf) - Elementary Method For Oboe: Study No. 14 (0.25 hours)
- Hinke (Gustav Adolf) - Elementary Method For Oboe: Study No. 18 (0.25 hours)
→ See "Hinke (Gustav Adolf) - Elementary Method For Oboe" (0.5 hours)
- Miller (Vojislav) & Liebermann (Winfried), Eds. - Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions (Orchester Probespiel) - Oboe - G6 (1.25 hours)
- Miller (Vojislav) & Liebermann (Winfried), Eds. - Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions (Orchester Probespiel) - Oboe - G7 (0.75 hours)
- Miller (Vojislav) & Liebermann (Winfried), Eds. - Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions (Orchester Probespiel) - Oboe - G8 (0.25 hours)
→ See "Miller (Vojislav) & Liebermann (Winfried), Eds. - Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions (Orchester Probespiel) - Oboe" (2.25 hours)
- "Morricone (Ennio) - Gabriel's Oboe (Piano Solo Or Oboe/Piano)" (0.25 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Answer the Question' (0.5 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Dop Dop Doobah' (0.25 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Enlightenment' (0.5 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Jauntless Jig' (0.5 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'May The Fourth Be With You' (0.5 hours)
→ See "Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe" (2.25 hours)
- Nicholas (Morgan): Rhapsody for Oboe and Piano (0.25 hours)
→ See "Practice - Oboe - General Practice" (0.25 hours)
- Nielsen (Carl) - Two Fantasy Pieces, Op. 2 for Oboe and Piano: Humoresque (0.25 hours)
- Nielsen (Carl) - Two Fantasy Pieces, Op. 2 for Oboe and Piano: Romanze (0.25 hours)
→ See "Nielsen (Carl) - Two Fantasy Pieces, Op. 2" (0.5 hours)
- "Oosthuizen (Jemima) & Oosthuizen (Amanda) - Intermediate Classic Duets for Two Oboes" (3.75 hours)
- "Oosthuizen (Jemima) & Oosthuizen (Amanda) - The Excellent Oboe Book of Wicked Duets for Intermediate Oboes" (10.75 hours)
- "Puscoiu (Costel) - Easy Duets for Violin" (0.75 hours)
- Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano - 1st Movement (0.25 hours)
- Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano - 2nd Movement (0.25 hours)
- Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano - 3rd Movement (0.5 hours)
→ See "Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano" (1 hour)
- Schumann (Robert) - 3 Romances, Op. 94 for Oboe and Piano: No. I (0.25 hours)
- Schumann (Robert) - 3 Romances, Op. 94 for Oboe and Piano: No. II (0.25 hours)
- Schumann (Robert) - 3 Romances, Op. 94 for Oboe and Piano: No. III (0.25 hours)
→ See "Schumann (Robert) - 3 Romances, Op. 94 for Oboe and Piano" (0.75 hours)
- Music - Piano (Total Hours = 0.5)
Project 9: Languages15 (Total Hours = 120.25)
- Languages - Admin
- Languages - All (Total Hours = 5.5)
- Languages - Arabic (Total Hours = 6.5)
- Languages - Armenian (Total Hours = 8)
- Languages - Chinese (Total Hours = 8.25)
- Languages - Danish (Total Hours = 5)
- Languages - Dutch (Total Hours = 3.75)
- Languages - German (Total Hours = 7)
- Languages - Greek (Modern) (Total Hours = 8.25)
- Languages - Hebrew (Modern) (Total Hours = 2.75)
- Languages - Hindi (Total Hours = 6)
- Languages - Italian (Total Hours = 3.75)
- Languages - Japanese (Total Hours = 9.25)
- Languages - Latin
- Languages - Persian (Total Hours = 6.25)
- Languages - Portuguese
- Languages - Russian (Total Hours = 4.25)
- Languages - Sanskrit
- Languages - Spanish (Total Hours = 4)
- Languages - Swahili (Total Hours = 8)
- Languages - Swedish (Total Hours = 4)
- Languages - Thai (Total Hours = 3.25)
- Languages - Turkish (Total Hours = 4.25)
- Languages - Urdu (Total Hours = 7.5)
Project 10: Consciousness16 (Total Hours = 4.5) Project 11: Bridge17 (Total Hours = 12)
- Bridge - Reading / Writing
- Bridge - Admin (Total Hours = 9)
Project 12: Chess18 (Total Hours = 4.75)
- Chess - Reading / Writing
- Chess - Admin (Total Hours = 3)
- Chess - Training
Project 13: Mathematics19 (Total Hours = 6.5)
- Mathematics - Reading / Writing (Total Hours = 5)
- Mathematics - Admin
- Mathematics - Lectures (Total Hours = 0.5)
Project 14: HiQ20 (Total Hours = 1.25)
- 20Q3 Status Reports (1 hour)
- Admin - HiQ Societies - ISPE - Membership Dues (0.25 hours)
→ See "ISPE - HiQ Societies - ISPE" (1.25 hours)
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02/01/2021 14:29:46 |
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Status: Summary (2024 - June) |
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- Blue: Text by me; © Theo Todman, 2024