Theo Todman's Web Page - Notes Pages
Status Reports
Status: Summary Task List (2021: October - December)
(Text as at 03/01/2022 23:58:34)
(For the live version and other versions of this Note, see the tables at the end)
This is a list of the tasks performed on my various projects since my last status report1. It is automatically generated from my time-recording system, so is fairly crude. See also the YTD Report2. For the latest list of Priority Tasks that I'm supposed to be working on, follow this link3. The main purpose (for me) is to provide readily-available hyperlinks to what I've just written. Projects are in priority sequence, broken down by sub-project where appropriate. If the project name has a superscript, clicking on the name will take you to the last published report for this project. To jump to the Project task-lists, click on the links in the list below:-
- Thesis (For the latest Status Dashboard, Click Here4)
- Thesis Background
- Thesis (Aeon)
- Website
- Website Others
- Religion
- Religion Background
- Music
- Languages
- Consciousness
- Bridge
- Chess
- Mathematics
- HiQ
Links to the latest time-analyses are given first.
- Click Here5 for Actual Detail Summary (2007 - 2021) by Sub-Project
- Click Here6 for (by Project)
- Summary of Effort YTD & QTD
- Time Analysis (YTD by Study-location)
- Click Here7 for (by Project)
- Plan versus Actual Effort Summary - Split (Previous Quarter & YTD)
- Plan versus Actual Effort Summary - Actual (Previous Quarter & YTD)
- Plan Summary (Next Quarter & Full Year)
- Actual & Plan Summary (2007 - 2021)
Project 1: Thesis8 (Total Hours = 182.25)
- Thesis - Reading / Writing (Total Hours = 182)
- "Aeon - Video - Bug Farm" (Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Aeon - Video - Danielle" (Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Aeon - Video - Fifty per cent" (Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Aeon - Video - Five Stories" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Aeon - Video - Street angel" (Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Aeon - Video - The elephant's song" (Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Onbashira Matsuri, Japan (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
→ See "Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: 2019+" (0.75 hours)
- "Akhtar (Aysha) - The Flaws and Human Harms of Animal Experimentation" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Allen (Melinda R.) - Mirror self-recognition in a gorilla (gorilla gorilla gorilla)" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Alweiss (Lilian) - Embodiment and Self-Awareness: Evans, Cassam and Husserl" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Andraus (Augusto) - Zeno-machines and the metaphysics of time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Archer (Alfred) & Matheson (Benjamin) - When Artists Fall: Honoring and Admiring the Immoral" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Aydede (Murat) - What Is a Pain in a Body Part?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bailey (Andrew M.) & Brenner (Andrew) - Why Composition Matters" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Ball (Philip) - How to Grow a Human: Reprogramming Cells and Redesigning Life" (Read, 2.5 hours)
- "Barazzetti (Gaia) & Reichlin (Massimo) - Life Extension and Personal Identity" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Barnes (Elizabeth) - Indeterminacy, Identity and Counterparts: Evans Reconsidered" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bender (Sebastian) - Is Leibniz’s Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles Necessary or Contingent?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bergporsson (Jon Birkir) - How Virtual Machines Can Instantiate Strong Artificial Consciousness" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bermudez (Jose Luis) - Mindreading in the animal kingdom" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bernstein (Sara) & Wilson (Jessica) - Free Will and Mental Quausation" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Binstock (Robert H.) - Anti-Aging Medicine and Research: A Realm of Conflict and Profound Societal Implications" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Blackburn (Simon) - Williams, Smith, and the Peculiarity of Piacularity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Boccardi (Emiliano) - If It Ain’t Moving It Shall Not be Moved" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Boccardi (Emiliano) - Time as Motion" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Boloni (Ladislau) - From the philosophy of personal identity to the laws of agent societies" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Boogerd (Fred C.), Etc., Eds. - Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Boorse (Dorothy) - Anti-Aging: Radical Longevity, Environmental Impacts, and Christian Theology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bricmont (Jean), Etc., Eds. - Chance in Physics: Foundations and Perspectives" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Brogaard (Berit) - Tensed relations" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Broome (John) - Is incommensurability vagueness?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Brown (Joshua D.K.) - Natural Objects" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Brown (Warren) - Did My Neurons Make Me Do It" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Brown (Warren) - Numinous or Carnal Persons - The Practical Costs of Inner Souls and Selves" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Brown (Warren) - The Knotty Implications of Recent Neuroscience Research" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bruiger (Dan) - Can Science Explain Consciousness: Toward a Solution to the ‘Hard Problem’" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Buben (Adam) - Heidegger and the Supposed Meaninglessness of Personal Immortality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Bufford (Rodger K.) & Garrison (Jonathan M.) - Evolutionary Psychology: A Paradigm Whose Time May Come: A Response to J. Raymond Zimmer" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Buonomo (Valerio) - Identity Without Conditions: Challenging the Anti-Criterialist Approach about Personal Identity over Time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Camp (Elisabeth) - A language of baboon thought?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Campbell (Stephen) & Nyholm (Sven) - Anti-Meaning and Why It Matters" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Carroll (John W.) - Ways to Commit Autoinfanticide" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cernin (David) - Historical Antirealism and the Past as a Fictional Model" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Chambers (K. Lindsey) - It’s Complicated: What Our Attitudes toward Pregnancy, Abortion, and Miscarriage Tell Us about the Moral Status of Early Fetuses" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cherry (Mark J.), Ed. - Persons and Their Bodies: Rights, Responsibilities, Relationships" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Cholbi (Michael), Etc. - John Templeton Foundation - Immortality Project Research Review" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Chrisley (Ron) & Sloman (Aaron) - Functionalism, revisionism, and qualia" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cockburn (David) - Fatalism: thoughts about tomorrow’s sea battle" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cook (Emily Williams), Greyson (Bruce) & Stevenson (Ian) - Do Any Near-Death Experiences Provide Evidence for the Survival of Human Personality after Death? Relevant Features and Illustrative Case Reports" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cooper (David E.) - ‘Removing the Barriers’: Mary Midgley on Concern for Animals" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Correia (Fabrice) & Rosenkranz (Sven) - As Time Goes By: Eternal Facts in an Ageing Universe - Preface" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Correia (Fabrice) & Rosenkranz (Sven) - Temporal Existence and Temporal Location" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Crone (Katja) - The self-understanding of persons beyond narrativity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Cureton (Adam) - Offensive Beneficence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Davis (Philip) & Hersh (Reuben) - Descartes' Dream - the World According to Mathematics" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "de Sousa (Carlos E.B.) - The Nature Of Qualia: A Neurophilosophical Analysis" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "De Vignemont (Frederique) - What Phenomenal Contrast for Bodily Ownership" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "De Waal (Frans) - Fish, mirrors, and a gradualist perspective on self-awareness" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "De Waal (Frans) - The Thief in the Mirror" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "DeGrazia (David) - Self-awareness in animals" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "DeGrazia (David) & Beauchamp (Tom) - Reassessing Animal Research Ethics" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Demarest (Heather) - Fission May Kill You (But Not for the Reasons You Thought)" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dempsey (Sarah-Jane Anna) - The Dynamic Present - Not Yet an Ontology of the Past" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Deng (Natalja) - On Experiencing Time - a response to Simon Prosser" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "DiGiovanna (James) - Fission, Fusion, and the Real World" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "DiGiovanna (James) - Identity: Difficulties, Discontinuities and Pluralities of Personhood" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "DiGiovanna (James) - Literally Like a Different Person: Context and Concern in Personal Identity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "DiGiovanna (James) - Regret as a Sufficient Condition for Personhood" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dings (Roy) - Not being oneself - Self-ambiguity in the context of mental disorder" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dolev (Yuval) - How to Square a Non-Local Present with Relativity Theory" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dorato (Mauro) - On Becoming, Cosmic Time and Rotating Universes" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dosanjh (Ranpal) - Laws of Nature and Individuals" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dummett (Michael) - How should we conceive of Time?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Dummett (Michael) - Is Time a Continuum of Instants" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Earman (John) - Recent work on time travel" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Edgar (Brian) - A New Immortality? Reflections on Genetics, Human Aging and the Possibility of Unlimited Lifespan" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Edgington (Dorothy) - Review: The Metaphysics of Modality by Graeme Forbes" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Eklund (Matti) - Fiction, Indifference, and Ontology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Eklund (Matti) - Inconsistent Languages" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Eklund (Matti) - On Some Recent Criticisms of the 'Linguistic' Approach to Ontology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Eklund (Matti) - Supervaluationism, Vagueifiers, and Semantic Overdetermination" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Eklund (Matti) - What Vagueness Consists in" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Engelland (Chad) - Heidegger and the Human Difference" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Evans (Vyvyan) - Aeon - Video - Real talk" (Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Fine (Kit) - In Defence of Three-Dimensionalism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Finn (Suki) - The Role of Existential Quantification in Scientific Realism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Fitzpatrick (Simon) - The primate mindreading controversy: a case study in simplicity and methodology in animal psychology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Flikschuh (Katrin) - The Arc of Personhood - Menkiti and Kant" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Flora (Carlin) - How luck works" (Read / Write, 1 hour)
- "Franklin (Alexander) - Can Multiple Realisation be Explained" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Friebe (Cord) - Time Order, Time Direction, and the Presentist's View on Spacetime" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Friebe (Cord) - Twins’ paradox and Closed Timelike Curves" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gallagher (Shaun) - Introduction - A Diversity Of Selves" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gallagher (Shaun) - Self and Narrative" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gallup (Gordon G.), Anderson (James R.) & Shillito (Daniel J.) - The Mirror Test" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Garavaso (Pieranna) - Psychological Continuity: A Discussion of Marc Slors’ Account, Traumatic Experience, and the Significance of our Relations to Others" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gazzaniga (Michael S.) - The split-brain - Rooting consciousness in biology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gendler (Tamar Szabo) - Imaginary Exceptions: On the Powers and Limits of Thought Experiment" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Gennaro (Rocco) - Animals, consciousness, and I-thoughts" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gibson (Margaret) & Carden (Clarissa) - Living and Dying in a Virtual World: Digital Kinships, Nostalgia, and Mourning in Second Life" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Gillett (Grant) - You Always Were a Bastard" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gilmore (Cody) - Persistence and Location in Relativistic Spacetime" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gilmore (Cody) - The metaphysics of mortals: death, immortality, and personal time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Glasgow (Joshua) & Woodward (Jonathan M.) - Basic Racial Realism" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Glock (Hans Johann) - Agency, Intelligence and Reasons in Animals" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Godman (Marion), Mallozzi (Antonella) & Papineau (David) - Essential Properties Are Super-Explanatory: Taming Metaphysical Modality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gold (Natalie) & Kyratsous (Michalis) - Self and identity in borderline personality disorder - Agency and mental time travel" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Goldschmidt (Tyron) - Existence Puzzles and Probabilistic Explanations" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Goodman (Lenn E.) - Darwin’s Heresy" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gould (Stephen Jay) & Eldredge (Niles) - Punctuated equilibria: the tempo and mode of evolution reconsidered" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Graziani (Ernesto) - Presentism and Causal Processes" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Graziano (Michael) - The first smile" (Read, 1.25 hours)
- "Greif (Adam) - The Morality of Euthanasia" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gustafsson (Johan E.) - Is Psychology What Matters in Survival?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Gustafsson (Johan E.) - Non-branching personal persistence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Hacking (Ian) - Making Up People" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Haikonen (Pentti O.A.) - Reflections of Consciousness - The Mirror Test" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Harden (Kathryn Paige) - The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality" (Read, 7.25 hours)
- "Harrelson (Kevin J.) - Narrative Identity and Diachronic Self-Knowledge" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Hasker (William) - How Not To Be A Reductivist" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Hasker (William) - Materialism and the Resurrection - Are the Prospects Improving" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Hasker (William) - The Case for Emergent Dualism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Heersmink (Richard) - Distributed selves - personal identity and extended memory systems" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Heil (John), Ed. - Philosophy of Mind: A Guide and Anthology" (Write, 1.5 hours)
- "Hershenov (David) - Protecting Persons from Animal Bites: the Case for the Ontological Significance of Persons" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Hodson (Sommer) - A Hybrid View of Personal Identity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Hoover (Richard B.) - Fossils of Cyanobacteria in CI1 Carbonaceous Meteorites: Implications to Life on Comets, Europa, and Enceladus" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Howell (Robert J.) - Extended Virtues and the Boundaries of Persons" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Ikaheimo (Heikki), Etc., Eds. - Personhood: Workshop Papers Of The Conference ‘Dimensions Of Personhood’" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Ingthorsson (Rognvaldur) - Can Things Endure in Tenseless Time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Ingthorsson (Rognvaldur) - Do we really experience temporal passage" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Ingthorsson (Rognvaldur) - Time, Persistence, and Causality Towards a Dynamic View of Temporal Reality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Jamieson (Dale) - What do animals think" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Jeeves (Malcolm A.) - How Free is Free - Reflections on the Neuropsychology of Thought and Action" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Jeeves (Malcolm A.) - Neuroscience, Evolutionary Psychology and the Image of God" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Johnston (Angie M.), Huang (Yiyun) & Santos (Laurie R.) - Dogs do not demonstrate a human-like bias to defer to communicative cues" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Journal of Cosmology - Fossils of Cyanobacteria in CI1 Carbonaceous Meteorites: Commentaries" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Jurjako (Marko) - Agency and Reductionism about the Self" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - Can you believe it - Illusionism about consciousness and the illusion meta-problem" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - Conscious Experiences as Ultimate Seemings: Renewing the Phenomenal Concept Strategy" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - Does the explanatory gap rest on a fallacy?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - How a materialist can deny that the United States is probably conscious – response to Schwitzgebel" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - How rich is the illusion of consciousness?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - Is the Antipathetic Fallacy responsible for the intuition that consciousness is distinct from the physical?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - The illusion of conscious experience" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kammerer (Francois) - The meta-problem of consciousness and the evidential approach" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Karkov (Catherine) - Post 'Anglo-Saxon' Melancholia" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Keles (Serap) - Personal identity and persistence over time : the hybrid view with regard to hylomorphism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Khalifa (Kareem) & Lauer (Richard) - Do the Social Sciences Vindicate Race’s Reality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Koene (Randal) & Deca (Diana) - Whole Brain Emulation seeks to Implement a Mind and its General Intelligence through System Identification" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Kofoed-Ottesen (Mathias) - Really Good Lives (in the machine)? An onto-epistemological argument against Nozick’s Experience Machine" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Koons (Robert C.) - Functionalism without physicalism: Outline of an emergentist program" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Lloyd (Peter) - Is the Mind Physical? Dissecting Conscious Brain Tissue" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Low (Philip) - The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Lumsden (David) - Narrative construction of the self" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Lurz (Robert) - The philosophy of animal minds: an introduction" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Magnusson (Erik) - Children’s rights and the non-identity problem" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Manzotti (Riccardo) & Moderato (Paolo) - Is Neuroscience Adequate As The Forthcoming “Mindscience”?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Markosian (Ned) - Review of Questions of Time and Tense by Robin Le Poidevin" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Markosian (Ned) - Sorensen's Argument against Vague Objects" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "McAninch (Andrew), Goodrich (Grant) & Allen (Colin) - Animal communication and neo-expressivism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Mcpherson (Lionel K.) - Deflating ‘Race’" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Meyer (Ulrich) - Review - Yuval Dolev - Time and Realism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Meyer (Ulrich) - The Presentist's Dilemma" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Miller (Kristie) - The cresting wave: a new moving spotlight theory" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Mitias (Lara M.) - Memory, reality and the value of the past" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Monti (Niccolo) - How Can Identity Matter in Survival?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Moore (Adrian W.) - Is the quest for immortality worse than death?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Moreland (J.P.) - Restoring the Soul to Christianity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Morell (Virginia) - Asian Elephants Are Social Networkers" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Murphy (Nancey) - Scientific Perspectives on Christian Anthropology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Nagel (Jennifer) - Aeon - Video - The development of mindreading" (Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Nasmith (Benjamin B.) - Relativity as Support for Presentism: A Modest Evidential Argument" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Nefdt (Ryan) - On the plurality of times: disunified time and the A-series" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Nelson (Sky E.) - Retroactive Event Determination and Its Relativistic Roots" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "O’Brien (Gerard) & Opie (Jonathan) - A connectionist theory of phenomenal experience" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Oakes (M. Gregory) - The Reality of Non-Present Times" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "O'Hear (Anthony) - Evolution as a Religion: Mary Midgley’s Hopes and Fears" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Olsen (Ryan A.) - Time's Span: On Now and its Privileged Neighbors" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Orilia (Francesco) - The Moral Desirability of Presentism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Orilia (Francesco) - Two metaphysical perspectives on the duration of the present" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Over (D.E.) - Is There a Temporal Slippery Slope Paradox?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Overgaard (Morten) - Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Consciousness" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Paoletti (Michele Paolini) & Orilia (Francesco) - Downward Causation: an Opinionated Introduction" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Parsons (Josh) - A-Theory for B-Theorists" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Parsons (Josh) - A-Theory for Tense Logicians" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Parsons (Josh) - Theories of Persistence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Parsons (Terence) - Are There Nonexistent Objects" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Parsons (Terence) - The Methodology of Nonexistence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Pashby (Thomas) - Taking Times Out: Tense Logic as a Theory of Time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Peacocke (Arthur) - Emergence, Mind, and Divine Action: The Hierarchy of the Sciences in Relation to the Human Mind–Brain–Body" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Pereboom (Derek) - Robust Nonreductive Materialism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Peters (Frederic) - Theories of Consciousness as Reflexivity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Pettit (Philip) - My Three Selves" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Piekarski (Michal) - The Problem of the Question About Animal Ethics - Discussion with Mark Coeckelbergh and David Gunkel" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Pinker (Steven) - The Evolutionary Psychology of Religion" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Plotnik (Joshua M.), De Waal (Frans) & Reiss (Diana) - Self-recognition in an Asian elephant" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Poland (Jeffrey) - Materialism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Poulston (George) - Can We Defend the Notion of The Present" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Prior (Helmut), Etc. - Mirror-Induced Behavior in the Magpie (Pica pica): Evidence of Self-Recognition" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Proust (Joelle) - The representational basis of brute metacognition: a proposal" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Proust (Joelle) - Thinking of oneself as the same" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Pummer (Theron) - Does Division Multiply Desert?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Pummer (Theron) - The Worseness of Nonexistence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Purves (Duncan) - Desire satisfaction, death, and time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Rambaran-Olm (Mary) - Misnaming the Medieval: Rejecting 'Anglo-Saxon' Studies" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Rau (Philipp) - The Author, Not the Tale: Memory, Narrative, and the Self" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Read (James) & Qureshi-Hurst (Emily) - Getting tense about relativity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Reiss (Diana) & Marino (Lori) - Mirror self-recognition in the bottlenose dolphin: A case of cognitive convergence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Rescorla (Michael) - Chrysippus’ dog as a case study in non-linguistic cognition" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Rhoda (Alan) - The Fivefold Openness of the Future" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Richmond (Alasdair) - Immortality and Doomsday" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Robinson (Howard) - Materialism in the Philosophy of Mind" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Robinson (Zack ), Maley (Corey J.) & Piccinini (Gualtiero) - Is Consciousness a Spandrel?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Rodriguez-Pereyra (Gonzalo) - Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing? A Probabilistic Answer Examined" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Roelofs (Luke) - Could a Person Persist as a Pair of Persons" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Romero (Gustavo E.) - On the ontology of spacetime" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Romero (Gustavo E.) - Present time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Roncoroni (Giuseppe) - Is The Will An Illusion?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Rudd (Anthony) - Narrative, Expression and Mental Substance" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Rumfitt (Ian) - Infinitesimals, Nations, and Persons" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Russell (Stuart) - The Reith Lectures 2021: Living With Artificial Intelligence" (Write, 1.75 hours)
- "Sacks (Oliver) - The Abyss: Music and amnesia" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Saidel (Eric) - Attributing mental representations to animals" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sattig (Thomas) - Identity in 4D" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sattig (Thomas) - Temporal Parts and Complex Predicates" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Savitt (Steven) - Chronogeometrical Determinism and the Local Present" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Schechtman (Marya) - Stories, Lives, and Basic Survival: A Refinement and Defense of the Narrative View" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Scheffler (Samuel) - Aging as a Normative Phenomenon" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Schleidt (Wolfgang M.) & Shalter (Michael D.) - Co-evolution of Humans and Canids: An Alternative View of Dog Domestication: Homo Homini Lupus?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Schroer (Robert) - Reductionism in Personal Identity and the Phenomenological Sense of Being a Temporally Extended Self" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Shabasson (Daniel) - Illusionism about Phenomenal Consciousness: Explaining the Illusion" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Shakespeare (Tom) - We are all frail" (Read / Write, 1.5 hours)
- "Shalkowski (Scott A.) - Essence and Being" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Shoemaker (Sydney) - Persistence and Properties" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sider (Ted) - Asymmetric Personal Identity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Simmons (Aaron) - Do Embryos Have Interests? Why Embryos Are Identical to Future Persons but Not Harmed by Death" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Simons (Peter) - Modes of Extension: Comments on Kit Fine’s ‘In Defence of Three-Dimensionalism’" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Slors (Marc) - The Closest Continuer View Revisited" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sober (Elliott) - Absence of Evidence and Evidence of Absence: Evidential Transitivity in Connection with Fossils, Fishing, Fine-Tuning, and Firing Squads" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Sober (Elliott) - Parsimony and models of animal minds" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Steward (Helen) - Substances, Agents and Processes" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Stokes (Patrick) - Are there dead persons" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Stokes (Patrick) - Crossing the Bridge: The First-Person and Time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Stokes (Patrick) - Ghosts in the Machine: Do the Dead Live on in Facebook?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Stokes (Patrick) - Locke, Kierkegaard and the Phenomenology of Personal Identity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Stokes (Patrick) - Will it be me? Identity, concern and perspective" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Strathern (Paul) - Descartes in 90 Minutes" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Streiffer (Robert) & Killoren (David) - Animal confinement and use" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Strong (Carson) - Preembryo Personhood - An Assessment of the President’s Council Arguments" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Stuckey (Mark), Silberstein (Michael) & Cifone (Michael) - Reversing The Arrow Of Explanation In The Relational Blockworld: Why Temporal Becoming, The Dynamical Brain And The External World Are All In The Mind" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Subiaul (Francys) - What’s Special about Human Imitation? A Comparison with Enculturated Apes" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Swinburne (Richard) - Nature and immortality of the Soul" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Tetzlaff (Michael) & Rey (George) - Systematicity and intentional realism in honeybee navigation" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Animal Rights" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Animalism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Animals" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Artifacts" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Baker" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Biological View" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Bodily Continuity" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Body" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Brain" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Brain Death" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Brains in Vats" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Causality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Chapter 01 (Introduction)" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Closest Continuer" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Commissurotomy" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Computers" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Consciousness" (Write, 4.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Constitution" (Write, 1.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Contingent Identity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Convention" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Death" (Write, 2.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Descartes" (Write, 4 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Dicephalus" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Disembodied Existence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Dualism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Embryo" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Endurantism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Essentialism" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Evolution" (Write, 3 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Exdurantism" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Existence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Fiction" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - First-Person Perspective" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Forensic Property" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Free Will" (Write, 2.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Functionalism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - General Surveys" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - I" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Individual" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Information" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Intelligence" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Kinds" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Language of Thought" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Life" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Life After Death" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Locke" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Logic of Identity" (Write, 4.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Memory" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Mereology" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Metaphysics" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Mind" (Write, 1.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Modality" (Write, 2 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Narrative Identity" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Natural Kinds" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Naturalism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Near Death Experiences" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Ontology" (Write, 5.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Origins" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Parfit" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Perdurantism" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Persistence" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Person" (Write, 2.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Personality" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Physicalism" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Pregnancy" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Probability" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Problem of the Many" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Properties" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Psychological View" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Psychopathology" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Race" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Reductionism" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Religion" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Resurrection" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Self" (Write, 8.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Simple View" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Sleep" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Sorites" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Souls" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Substance" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Thisness (Haecceity)" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Thought Experiments" (Write, 1 hour)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Time" (Write, 6 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Time Travel" (Write, 1.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Transhumanism" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Vagueness" (Write, 2.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - What Are We?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Wiggins" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Wittgenstein" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Zombies" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Todman (Theo) - Thesis - Zygote" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Torek (Paul Volkening) - Something To Look Forward To: Personal Identity, Prudence, and Ethics" (Write, 0.5 hours)
- "Torrengo (Giuliano) - Propositions and the Metaphysics of Time" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Torrengo (Giuliano) - Relative Truth and The Metaphysics of Tense" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Torrengo (Giuliano) & Iaquinto (Samuele) - The Invisible Thin Red Line" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Torriani (Tristan Guillermo) - Perspectivism and Intersubjective Criteria for Personal Identity: A Defense of Bernard Williams’ Criterion of Bodily Continuity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Trakas (Marina) - Personal Memories" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Vallverdu (Jordi) & Talanov (Max) - On Importance of Life and Death for Artificial Intelligent Creatures" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "van Lommel (Pim), Etc. - Near-death Experience in Survivors of Cardiac arrest: a prospective study in the Netherlands" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Veber (Michael) - What’s It Like to Be a BIV? A Dialogue" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Vettori (Iacopo) - Commentary About Derek Parfit’s book 'Reasons and Persons - Part Three - Personal identity'" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- "Weber (Marc Andree) - Baker's First-person Perspectives: They Are Not What They Seem" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Williams (Anthony Marc) - Why Survival Is Enough" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Williams (J. Robbie G.) - Working Parts: Reply to Mellor" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wilson (Jessica) - Non-reductive Physicalism and Degrees of Freedom" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Woods (Evan Thomas) - The Problems of the Many" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Worrall (Simon) - Did Dog-Human Alliance Drive Out the Neanderthals?" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wrigley (Anthony) - Review of Baker - The Metaphysics of Everyday Life" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Wuthrich (Christian) - No presentism in quantum gravity" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Zahavi (Dan) - Consciousness and minimal selfhood: Getting clearer on for-me-ness and mineness" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Zahavi (Dan) - The experiential self: objections and clarification" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- "Zimmerman (Dean) - Dualism in the Philosophy of Mind" (Write, 0.25 hours)
- Thesis - Research Repositioning
Project 2: Thesis Background (Total Hours = 91)
- Thesis Background - Reading / Writing (Total Hours = 33.5)
- Thesis Background - Books Admin (Total Hours = 55)
- Thesis Background - Status
Project 3: Thesis (Aeon) (Total Hours = 26.25)
- "Aeon - Video - The Rashomon effect" (Write, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Devji - Against Muslim unity (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Gonzalez-Crussi - Shaggy and strong, or shorn and sharp? Hair’s evolving symbolism (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Mallette - How 12th-century Genoese merchants invented the idea of risk (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Pigliucci - Musonius Rufus: Roman Stoic, and avant-garde feminist? (Comments; Read / Write, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Vernon - What is love? (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Moths in slow motion (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Planktonium (Comments; Read, 0.5 hours)
- Aeon: Video - The impossible map (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Video - The power of diverse thinking (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- Aeon: Video - The Vinland Mystery (Comments; Read, 1 hour)
- Aeon: Video - Vertigo AI (Comments; Read, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Video - When Vikings lived in North America (Comments; Read / Write, 0.75 hours)
- Aeon: Video - Why do I study physics? (Comments; Read, 0.25 hours)
- "Hains (Brigid) & Hains (Paul) - Aeon: 2019+" (Comments; Write, 18.25 hours)
Project 4: Website9 (Total Hours = 52)
- Website - Bridge Maintenance
- Website - Development (Total Hours = 7.75)
- Website - Generator - Bible Reading Status Reporting (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Compact / Repair 2Gb problem (0.75 hours)
- Website - Generator - Enable easy access to PDFs off-line, but suppress on-line: Improvements re missing data (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Enhance comparative Ling database (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Fix Year-End roll-over issues (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Improve documentation on PID Note, Book & Paper Usage10 (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Review & Enhance Xref Methodology (0.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - Set up comparative Ling database: Data Entry (2.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - Thesis Reading Pages Functor: Improvements re missing data (0.5 hours)
- Website - Generator - WebRefs - 'Translated OK' (1.25 hours)
→ See "Software Development - Website - Development" (7.75 hours)
- Website - Education
- Website - Infrastructure (Total Hours = 15.25)
- Website - Maintenance (Total Hours = 25.75)
- 21Q3 Status Reports (2.25 hours)
- Website - Generator - WebRefs - Manual / Automatic URL Checks & Fixes (18.25 hours)
- Website - Periodic Full Regeneration (3.75 hours)
- Website - Run Web Spider (1.5 hours)
Project 5: Website Others (Total Hours = 14.25)
- Website Others - Enigma Ensemble
- Website Others - Mayflower DBC Maintenance
- Website Others - Mountnessing DBC Maintenance
Project 6: Religion11 (Total Hours = 67)
- Below is a table showing the progress on my project to read the OT, LXX & NT in the original Hebrew and Greek.
OT_NT_LXX | Total Verses | Start Date | Days Elapsed | Verses Read | Verses / Day | Verses to Read | Completion Aim | Estimated Completion Date | Last Verse Read |
OT | 23,142 | 15/05/2021 | 235 | 2,086 | 8.9 | 21,056 | 31/03/2028 | 01/07/2028 | Exodus 21:11 |
LXX | 27,266 | 14/05/2021 | 236 | 3,623 | 15.4 | 23,643 | 31/03/2026 | 22/03/2026 | Numbers 1:46 |
NT | 7,958 | 26/04/2021 | 254 | 3,931 | 15.5 | 4,027 | 30/09/2022 | 20/09/2022 | Acts 5:16 |
- "Asad ( Muhammad), Qur'an - The Message of the Quran: The Full Account of the Revealed Arabic Text Accompanied by Parallel Transliteration" (Read, 2 hours)
- "Cohen (A.), Ed. - The Soncino Chumash" (Read, 21 hours)
- "Gilbert (Gary) - Acts of the Apostles – Introduction and Annotations" (Read, 0.25 hours)
- "Lanier (Gregory R.) & Ros (William A.) - Septuaginta: A Reader's Edition - Volume 1" (Read, 18 hours)
- "Metzger (Bruce) - The Greek New Testament" (Read, 15.5 hours)
- "Omar (Abdul Mannan), Qur'an - The Dictionary of the Holy Quran: Arabic Words - English Meanings" (Read, 0.75 hours)
- "Qara'I (Ali Quli), Qur'an - The Qur'an: With a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation" (Read, 0.5 hours)
- "Qur'an - Easy Quran: Arabic Text With Word For Word English Translation" (Write, 1.75 hours)
- "Reinhartz (Adele) - John – Introduction and Annotations" (Read, 0.75 hours)
- "Stavrakopoulou (Francesca) - God: An Anatomy" (Read, 6.5 hours)
Project 7: Religion Background (Total Hours = 8.5)
- Religion Background - Admin
- Religion Background - Discussions (Total Hours = 7.5)
Project 8: Music12 (Total Hours = 30.5)
- Music - Administration (Total Hours = 5)
- Music - Oboe (Total Hours = 25.5)
- Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano - 1st Movt (Allegro e no presto) (0.25 hours)
- Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano - 2nd Movt (Adagio) (0.25 hours)
- Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano - 3rd Movt (Allegro) (0.25 hours)
→ See "Albinoni (Tomaso) - Concerto in D Minor Op. 9/2 for Oboe & Piano" (0.75 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 28 (0.5 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 49 (0.5 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 62 (0.5 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 66 (0.25 hours)
- Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe: No. 70 (0.25 hours)
→ See "Bach (J.S.) - 105 Difficult Passages from the Works of J. S. Bach. For oboe" (2 hours)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 1st Movt (Introduzione: Larghetto) (0.25 hours)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 2nd Movt (Allegro) (0.25 hours)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 3rd Movt (Siciliana) (0.25 hours)
- Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor - 4th Movt (Allegro giusto) (0.25 hours)
→ See "Cimarosa (Domenico) - Oboe Concerto in C minor" (1 hour)
- "Friedrichsen (J.M.) - Grandfather's Duets: Book 1 (for 2 oboes / recorders in C)" (2.5 hours)
- Miller (Vojislav) & Liebermann (Winfried), Eds. - Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions (Orchester Probespiel) - Oboe - G8 (0.25 hours)
→ See "Miller (Vojislav) & Liebermann (Winfried), Eds. - Test Pieces for Orchestral Auditions (Orchester Probespiel) - Oboe" (0.25 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Answer the Question' (0.25 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Dop Dop Doobah' (0.25 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Enlightenment' (0.25 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'Jauntless Jig' (0.25 hours)
- Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe - 'May The Fourth Be With You' (0.25 hours)
→ See "Mower (Mike) - The Good Tempered Oboe" (1.25 hours)
- Nicholas (Morgan): Rhapsody for Oboe and Piano (0.25 hours)
→ See "Practice - Oboe - General Practice" (0.25 hours)
- Nielsen (Carl) - Two Fantasy Pieces, Op. 2 for Oboe and Piano: Humoresque (0.25 hours)
- Nielsen (Carl) - Two Fantasy Pieces, Op. 2 for Oboe and Piano: Romanze (0.25 hours)
→ See "Nielsen (Carl) - Two Fantasy Pieces, Op. 2" (0.5 hours)
- Oboe - Enigma Ensemble (4.25 hours)
- Oboe - Enigma Ensemble - Practice (7.5 hours)
- Oboe - Enigma Ensemble: Travel, Lunch, Interaction (3 hours)
→ See "Practice - Oboe - Enigma Ensemble - Playing & Practice" (14.75 hours)
- Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano - 1st Movement (0.25 hours)
- Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano - 2nd Movement (0.25 hours)
- Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano - 3rd Movement (1.75 hours)
→ See "Saint-Saens (Camille) - Sonata Op.166 in D Major for Oboe & Piano" (2.25 hours)
Project 9: Languages13 (Total Hours = 71)
- Languages - Admin
- Languages - All (Total Hours = 1)
- Languages - Arabic (Total Hours = 4.25)
- Languages - Armenian (Total Hours = 3.25)
- Languages - Chinese
- Languages - Danish
- Languages - Dutch
- Languages - Egyptian
- Languages - French
- Languages - German
- Languages - Greek (Modern)
- Languages - Hebrew (Modern)
- Languages - Hindi (Total Hours = 2)
- Languages - Italian
- Languages - Japanese (Total Hours = 5.75)
- Languages - Korean
- Languages - Persian (Total Hours = 1.5)
- Languages - Portuguese
- Languages - Russian
- Languages - Spanish
- Languages - Swahili
- Languages - Swedish
- Languages - Syriac
- Languages - Thai
- Languages - Turkish
- Languages - Urdu (Total Hours = 2.75)
Project 10: Consciousness14 (Total Hours = 0.75) Project 11: Bridge15 (Total Hours = 138.25)
- Bridge - Reading / Writing
- Bridge - Admin (Total Hours = 29.5)
- Bridge - Play (Total Hours = 58)
- Bridge - Mayflower (David Tennet) (29 hours)
- Bridge - Mountnessing (David Tennet) (29 hours)
→ See "Admin - Bridge - Playing" (58 hours)
- Bridge - Study (Total Hours = 45.75)
- Bridge - Session Reviews (David Tennet) (27 hours)
- Bridge - Systems Review (5-Card + Strong NT) (18.75 hours)
→ See "Admin - Bridge - Study" (45.75 hours)
Project 12: Chess16 (Total Hours = 0.75)
- Chess - Reading / Writing
- Chess - Admin (Total Hours = 0.5)
- 21Q3 Status Reports (0.25 hours)
- Chess - Discussions with Ian (0.25 hours)
→ See "Chess - Admin" (0.5 hours)
Project 13: Mathematics17 (Total Hours = 6.25)
- Mathematics - Reading / Writing (Total Hours = 5.75)
- Mathematics - Admin
Project 14: HiQ18 (Total Hours = 1)
Live Version of this Archived Note
Table of 12 Earlier Versions of this Note (of 42)
Table of the 10 Later Versions of this Note
This version updated |
Reference for this Topic |
Parent Topic |
03/01/2022 23:58:34 |
975 (Status: Summary Task List (2021: October - December)) |
Status: Summary (2024 - June) |
Summary of Notes Links from this Page
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Summary of Note Links to this Page
To access information, click on one of the links in the table above (if any).
Text Colour Conventions
- Blue: Text by me; © Theo Todman, 2024