Theo Todman's Notes

Blog Notes Jump Table

Note-Group Purpose: My “Blog” is pretty much what you might expect and covers items of interest to me not related to my main research topics. I don’t spend much time on it, and it goes into hibernation for long periods. This table allows you to see the topics in a non-time-sequential format, though the context may be thereby a bit obscure. The full blog is here.

Click here for the explanation of the colouration in the table below.

Aher Bach's Greatest Hits Biblical Archaeology Carthusians - Fools For God Carthusians - Fr. Bernard
Carthusians - Hugh Christianity as a Closed System Circumspection Coldplay - The Hardest Part Consolation of Religion
Covid-19 and Belfast Pastors: Part 1 Covid-19 and Belfast Pastors: Part 2 Coxes Farm Coxes Farm (Gardens) Coxes Farm (Pre-Repairs)
Coxes Farm (Repairs) Creationist Bananas Darwinian Altruism Ensuring People Believe Evolution - Problems
Evolution and Purpose Face-to-face Discussion Faith Gordon Haiti and the Problem of Evil
Happiness and Suffering Hartnett, Carmeli and a Young Earth Henry Holy Spirit. Human Uniqueness
Hunter-Gathering Psychology Islam Islam 2 Jack and Sheila James Le Fanu
Jamie Bulger's Killers Jonathan Harrison Justification of Religious Belief Kraus - Beam Me Up Life Worth Living
Living Words Loretto Chapel Mad, Bad or God? MegaWoosh Mike & Sylvia (29/12/2010)
Never Let Me Go Observing God Personal Identity and Moral Action Problems with the Christian Worldview Psychology
Reasons for Belief Religion as State-Control Religious Supermarket Resurrection Resurrection (Metaphysics)
Resurrection of Christ Revelation Simon Spain Stephen Fry on Natural Evil
Supernaturalism Supernaturalist versus Naturalist World Views Sylvia The Church as Guardian of the Truth The Great Plan of God
The Holy Spirit The Incarnation The Singularity Thinking God's Thoughts After Him Tiahuanaco
Torchwood Tottering Towers & Listing Buildings Tractatus Reprise Triplet Parapsychology Unmerited Suffering & Hominid Evolution
Unmerited Suffering & Hominid Evolution - Response Virgin Birth Weak Supernaturalism Why still a Christian?  

To access information, click on one of the links in the table above (if any).

See the list below for concatenated versions of all my Notes, broken down by category. The concatenation is now - on account of size - restricted to a list of properties rather than the full text. Where the list item is noted as "out of date by n days", this indicates that at least one of the associated Notes has been updated since the concatenation was undertaken, and that the earliest of these instances was n days ago:-

  1. Animadversions (Out of Date by 6 days)
  2. Birkbeck Supervisions
  3. Blog
  4. Control Pages
  5. Essays
  6. Personal Identity (Out of Date by 6 days)
  7. Status Reports (Out of Date by 7 days)
  8. Website Documentation (Out of Date by 7 days)
  9. Write-ups

Note Qualities: for an explanation of the colouration in the table above, see the table below! "Note Quality" is a new feature, is somewhat experimental, and subject to checking and refinement.

None Specified  
High Quality Note quality relates both to its intrinsic – albeit subjective – quality, and to its completeness and / or length. I’ll try to refine this over time. Also, as I only have 3 levels, it is relative. It is supposed to tell the reader whether it’s worth clicking and reading, and to remind me of work yet to be done! So, “High Quality” Notes are the best I’ve got – usually long and complete and – hopefully – worth reading. 
High Quality - PDF As above, but currently existing only as pdfs, awaiting conversion to Note format. As this is a laborious task, it’s work in progress. Most of these pdfs were produced during my undergraduate days in 2000 – 2003. 
Medium Quality “Medium Quality” Notes are usually those on which I’ve made significant progress but are still incomplete – being either still work in progress, or Notes that I got stuck on or bored with. Occasionally they are complete but short. 
Medium Quality - PDF As above, but currently existing only as pdfs, awaiting conversion to Note format. These were produced during my undergraduate days in 2000 – 2003, and were left incomplete because I ran out of time, or got bored or stuck. 
Low Quality “Low Quality” Notes are usually just place-holders, or Notes I’ve just started. 
Low Quality - PDF As above, but in pdf form. There shouldn't be any! 
Plug Note - With Reading List These may be quite extensive – particularly if they have worked-out reading lists – but usually contain the disclaimer: “A number of my philosophical Notes are “promissory notes” currently only listing the books and papers (if any) I possess on the topic concerned. I’ve decided to add some text – whether by way of motivation, or something more substantive – for all these identified topics related to my Thesis. As I want to do this fairly quickly, the text may be confused or show surprising ignorance. The reader (if such exists) will have to bear with me, and display the principle of charity while this footnote exists.” 
Plug Note - Reading List TBA As above, but the reading list is yet to be supplied. 

© Theo Todman, June 2007 - Sept 2024. Please address any comments on this page to File output:
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