The Newsletter of the Philosophical Discussion Group
Of British Mensa

Index of Articles (Author Sequence)


Index of Articles (Title Sequence)

The following issues of Commensal are available on-line in HTML format :-

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  1. Commensal 106 (April 2001) *** Note - PDF File only - HTML version available shortly ***
  2. Commensal 105 (February 2001)
  3. Commensal 104 (December 2000)
  4. Commensal 103 (October 2000)
  5. Commensal 102 (August 2000)
  6. Commensal 101 (April 2000)
  7. Commensal 100 (March 2000)
  8. Commensal 99 (January 2000)
  9. Commensal 98 (September 1999)
  10. Commensal 97 (June 1999)
  11. Commensal 96 (April 1999)
  12. Commensal 95 (February 1999)
  13. Commensal 94 (November 1998)
  14. Commensal 93 (July 1998)
  15. Commensal 92 (May 1998)
  16. Commensal 91 (March 1998)
  17. Commensal 90 (January 1998)
  18. Commensal 89 (November 1997)
  19. Commensal 84 (February 1997)

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The following issues of Commensal (other than their Tables of Contents and an occasional article or two) are NOT yet available on-line in HTML format, but, like the above issues, can be downloaded in MS Word 97 format from the PDGList Website :-

  1. Commensal 88 (September 1997)
  2. Commensal 87 (July 1997)
  3. Commensal 86 (May 1997)
  4. Commensal 85 (March 1997)

If the titles of any articles in the above issues appeal to you, please email me with a request to expedite their conversion to HTML.

All issues of Commensal advertised on this site are available for download in PDF format.

(Former) Editor

Mensa Logo Mensa Logo Theo Todman.

E-Mail :

Subscriptions : the SIG is open to members of British Mensa, though members of Mensa International may also be able to join by contacting Sara Paine or Bobby Raikhy of British Mensa. Members of British Mensa may choose PDG as one of their two free SIGs. Otherwise, membership is £5 in the UK, £7.50 elsewhere. "Free SIG" membership requests may be sent via email, giving your name, postal address and Mensa membership number, claiming PDG as one of your two free SIGs. For "paying" members, cheques (made payable to British Mensa Limited), along with the above identifying information, should be sent to the Editor.

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The opinions expressed in these Newsletters may or may not be the opinions of the individual authors, the Editor, the readers or anyone else. They are not the opinions of Mensa which, in this context, has no opinions.

Copyright : is held by the authors and permission must be obtained from them, via the Editor, before use of any of their material in any form. All material herein © the various named authors, 1997 - 2001.

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